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RE: Original theosophy vs "MODERN THEOSOPHY"

Oct 16, 2005 05:59 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

10/16/2005 5:20 PM

RE: "Original Theosophy" vs "MODERN THEOSOPHY" 

Dear ZD:

Let me again be clear.

As I understand it, THEOSOPHY is a statement of Laws in Nature. 

If whatever is written does not strictly adhere to that definition ( I also
count my own writing and expressions to be only attempts at expressing this
explanation) then it is not accurate THEOSOPHY -- as its great exponents
would write or say it.

If true, then time, beginnings and endings, location, claims of usage,
etc... have no real meaning, as THEOSOPHY is indeed universal and as ancient
as the ABSOLUTE -- timeless.  

It cannot be "property," unless by property we mean an inherent quality and
character of veracity and moral rectitude in expression. As FACT, it is not
an object of "Lower Manasic" argument. 

I used the terms "ORIGINAL THEOSOPHY" to distinguish the original writings
of HPB and WQJ from later editions over which they exercised no control. I
mean editions made after their physical death where later editors made
UNMARKED changes in the original text and reprinted their editions as though
those were identical to the "originals." [ I. E.: the 1893, 2nd edition of
the first 2 volumes of the SECRET DOCTRINE.] 

I can give historical data in regard to most editions involved in the scope
of the presentation of THEOSOPHY since the time of HPB, the "Masters

Yes -- the use of the word THEOSOPHY has been said to be traced back about
2,500 years to Pythagoras -- as the first known user of the Greek term.
Prior to that, undoubtedly THEOSOPHY has been expressed in other languages.

One can read it (THEOSOPHY), as HPB shows, in the BHAGAVAD GITA  
(c. 5,000 years old), and in the Vedas, and other very ancient scripts,
symbols and records.

I hope this is now clear as to what I meant.

-----Original Message-----
From: Zakk 
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 12:15 PM
Subject: Original theosophy

>>DTB I am indeed puzzled by this -- how can it be answered, unless one

>>ZD Original theosophy can be said to date back millions of years. Long
one presentation of theosophy in recent years. Many individuals presented
theosophy (divine wisdom) over many time periods. There exists a
difference between original material presented by an individual (s) of
theosophical matters and original theosophy itself. Original theosophy
is still in the process of being reveal and discovered. It has not ended.
To state it a little differently, original divine wisdom is still in the
process of being revealed and discovered.>>


>DTB By ORIGINAL THEOSOPHY I mean the unedited writings of HPB and W Q J
In other words I refer to the present era THEOSOPHY as they offered it.

I fully understand that THEOSOPHY is antique and is to that extent a
statement of Laws and of History.>


If one states "this is Original Theosophy" or "Original Theosophy states",
or any other mention of Original Theosophy in reference to the material
HPB presented without making the distinction that it is meant as an
unedited writing of HPB, then would not one be misleading and falsifying?
>From what I have read in some correspondences, this form of misleading
and falsifying has been attributed to Daniel Caldwell in his recent book.
It had been commented that documents / material had not the proper 
stated in the presenting of them. Is not stating "Original theosophy", 
the proper qualifiers, referencing the exact same issue?
Below is material presented from The Key To Theosophy. As it can be seen,
the present era of offered Theosophy also includes material produced in
1855 & 1856 & 1697 as well, prior to HPB. There are many other examples
not stated here, but this shows that Original Theosophy did not begin in
the late 1800's and other material was presented in that era as well as that
of HPB. The presenting of theosophical literature or knowledges did not end
in the late 1800's either. Not all would considered the 19th century the
present era.

