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Theos-World Re: Forget HPB & her writing, consider Besant as founder & move on

Dec 19, 2005 03:29 AM
by Anand Gholap

Dear Jerry,
> it is not about Besant and Leadbeater, it is also not about 
> While TSA does publish books by Blavatsky, Besant and Leadbeater, 
> of their books are by more current authors on other subjects--such 
> Buddhism, mysticism, mythology, Feng Shui etc. What I am saying 
is that 
> TSA does not promote Blavatsky any more than Besant and 
Leadbeater. And 
> they promote books on many other subjects besides. 

To me this does not appear right way of doing Theosophical work. 
There are many other organizations already doing work of spreading 
Feng Shui etc. TS had many good occultists like AB, CWL and others 
in that tradition. TSA and TS should focus on spreading writing done 
by these authors because this knowledge is not available at other 
places. Also TS has some special philosophy to offer and that 
writing is available because of clairvoyant investigations done by 
occultists in TS. Quality of that is much better than writing 
outside, in my opinion. 

> They achieved their objectives. That is, to centralize power and 
> minimize autonomy. Traditionally, Theosophy was promulgated 
> independent lodges where members gathered and studied, and 
discussed the 
> teachings in Theosophical books. Through restructuring, most of 
> Lodges have disappeared and members have to rely upon their own 
> resources, or join the "National Lodge" which becomes the sole 

This situation would make sick any honest member of TS. 
Unfortunately decline of Theosophy has happened not only in America, 
but also in Europe and many other countries. Indeed situation is 
very bad. Membership is very low, those who are members have 
negligible knowledge of Theosophy and have become fanatic. This 
fundamentalism is driving away people from TS and Theosophy. This 
failure of TS in last two decades is effect and every effect has 
some cause behind it. So it is important to know causes of this 
failure of TS.

Anand Gholap

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