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Re: Theos-World Introduction

Aug 11, 2005 06:00 PM
by Ryan Rocheleau


It's not that I don't respect animal life, but the
alternative is to take iron supplements, and while I
take multivitamins... I don't want to have to start
guessing how much iron I need etc.

Also, alot of the vegans I know don't look that
healthy, but I know that's a generalisation.

The other thing too is that as much as you don't want
to harm life around you, it's inevitable to some
extent. I mean most vegans will swat flies, or think
nothing of killing a wasp or cockroach in their homes,
and at the cellular level, one's body is constantly
killing bacteria, and other pathogens.

Don't get me wrong, I don't eat alot of meat- it's
mainly a side for me, but I would have a hard time
excluding it from my life entirely.


--- Bart Lidofsky <> wrote:

> Ryan Rocheleau wrote:
> > Well, there is actually... It sounds trite, but
> I'm
> > wondering if it compulsory to be a vegetarian?
> If you are asking if this is true in Theosophy, let
> me point out that 
> H. P. Blavatsky was NOT a vegetarian. Many
> theosophists encourage it, 
> but, as we are not Mahatmas, we have to balance the
> karma we create for 
> ourselves.
> Now, membership in the Esoteric Section requires
> that one be a 
> vegetarian, but that organization lost its relevance
> (but, 
> unfortunately, not its influence) decades ago.
> Bart
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