i'm starting to think Anand is leadbeater reincarnated. poor, poor him!!
what a bad karma a pedophile and a liar may have...
poor Anand..
--- In theos-talk@yahoogroups.com, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
When it comes to straightening out the truth or puching holes in
as HPB would agree, "manners and etiquettes" are for mealy mouthed
I understand why you avoid replying with reasonable counter
arguments to
anyone who disagrees with you by stating irrefutable facts that
counteract your
overly repeated false and sly questions and propaganda like
It's a fact that in spite of such assertions, the TS was founded by
HPB under
sanction of the Masters, and that Besant and Leadbeater grabbed
control after
her death, distorted the ancient teachings, and attempted to make an
organized religion out of it with themselves as its High Priests.
Since you have no facts to base your belief in Leadbeater's veracity
motives or Besant's loyalty to the Masters on, all you can do is
criticize the
methods of writing of anyone who disagrees with you and isn't afraid
to call a
spade a spade without mincing words... As if such an ad hominem
response by you
makes all your unfounded assertions correct.
That's simply a cop out... And, after listening to all your implied
denigration's of Blavatsky and the Masters over the past several
months, I stand by the
facts presented in my comments. Enough is enough. It's a shame that
newcomers to theosophy who come to this forum to learn the truth as
directly by the Masters themselves through the medium of HPB are
bombarded with the
pseudo theosophy of late coming usurpers like AB, CWL and their new
proselytizers desiring to assume their roles.
However, none of this is to say that Leadbeater wasn't a knowledgeable
occultist, and except for a number of distortions, that his writings
worthwhile reading for those interested in the subject. From my
point of view, such
study allows one to make comparisons with many other occultists'
including those of Blavatsky Digging out and analyzing where he
goes wrong and
violates fundamental principles, can teach one a great deal.
Leon Maurer
In a message dated 12/18/05 4:38:48 AM, AnandGholap@A... writes:
> Leon,
> If you don't agree with me, I don't mind. You are free to believe or
> not to believe in any leader or philosophy. But your language is
> generally so fanatic and without consideration of manners and
> etiquettes that I would rather hesitate to discuss philosophical
> issues with you. There are few other individuals who have same
> fanatic language pattern, so I simply ignore their messages. If
> anybody wants me to discuss with him, he will have to first write in
> the language of gentleman, otherwise get ignored.
> Anand Gholap
> --- In theos-talk@yahoogroups.com, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> >
> > Anand, who are you kidding? Why don't you get real and stop
this endless
> > proselytizing of pseudo theosophy and its late coming teachers who
> > captured the original Theosophical Society with their conjured up
> messianic
> > religion and false Christ?
> >
> > It's too bad you apparently have never studied the fundamental
> theosophical
> > teachings -- both contemporary with HPB and the Masters, or its
> earlier
> > teachers from Porphyry and Plotinus on and Hermes, Pythagorus,
Plato, etc.
> >before them -- in sufficient depth to recognize the gross
distortians made
> to
> > the occultbasis of these teachings by Annie Besant, Charles W.
> > and Alice Bailey... Apparently, to justify their own personal
> beliefs
> > as well as their personal desires for organizational power,
pomp and
> ceremony.
> >
> > Ancient "Divine Wisdom," or "Theosophy" as it is called today,
has been
> > around since long before C. W. Leadbeater came on the scene, andwas
> > "gifted" to the contemporary world by H. P. Blavatsky when she,
as the
> direct
> > agent of the "Masters" of Wisdom, initiated and founded the
> > Society in 1875, wrote "Isis Unveiled," and later, "The Secret
> (based
> > on the "Book of Dzyan") and "Voice of the Silence" (both
excerpted from
> the
> > original "Divine Wisdom" of the ancient "Book of the Golden
> >
> > So, it sounds like you are blowing your horn for a bigoted
distorter of
> that
> > "Divine Wisdom" who -- in spite of the denials by the Masters
and the
> directly
> > opposed, anti organized religion teachings of H.P.B. (the real
founder of
> the
> > Theosophical Society) -- turned it into a personalized God led,
> > religion (Liberal Catholic Church) that would satisfy the Christian
> majority of
> > T.S. members and their non member counterparts only, or convert
all other
> blind
> > believers in a personal God, into such a hierarchically ruled,
> > religion as the LCC ... Much like the Christianized version of
> > described by Alice Bailey -- that would, ultimately, when in
power as a
> "New
> > World Order" government, either convert all others to their
version of
> slavish,
> > messianic ruled Christianity, or physically enforce their
> oriented laws
> > under penalty of both pre and after death retribution.
> >
> > Such a condition should be anathema to all true theosophists,
whom, like
> > Blavatsky and the "American Founders" would believe in a pure
> > society based on individual liberty, equality and brotherhood --
> > separate from any organized religion and its blind, authoritatively
> enforced
> > beliefs that might try to enforce brotherhood by edict rather than
> brotherhood
> > by individual choice based on a true understanding of the eternal
> verities.
> >
> > In this light, C. W. Leadbeater, who gifted us nothing more than
a twisted
> > pseudo theosophy that countermanded the fundamental and universal
> > teachings of all the real "Masters of Wisdom" and their direct
> could be
> > considered as a "Satan" rather than a "Santa Clause." </:-[>
> >
> > Leonardo
> >
> >
> > In a message dated 12/17/05 5:31:49 AM, AnandGholap@A... writes:
> >
> >
> > > How does it sound
> > > "C.W. Leadbeater, a Santa Claus who gifted Divine Wisdom to
the world"
> > >
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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