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Jul 27, 2005 08:06 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

July 27 2005


Dear Mark and Friends:

What about "dark matter," and "black holes?"

In the SECRET DOCTRINE I 632 - 5 we find:

"But what say the Occult Sciences to this, and what do they add? 

They say that what is called collectively Monads by Leibnitz—roughly viewed,
and leaving every subdivision out of calculation, for the present †—maybe
separated into three distinct Hosts, which, counted from the highest planes,

firstly, "gods," or conscious, spiritual Egos; the intelligent architects,
who work after the plan in the Divine Mind. 

Then come the Elementals, or Monads, who form collectively and unconsciously
the grand Universal Mirrors of everything connected with their respective

Lastly, the atoms, or material molecules, which are informed in their turn
by their apperceptive monads, just as every cell in a human body is so
informed. (See the closing pages of Book I.) There are shoals of such
informed atoms which, in their turn, inform the molecules; an infinitude of
monads, or Elementals proper, 

and countless spiritual Forces—Monadless, for they are pure
incorporealities, ‡ except under certain laws, when they assume a form—not
necessarily human. 

Whence the substance that clothes them—the apparent organism they evolve
around their centres? The Formless ("Arupa") Radiations, existing in the
harmony of Universal Will, and being what we term the collective or the
aggregate of Cosmic Will on the plane of the subjective Universe, unite
together an infinitude of monads—each the mirror of its own Universe—and
thus individualize for the time being an independent mind, omniscient and
universal; and by the same process of magnetic aggregation they create for
themselves objective, visible bodies, out of the interstellar atoms. 

For atoms and Monads, associated or dissociated, simple or complex, are,
from the moment of the first differentiation, but the principles, corporeal,
psychic and Spiritual, of the "Gods,"— themselves the Radiations of
primordial nature. Thus, to the eye of the Seer, the higher Planetary Powers
appear under two aspects: the subjective—as influences, and the objective—
as mystic FORMS, which, under Karmic law, become a Presence, Spirit and
Matter being One, as repeatedly stated. Spirit is matter on the seventh
plane; matter is Spirit — on the lowest point of its cyclic activity; and
both—are MAYA. 

Atoms are called "Vibrations" in Occultism; also "Sound"—collectively. This
does not interfere with Mr. Tyndall's scientific discovery. He traced, on
the lower rung of the ladder of monadic being, the whole course of the
atmospheric vibrations—and this constitutes the objective part of the
process in nature. He has traced and recorded the rapidity of their motion
and transmission; the force of their impact; their setting up vibrations in
the tympanum and their transmission of these to the stolithes, etc., etc.,
till the vibration of the auditory nerve commences—and a new phenomenon now
takes place: the subjective side of the process or the sensation of Sound.
Does he perceive or see it? No; for his speciality is to discover the
behaviour of matter. But why should not a psychic see it, a spiritual seer,
whose inner Eye is opened, and who can see through the veil of matter? 

The waves and undulations of Science are all produced by atoms propelling
their molecules into activity from within. Atoms fill the immensity of
Space, and by their continuous vibration are that MOTION which keeps the
wheels of Life perpetually going. 

It is that inner work that produces the natural phenomena called the
correlation of Forces. Only, at the origin of every such "force," there
stands the conscious guiding noumenon thereof—Angel or God, Spirit or
Demon—ruling powers, yet the same. 

As described by Seers—those who can see the motion of the interstellar
shoals, and follow them in their evolution clairvoyantly—they are dazzling,
like specks of virgin snow in radiant sunlight. Their velocity is swifter
than thought, quicker than any mortal physical eye could follow, and, as
well as can be judged from the tremendous rapidity of their course, the
motion is circular. . . . . Standing on an open plain, on a mountain summit
especially, and gazing into the vast vault above and the spacial infinitudes
around, the whole atmosphere seems ablaze with them, the air soaked through
with these dazzling coruscations. At times, the intensity of their motion
produces flashes like the Northern lights during the Aurora Borealis. The
sight is so marvellous, that, as the Seer gazes into this inner world, and
feels the scintillating points shoot past him, he is filled with awe at the
thought of other, still greater mysteries, that lie beyond, and within, this
radiant ocean. . . . . 

However imperfect and incomplete this explanation on "Gods, Monads and
Atoms," it is hoped that some students and theosophists, at least, will feel
that there may be indeed a close relation between materialistic Science, and
Occultism, which is the complement and missing soul of the former. 
S D I 632 -5

As the UNIVERSE is ONE, a condition of its causal and forceful embodiment in
forms of matter is occasional and cyclical.  

Karma rules this both as a whole, and in the infinite "parts" needed to
effect progress.

The Universe in its organism is infinitely sensitive and so delicately
balanced that the least component is considered and related to the
cooperative inter-action of every other.  

