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RE: Theos-World Re: My membership application with Adyar TS

Feb 22, 2006 12:22 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

2/22/2006 12:04 PM

Dear K:

It ought to be clear by now to all of us what was done in the THEOSOPHICAL


an attempt to steer members of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY  into "the
playground of sensation," (for the last 110 years)  rather than the adult
disciplines of self-culture and of true BASIC / INDIVIDUAL SPIRITUAL

In my esteem there are (in THEOSOPHY)   NO    "ELEMENTARY BOOK [ Key]  FOR

I say this because most of us have not yet resolved (or grasped) either the
difference or the relationship between the MORAL and the PHYSICAL -- both
are CAUSAL -- planes of being and action in our Universe.

The effect of our desires on the "life-atoms" is all important.

They are an essential component in the Universe and their alterations in
character under the impact of the desire/will of man/mind is to be fully
grasped if any aspect of esotericism / occultism is to be learned.

This theme has been stated time and again, and it appears that it almost
never grasped.

The relations given in the tables and explanations of the SECRET DOCTRINE [
pp.  I  157 and II  596 ]  need to be applied at every stage. 

These need to be studied in the light of the information given [ S D   I
569 - 575 ].  Our problem at present, it seems t me, largely revolves about
our understanding of the 3 FUNDAMENTALS  [ S D   I  14 - 19 ] .  There are
no short-cuts.  The human Monad IS IMMORTAL 

One writes:  "Key to Theosophy" is very elementary book for the beginners.
Does it 
need the study group? Everyone should better to study it for himself.
Moreover, such study groups often became a factories for manufacturing
dogmatically thinking people. Such was probably their line of thought."

To this I would add that the vale of group study enhances the capacity to
accelerate joint understanding. It does NOT create  dogmas for the very
reason you suggest:  Man's mind is FREE to do its own self-impelled and
self-guided development; which then, may be compared WITH THE THOUGHTS AND

We need to set in mind the primal ideas of the 3 metaphysical fundamentals,
and then, see their applications as ramifications throughout Nature.

Nature is ever SYNTHETIC and not analytical alone. These two processes
always work together. Man's mind is capable of handling both together.  [
Read and try to grasp what PATANJALI teaches in his YOGA-SUTRAS. And what
HPB provides us with in her "The VOICE OF THE SILENCE ." ]

Best wishes, 


	PS   	Looking over the last 2 weeks exchanges: 

If CWL wrote "Si - Fi fiction" for childrenm (or to amuse fanciful and
pleasure-seeking minds), we now rerognze, true occutism and esotericism is
of far sterner stuff.  

That is what THEOSOPHY deals with.

I  wonder if you noticed, as I have that THEOSOPHY teaches:

1	The spiritual unity of all beings makes a single Universe and all
Nature -- in effect it is DEITY.  We are a part of IT and IT is a part of

These two aspects of Nature we may designate:  SPIRIT, and MATERIAL FORMS.  

These are no doubt at polar opposites, seemingly, yet, they are forever

	The third aspect of the Universe is MIND -- it is mid-way between
FORMS of matter, and is able therefore, to balance and observe in them their
many kinds of interactions. 

The mind evolves plans of action and development, and these, to be fair to
all, have to be "lawful."  [  We can demonstrate this to ourselves by
choosing any example, and carrying out its sequence of interaction mentally
to a satisfactory joint conclusion that unites and does away with annoying,
shocking or  adverse "differences." ]

Both the spiritual Unit and the material Unit are immortal entities (says
THEOSOPHY ) and in universal symbology they are represented by the marriage
of SPIRIT and MATTER.  Of these two are born a "son":  the MIND -- and this
is able by observation and reflection to develop wisdom -- or a knowledge of
LAW and LAWS. 

We may say of Spirit that it is the "Ideal."  Of Matter, we may say it
provides all the vast diversity of forms in which "Spirit" lives and acts.
Mind, the 3rd aspect of the Universe, provides the laws of cooperation and
interaction, so that the  many diverse forms can co-exist. [ Anyone who has
studied a little of mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering, biology,
music, poetry or astronomy will recognize that these living areas and
sciences could not have any value if they did not detect and define the LAWS
already established there by Nature / the Universe / or, DEITY -- of which
we are a part. ] 

Possibly, the reason we so readily accept the idea of "chaos" is we do not
fully see the many links we are part of in time and space -- of how "causes"
(or our and others' choices) lead to "exact results" and effects that work
for or against us. The difference between "good" and "bad," while sensed, is
not clear.  To connect the two is often impossible for us. 

I find THEOSOPHY, as a philosophy and a science, clears this up by declaring
that any choice or action that does not take others (and their well being)
into account is selfish and usually "bad."  For this reason it declares that
our motives and reactions to situations ought to be impersonal and
impartial, thus we cease from being personally "selfish," and do "good." 

2	The Universe supports the whole of living Nature by accurate and
responsive laws.  These provide for on-going cooperation and living, and are
equal for all (because we are immortals -- this is a UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD
!) as an ideal concept.  

There is no "chaos" in that.  Science, in its investigations, finds LAW and
LAWS everywhere.  The Universe, and we, cannot live without them.  It
declares that the basic "atoms" are eternally in motion and alive -- hence,
to them, the forever interacting of "life-atoms" (monads) is intelligent,
essential to on-going life, and meaningful.

3	The purpose of the Universe and Nature (says THEOSOPHY) is to
gradually educate all its intelligent components -- to understand these
concepts and practise them.  We as humans -- as mind beings -- are in the
middle of this process. 

This may seem extraordinary, because it is so vast and all-inclusive.  But
when we consider that every such component (monad) is co-existent with all
the rest,  and each is as indestructible and as ancient as the whole; we are
dealing not only with ourselves (as Monads that have reached the mental
stage of evolution) but with all the rest of those intelligent monads that
compose the mineral, vegetable, animal, human and super-human divisions of

Many who are interested in THEOSOPHY may have not yet read through The KEY
TO THEOSOPHY and noted how this unified philosophy explains this, and every
other aspect of living. Hence, the concept of chaos prevails -- even when
observation and logic show that cannot be true.  

How could any of us live for an instant if "chaos" truly prevailed?  Since
we are alive and remember our past, there is at least a law of continuity.
And where does that come from?  What can we do with a knowledge of it? 

Such a consideration leads to the teachings of:

1	Soul immortality,

2	reincarnation,

3	perfectibility of all Monads and humans, [equal opporunity], 

4	there are Wise And Sagacious Men who remain with mankind as their
Teachers, for all there is 

5	A GOAL that some have designated: The SUPREME PERFECTION of WISDOM. 

6	These ideas and facts lead to an understanding of Karma -- the
universal and passionless Law
of moral compensation, 

7	and,  the suggestion that we can always, carefully examine our
motives before putting our decisions into action.  

No one in their right mind would invite for themselves future suffering and
pain -- so why give those any basis for existence by making selfish choices?

It ought to be clear by now to all of us what was done AFTER HPB DIED :  --
an attept to steer members of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY  into "the playround
of sensation," ( for the last 110 years)  rather than the disciplines of
self-culture and of true BASIC / SPIRITUAL enahcement. 


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