Re[2]: Theos-World Paul Johnson about HPB: "I can show her lying"
Mar 13, 2006 09:33 PM
by Vladimir
Monday, March 13, 2006, 11:10:47 PM, Jerry wrote:
> As I read it, Paul is basically saying that by concealing the truth, HPB
> is, in one interpretation of the word, "lying." Even as HPB warns
> above: "ask no questions and you will receive no lies."
This is a rather enviable flexibility of mind. With such an
interpretation virtually everyone, and definitely every Master and
every teacher of any sophisticated subject, becomes a liar. Not to
mention Paul himself -- he still conceals contents of his own books
despite numerous pleadings to reveal them here...
> So when (as Paul documents elsewhere) HPB gives four contradictory
> accounts of Morya, one can say she is concealing the truth, purposely
> misleading the inquirer away from the truth of the matter, giving
> disinformation, or you can say that she is lying. Phrase it anyway you
> like, but Paul is backing up his point by quoting HPB herself.
I am still waiting for a proof of existence of this backing up here.
So far I've seen only a faint glimpse of a mess of derivatives from
fiction and non-fiction penned by HPB, which Paul oozed into some of
his posts.
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