Spiritual Inquiries: 2. The Physical and the Spiritual Atom (Part 1 of 2)
Nov 11, 2005 10:19 PM
by saidevo
We move on from vibration of particles to the atom.
Knowing the atom is important because, the kind of miracles known
as materialization and dematerialization are done by yogis and
occultists using atoms.
There are two forms of the atom: physical and spiritual. While we
know that the physical atom as the ultimate building block of this
physical world, many of us are not aware of the spiritual atom that
creates matter in the higher spiritual worlds.
Is there matter on the higher planes of nature? How is it created?
Who creates them? Let us explore...
What if we can see the air we inhale and exhale during breathing?
We can then see the air molecules rushing in a stream out of our
nostrils (much like the puffs of smoke breathed out by smokers).
These molecules would collide, change direction, aggregate into
shapes that vibrate and rotate, travel away from us, before they
finally shed their shapes and merge with their source.
When we inhale, we would suck in some of the shapes created when we
breathed out. These shapes will dissolve inside us.
It would be fun, watching the air we breathe in and out. It would
then be a matter of using our mind to train the breathing and get
the shapes we want!
This means that we are able to aggregate molecules and create
shapes. Just by breathing. These shapes are, of course, not stable.
More stable are the smoke rings that an experienced smoker emits
when he puffs out smoke. We have seen these rings raise in the air,
wobble, move away, and finally get lost.
The smoker uses his mind (and perhaps will power) to control and
create a shape out of the white smoke he breathes out. He can make
the shapes persist for a longer time, but has no control over their
So we know that using our mind, we can create shapes, aggregating
matter, and make them persist, albeit for short times.
A child creates soap bubbles, colorful, dazzling, and more stable
than the smoke rings. It is a world of fun and delight for the child
-- observing, pursuing and breaking up the soap bubbles.
These are some examples of creating shapes by thought, using our
physical sense organs to aggregate physical matter. We may or may
not be able to see the shapes we create, but that does not in any
way diminish our ability to create shapes by thought.
These examples illustrate the link between a thought and its
materialization. What is not possible for ordinary human beings is
the contemplated dematerialization of the shapes created using
thoughts. Destruction of physical shapes created by thought is done
using physical means.
Evidences of the great Truths are strewn all around us. In things
and events that pass by our everyday life. If only we care to look
around and think over...
The Atom, the Anu and the ParamAnu
Even today, Science says that the atom is the fundamental building
block of physical matter.
Science, of course, talks about sub-atomic particles. But the term
sub-atomic indicates that Science considers these particles to be
part of an atom, with no independent roles in building matter.
In 1808, John Dalton, an English schoolmaster, postulated a theory
known as Dalton's Atomic Theory. According to this theory:
• An atom is the fundamental, indivisible and uncreatable particle
of all matter.
• Compound substances are formed by the aggregation of atoms.
• Atoms are solid, uniform in properties, and homogeneous.
This theory had to be abandoned by the end of the 19th century, when
the electron was discovered.
The discovery of electrons disproved the concept that the atom was
indivisible. The electron comes out of the atom, so it must be a
sub-atomic particle. Later discoveries led to two more sub-atomic
particles: the proton, and the neutron.
The atomic model established by these discoveries has a nucleus,
comprising protons and neutrons which have identical masses, and
electrons, which are of negligible mass, moving in orbits around the
nucleus. The protons and electrons have identical, opposite charges.
The neutrons have no charge.
Electrons in orbit around a nucleus. As above, so below. The
Hermetic axiom. An endless, fractal-like repetition of creation, up
to the tiniest atom.
Like the kolam designs on the floor that the Hindu women draw with
flour -- digital, elaborate, repetitive, and identical on all sides.
The Hermetic axiom inheres in the Hindu psyche...
Further experiments led to the discovery of quarks inside the
protons and neutrons. The nucleus of the current atomic model has
three quarks inside a proton, and three inside a neutron.
Hindu Scriptures --and Theosophy-- talk about Anu and the ParamAnu
as the building blocks of matter in all the seven planes of nature.
This Anu is not the same as the scientific atom.
To break the suspense...
The Anu is a sub-atomic particle inside a quark!
Each quark has three numbers of Anu.
This amazing discovery was made by the theosophists Annie Besant and
C.W. Leadbeater, who set out to verify the knowledge revealed in
Hindu Scriptures, using the yogic techniques of Patanjali, and the
anima siddhi they acquired thereby.
Annie Besant and Leadbeater discovered that the proton and neutron,
considered indivisible by the then existing theories of Science,
housed three particles each. They called them triads or triplets.
Science later named them quarks, when their existence was
scientifically verified, after 70 years.
Annie Besant and Leadbeater further discovered that the triads were
not indivisible, but contained three numbers of Anu each. They also
postulated that the Anu was the final, indivisible form of physical
They examined most of the elements for the structure of their atoms
and published their findings in a book. This book, titled Occult
Chemistry, was published by the Theosophical Publishing House,
Adyar, Chennai, and Wheaton, IL, USA, in 1908. The Occult Chemistry
work engaged these two people for nearly 40 years.
Science took 70 years to confirm the existence of quarks, after they
were theosophically discovered in 1908. Science is yet to find out
the Anu.
The Anu is thus the Ultimate Physical Atom (UPA) of the physical
world and is indivisible. Any attempt to divide it will result in
the Anu vanishing completely from the physical world!
The ParamAnu is the ultimate building particle of all the planes of
nature and the universe. It is the ultimate spiritual atom.
Surprisingly, it is just a bubble of emptiness floating on the
primordial matter, the Mulaprakruti, known as Koilon in Theosophy
and Occult Chemistry. The rough equivalent of this primordial matter
is the ether of Science.
The Anu (UPA), the ultimate unit of physical matter, consists of
nearly 14 million bubbles (ParamAnu)! These bubbles are arranged
inside the Anu in spirillae running up in coils.
Unwinding these coils would look like "an enormous circle of tiniest
imaginable dots lying like pearls upon an invisible string."
(Essentials of Occult Chemistry and Modern Science, by H.J.Arnikar).
As we noted above, the Anu is indivisible. If we divide it, the Anu
will vanish from the Physical plane and break up into the
fundamental particles of the Astral plane.
Science is yet to find the Anu, but it currently has a theory: The
Theory of Superstrings, which holds that quarks are tiny strings
with a characteristic length of 10-35 meters.
We started this topic with creating shapes out of breath.
Not without reason.
It was the divine breath that created the bubbles in Koilon, the
Mulaprakruti. This divine breath appeared as waves and drove these
bubbles into shapes and formed the different units of matter for
each of the seven planes of nature.
There will be a time when the divine breath will suck in the shapes
it has created. Pralaya. End of the world. End of the Universe. And
then another cycle. A new Brahma. Creation would start again...
We humans can make our breathing more and more divine, which would
improve our physical and spiritual well-being. Hindu yogis say that
if we carefully listen to our deep breathing, we can hear the sound
soham, so on inhaling and ham on exhaling. This term soham means
'I am That'...
How did the scientists and the occultists obtain so much information
about the invisible atom? We shall discuss it in the next topic.
"We must beware of falling into the fatally common error of
supposing that what we see is all there is to see."
-- Charles Webster Leadbeater
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