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Re: Theos-World Re: UPADYA versus UPADHYAYA & Narjol versus naljor

Feb 12, 2006 09:43 AM
by M. Sufilight


Maybe "naljor" and other words refers to their use in a special region of Tibet or a historical time in Tibet when these words were pronounced differently...?
Could it be the truth ?

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- From: "christinaleestemaker" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 4:00 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: UPADYA versus UPADHYAYA & Narjol versus naljor

Sorry, I see.....
I missed the language to put it into English, by now:

In Tibetan language  Yogi( acetic) = r nal-h byor, from which the
first r and h are not pronounced.
So it would be logical to call nalbyor in stead of naljor, but as
sound language it will be right.
Otherwise in books were made,  a lot of misprints.
Upadhya is a shortening of Upadhyaya = teacher.

for the ones don't know yet Upadhi  is the basic of the flame, which
never can be reached in bodylife.
Upasika which HPB is called means disciple

greetings and excuses Christina.L

--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@...> wrote:
OK, I tried, and can ALMOST understand much of it, but the
abbreviations killed me.


christinaleestemaker wrote:

> in Tibetaans r nal-h byor, waarvan de eerste r en h niet worden
> uitgesproken.dit woord betekent yogi, asceet.Dus phoenetisch is
> nalyor  logisch en kan het andere wel eens een drukfout zijn, wat
> niet de eerste zal zijn.In deze lectuur barst het van de
> Maar het gaat er om dat de betekenis goed overkomt.
> Upadya is gewoon een afkorting van Upadhyaya= leraar.
> christina.
> --- In, "danielhcaldwell"
> <danielhcaldwell@> wrote:
>>UPADYA versus UPADHYAYA & Narjol versus naljor:
>>Mistakes in THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE????
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