The Key To Theosophy :


ENQUIRER. Your doctrines, then, are not a revival of Buddhism, nor are they 
entirely copied from the Neo-Platonic Theosophy?
THEOSOPHIST. They are not. But to these questions I cannot give you a better

answer than by quoting from a paper read on "Theosophy" by Dr. J. D. Buck, 

before the last Theosophical Convention, at Chicago, America (April, 1889). 
No living theosophist has better expressed and understood the real essence 
of Theosophy

than our honoured friend Dr. Buck: -- 
"The Theosophical Society was organized for the purpose of promulgating the 
Theosophical doctrines, and for the promotion of the Theosophic life. The 

Theosophical Society is not the first of its kind. I have a volume entitled:

'Theosophical Transactions of the Philadelphian Society,' published in 
London in 1697; and

another with the following title: 'Introduction to Theosophy, or the Science

of the Mystery of Christ; that is, of Deity, Nature, and Creature, embracing

the philosophy of

all the working powers of life, magical and spiritual, and forming a 
practical guide to the sublimest purity, sanctity, and evangelical 
perfection; also to the attainment of

divine vision, and the holy angelic arts, potencies, and other prerogatives 
of the regeneration,' published in London in 1855. The following is the 
dedication of this volume:

"'To the students of Universities, Colleges, and schools of Christendom: To 
Professors of Metaphysical, Mechanical, and Natural Science in all its 
forms: To men and

women of Education generally, of fundamental orthodox faith: To Deists, 
Arians, Unitarians, Swedenborgians, and other defective and ungrounded 
creeds, rationalists,

and sceptics of every kind: To just-minded and enlightened Mohammedans, 
Jews, and oriental Patriarch-religionists: but especially to the gospel 
minister and missionary,

whether to the barbaric or intellectual peoples, this introduction to 
Theosophy, or the science of the ground and mystery of all things, is most 
humbly and affectionately

"In the following year (1856) another volume was issued, royal octavo, of 
600 pages, diamond type, of 'Theosophical Miscellanies.' Of the last-named 
work 500 copies

only were issued, for gratuitous distribution to Libraries and Universities.

These earlier movements, of which there were many, originated within the 
Church, with persons

of great piety and earnestness, and of unblemished character; and all of 
these writings were in orthodox form, using the Christian expressions, and, 
like the writings of the

eminent Churchman William Law, would only be distinguished by the ordinary 
reader for their great earnestness and piety. These were one and all but 
attempts to derive

and explain the deeper meanings and original import of the Christian 
Scriptures, and to illustrate and unfold the Theosophic life. These works 
were soon forgotten, and are

now generally unknown. They sought to reform the clergy and revive genuine 
piety, and were never welcomed. That one word, "Heresy," was sufficient to 
bury them in

the limbo of all such Utopias. At the time of the Reformation John Reuchlin 
made a similar attempt with the same result, though he was the intimate and 
trusted friend of

Luther. Orthodoxy never desired to be informed and enlightened. These 
reformers were informed, as was Paul by Festus, that too much learning had 
made them mad,

and that it would be dangerous to go farther. Passing by the verbiage, which

was partly a matter of habit and education with these writers, and partly 
due to religious

restraint through secular power, and coming to the core of the matter, these

writings were Theosophical in the strictest sense, and pertain solely to 
man's knowledge of

his own nature and the higher life of the soul. The present Theosophical 
movement has sometimes been declared to be an attempt to convert Christendom

to Buddhism,

which means simply that the word 'Heresy' has lost its terrors and 
relinquished its power. Individuals in every age have more or less clearly 
apprehended the

Theosophical doctrines and wrought them into the fabric of their lives. 
These doctrines belong exclusively to no religion, and are confined to no 
society or time. They are

the birthright of every human soul. Such a thing as orthodoxy must be 
wrought out by each individual according to his nature and his needs, and 
according to his varying

experience. This may explain why those who have imagined Theosophy to be a 
new religion have hunted in vain for its creed and its ritual. Its creed is 
Loyalty to Truth,

and its ritual 'To honour every truth by use.'

Note : The material presented by HPB is seen as an important and
monumental work. It is the referencing of it as original theosophy
that is seen as the issue. It is not an accurate referencing. Would
not one who desires to see and speak truth also desire to see and
speak accurately? Would not one who desires to present truth
also desire to present as accurately as one is able?

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