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Feb 20, 2006 05:38 PM
by leonmaurer
You said it right Bill. Sorry I didn't see this until after I wrote my very polite letter putting Carlos on the peer review stand. :-) Len P.S. My mailbox still has over 120 unread along with some randomly read letters that I have to put aside as unread until I get to them. As it is, since I got out of the hospital, I spend more than 10 hours a day at the computer trying to catch up. But the letters keep piling up at about 30 per day. No telling when I'll get through the pile. </X-)> In a message dated 2/17/06 12:31:09 PM, meredith_bill@earthlink.net writes: > > carlosaveline cardoso aveline wrote: > > Dear Bill, > > > > My apologies. > > > > Sorry, I don't have the time to read you commentaries carefully right now. > > > > Busy day. > >�� > > Sorry you did not have time to read my commentaries carefully before > responding yet again from a position of ignorance. > > > But, do you really� think Paul Johnson has "Revealed the Masters"? > > > > Revealed their personal identities??? Understood something of� their > > teachings? > >�� > In a word, yes.� When you read the book, you may understand the context > in which my answer is given, but as one who judges a book by its cover, > and offers a condemnation of said book based solely on the title, you > are not one with whom I see much hope for meaningful discussions. > > According to the Esoteric Philosophy, it takes an Adept to > > fully understand Adepts.� And those who undertand anything serious sbout > > them, do NOT "reveal". Have heard about Secrets of Initiation? > >�� > > Tao Te King:� "Those who talk, don't know; those who know, don't talk". > >�� > > > I can only ask you to look back over the past few weeks and take note of > how much "talking" you have done� on theos-talk.� You came here with an > agenda to undermine Daniel Caldwell and you have been using Caldwell's > tactics to achieve your goal.� The implication that you somehow know > more about the esoteric philosophy and what it really means is > flapdoodle.�� Paul Johnson and others whom you might call naive have > studied and� synthesized more science, religion and philosophy than you > even imagine.�� The constant theme of your� relentless "talking" is > evidence that you have not even studied your Self/self enough to > recognize that� you are a self-centered mass of relationships, > attachments, and addictions.� You behave in the manner we have come to > expect from Caldwell.� The two of you are peas from the same pod.� > Meditate on that. > > > peace, > > > bill > [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]