For this reason the term UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD is selected to represent the
idea of and eternal relationship of "SPIRIT" between not only the WHOLE but
of "the SPIRITUAL SPARK" in each "part" (of 'matter') therein.

The SECRET DOCTRINE explains this in detail in the 1st volume as a continual
movement from ideal to the imperfection of any one unit ("soul"). Yet the
paradoxical statement is held out as Patanjali says:

"	Ishwara" is the Spirit in the body. 

24. Ishwara is a spirit, untouched by troubles, works, fruits of works, or
25. In Ishwara becomes infinite that omniscience which in man exists but as
a germ. 
26. Ishwara is the preceptor of all, even of the earliest of created beings,
for He is not limited by time.
27. His name is OM. 

28. The repetition of this name should be made with reflection upon its
OM is the first letter of the Sanscrit alphabet. It's utterance involves
three sounds, those of long au, short u, and the "stoppage" or labial
consonant m. To this tripartiteness is attached deep mystical symbolic
meaning. It denotes, as distinct yet in union, Brahma, Vishnu, and Siva, or
Creation, Preservation, and Destruction. As a whole, it implies "the
Universe." In its application to man, au refers to the spark of Divine
Spirit that is in humanity; u, to the body through which the Spirit
manifests itself; and m, to the death of the body, or its resolvement to its
material elements. With regard to the cycles affecting any planetary system,
it implies the Spirit, represented by aum as the basis of the manifested
worlds; the body or manifested matter, represented by u, through which the
spirit works; and represented by m, "the stoppage or return of sound to its
source," the Pralaya or Dissolution of the worlds. In practical occultism,
through this word reference is made to Sound, or Vibration, in all its
properties and effects, this being one of the greatest powers of nature. In
the use of this word as a practice, by means of the lungs and throat, a
distinct effect is produced upon the human body. In Aphorism 28 the name is
used in its highest sense, which will necessarily include all the lower. All
utterance of the word OM, as a practice, has a potential reference to the
conscious separation of the soul from the body. " Patanjali, pp. 10-12

”20. The soul is the Perceiver; is assuredly vision itself pure and simple;
unmodified; and looks directly upon ideas. 

21. For the sake of the soul alone, the Universe exists. 

The commentator adds: "Nature in energizing does not do so with a view to
any purpose of her own, but with the design, as it were, expressed in the
words 'let me bring about the soul's experience.'" 

22. Although the Universe in its objective state has ceased to be, in
respect to that man who has attained to the perfection of spiritual
cultivation, it has not ceased in respect to all others, because it is
common to others besides him. 

23. The conjuncture of the soul with the organ of thought, and thus with
nature, is the cause of its apprehension of the actual condition of the
nature of the Universe and of the soul itself. 

24. The cause of this conjuncture is what is to be quitted, and that cause
is ignorance. 

25. The quitting consists in the ceasing of the conjuncture, upon which
ignorance disappears, and this is the Isolation of the soul. 

That which is meant in this and in the preceding two aphorisms is that the
conjuncture of soul and body, through repeated reincarnations, is due to its
absence of discriminative knowledge of the nature of the soul and its
environment, and when this discriminative knowledge has been attained, the
conjuncture, which was due to the absence of discrimination, ceases of its
own accord. 

26. The means of quitting the state of bondage to matter is perfect
discriminative knowledge, continuously maintained. 

The import of this—among other things—is that the man who has attained to
the perfection of spiritual cultivation maintains his consciousness, alike
while in the body, at the moment of quitting it, and when he has passed into
higher spheres; and likewise when returning continues it unbroken while
quitting higher spheres, when re-entering his body, and in resuming action
on the material plane. " Patanjali pp. 26 -28

I hope this is of help as it brings in the question of consciousness and
development of intelligence, as a universal educational program that
includes every "life-atom."  

There is a sound reason for every form and aspect of intelligence in Nature
and THEOSOPHY reports on this in detail.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hamilton Jr.
Sent: Monday, July 25, 2005 6:41 AM

They have a different theory for people who rejected the big bang,
like myself. This is my favorite so far. Scientists discovered a black
hole towards the originating point of the universe. They believe it is
constantly sucking in and spitting out matter that eventually forms
into galaxies when it becomes too dense. Blavatsky knew that
everything was cyclical, and seems to suggest the same theory. I don't
have my copy of SD nearby right now or else I'd quote from her.

-Mark H.

On 7/24/05, Cass Silva <> wrote:
Dear Daniel,
Sorry to be a nuisance would you mind posting this to Odin for his
thoughts, and of course any other thoughts from any others on this new
matter. Scientists are so afraid of the word "energy" that everything they
discover it is termed "matter". This came from a web site "physorg". It
keeps up with the latest scientific discoveries and I neglected to post the
address on my last email.

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