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HPB Declared Innocent

Feb 07, 2006 07:07 AM
by carlosaveline cardoso aveline

Dear Paul,

If the SPR revised and abandoned all its charges against HPB, this is tantamount to declare her inocent.

Anyone is innocent if all previous charges have been declared false by the very accusers.

Thus, in that sense, HPB was vindicated once century later.

Thanks a lot for your well-meaning contribution, Carlos Cardoso Aveline

From: "kpauljohnson" <>
Subject: Theos-World Re: ERRATA re THE JUDGE CASE
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 16:07:31 -0000

--- In, "carlosaveline cardoso aveline"
<carlosaveline@...> wrote:
> Friends,
> Of course, the SPR declared HPB innocent in
> 1986, not 1886, as I  wrongly typed in the
> message below.
> Apologies,  Carlos.

A further correction would be needed to make this accurate.  After
Vernon Harrison's article on the SPR report came out, Adyar hastened
to claim that it was "vindication" of HPB.  Such was said in the
American Theosophist by Dora Kunz and IIRC in the Theosophist by
Radha.  Not thinking this was correct, I asked Harrison whether he
considered such a claim justified.  This was at the second
Theosophical history conference where we both were present in the
1980s.  He said very definitely no, that it simply established that
Hodgson's case was unproven.

And examination of the study finds that it focuses not on HPB's
innocence or guilt on the various charges of fraud made by Hodgson,
but almost entirely on the handwriting issues of his argument on
forgery case.  So even if Harrison thought he had vindicated HPB
rather than undermined Hodgson's case against her, he limits the
scope of his inquiry to the forgery questions.

Finally, even if Harrison believed his article had vindicated HPB and
said so, and it was published in the SPR journal, this would not mean
that the SPR *as a body* had declared HPB innocent.  One editor
expressed regret for Hodgson's report, though.



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