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Jul 19, 2005 09:15 AM
by robert searle


Multi-Dimensional Science, or MDS is an attempt to
fully integrate science with mysticism, and religion.
Naturally enough, it includes parapsychology, or
psychical resarch which is the evolving science into
claimed "supernatural" phenomena.

Before proceeding futher, it must be made very clear
that in NO way is MDS a religion, cult, or sect even
though it may use terms associated with them.
Admitedly, most of this new "science" consists of
speculative metaphysical issues such as reincarnation,
post mortem existence, pre-destination, other worlds, 
et al. Essentially, MDS hopes to largely indirectly
prove, or alternatively disprove the the reality, or
non-reality of such "revelations".

This article, or paper is a simple brief non-technical
account of the above subject. Incidently, MDS is in
the process of research, and development which may
take several years to complete.


Central to mysticism, and religion is the concept of
an unseen non-physical psychic, or spiritual universe.
It is undetectable by our by five limited senses, and
by other means. In religion, and indeed, in western
philosophy it can only be accepted on grounds of
faith, or belief. In mysticism though such
non-physical realms can be "proven" via direct
experience by the awakening sixth sense of mind, and
conciousness during some form of meditation, or
spiritual technology. This whole process involves
"going within" oneself, and entering the inner realms,
or planes of higher conciousness, or so it is claimed.

This normally invisible non-physical universe may well
be a shared objective reality rather than the figment
of the imagination. Those who claim to vist it via
some form of meditation, or indeed, through
deliberately induced out-of-body experiences (or
OOBEs) should be able to independently come up with
corroborative information concerning the major sights,
and energies witnessed. This is the main underlying
concept of MDS. Moreover, it puts emphasis on the need
to collect data on the psycho-spiritual "energies"
which are said to exist. Such claimed forces manifest
themselves in a variety of ways such as colourful
auras, pulsating lights, and sounds along with rays
coming out of beings, and objects, et al.

To see whether such reports are indeed independently
correlative, or not requires in MDS five special
steps. They are explained in the following:-

Step One: A search for specific willing psychics, and 
mystics who have regular if not daily inner
experiences of various "energies". They are termed as
Multi-Dimensional Observers, or MDOs for short. A
large number of them may well emanate from the psychic
healing field.

Step Two: The aim here is to find out what kind of
experiences they have via an initial questionaire. A
more elaborate, and detailed one(s) may follow.

Step Three: When the data via the questionaires has
been collected it may well be found that the
"energies" described are independently corroborated
beyond the mathematical laws of chance. If so such
information should be converted on paper, and computer
into images, or pictures of the Unseen.

Step Four: Such visible depictions of the "energies" 
should be interpreted into mathematical models for an
on-going theory, or working hypothesis concerned with
the nature, and purpose of the "Great Beyond".

Step Five: If MDOs continue to give largely reliable
data concerning their inner experiences then they
should be involved in various studies, and
experiments. They may be able to help us see how
psycho-spiritual "energies" can benefit humanity. In
effect, MDS could be the greatest scientific
breakthrough in the world because it offers for the
first time methods that can prove (albeit indirectly)
the non-physical psychic, and spiritual reality of
life. This could have massive untold implications for
medecine, psychology, physics, biology,
parapsychology, et al. In academia the inner
experiences discussed here are referred to as

Furthermore, for the individual it would mean that
their existence would become more happier, and
fulfilling as never before imaginable. The reason
being that a new generation of meditational methods
would come into existence based on scientific research
rather than just on purely faith, and belief. 
Knowledge concerning the psychology of human beings
would include serious objective information concerning
their "energies", and how they could be best used.
Moreover, there would be a far greater scientific
understanding of claimed psychics powers, and their
actual modus operandi will become clearer.

Though mainstream science has given humanity many
great technological benefits such as computers,
television, aeroplanes, better medecine, and the like
it will probably be nothing compared with the advances
made by MDS. It may well be that in the far future
people will become like "gods" self-reliant with
"full" authentic knowledge concerning spiritual, and
psychic development. Such evolution would ultimately
supersede modern technology, and even
Multi-Dimensional Science itself. 

Apart from the above another suprising, and
controversial aspect of our subject is that it may
well be possible to quantify non-physical energies.
This would be in keeping with true science. Let us
take an example of what we mean. Suppose Mr. Z has an
aura which is a certain measurement from the body.
Tested, and reliable MDOs should by means of a simple
physical "tool" be able to gauge its length. With
their inner vision opened they should independently
come up with the correct measurement. In a similiar
manner other properties such as weight, and velocity
concerned with psycho-spiritual energies should be
quantifiable with the aid of physical detectors, or by
non-physical methods not discussed here.

Ofcourse, all that we have said may be utter
nonesense. But, it is not, because its own inbuilt
reasoning is simply alien to our normal ways of
understanding. Moreover, counter-arguments could be
created against MDS even if it produces correlative
results via its questionaires of the MDOs. This could
notably include that brain physiology being similiar
from one person to another may be the real reason why 
mental "illusions" appear to be independently
corroborative. In the philosophy of science such
counter-arguments like this would appear to be in line
with the concept of falsification posited by the
philospher Karl Popper. 

The success, or failure of MDS largely rests on
collecting sufficient data on the inner experiences of
MDOs. As yet this needs to be done. Critics will
undoubtedly claim that most of the ideas presented
here are totally premature but the author, and indeed,
originator of this unique system is confident that the
necessary correlative information will emerge from the
questionaires. This admitedly suggests bias, and an
unscientific approach to the subject concerned.
However, when the data has been brought together the
evidence, or rather "proof" will speak for itself. 


At first sight MDS may appear similiar to other
scientific, or "new age" ideas. This is incorrect. It
is though made up of old methods brought together for
the first time into ONE SYSTEM. This is the key point
to understand. 

Firstly, the notion that MDOs, and other "senstive "
people can be used by researchers to give hopefully
correct information concerning "higher" energies is
not completely new. Von Reichenbach for example used
this method, and succeeded in getting corroborative
data concerning the existence of the so-called Odic
Force.Secondly, simple, and complex questionaires have
been used by researchers, and organisations to explore
Near-Death-Experiences (or NDEs), and Religious, or
Mystical Experiences. Thirdly, converting images of
the Unseen into visible pictures is again nothing new.
Charles Leabeater, a leading light in the Theosophy
movement notably had changes in the human aura
recorded as "accurate" colourful depictions for all to
see. Fourthly, using mathematics to try to describe
something of the "other world" is by no means unique.


There are a number of existing descriptions published
of the "Great Unseen" which can help us frame
questionaires. New unpublished reports about it from
MDOs would also prove beneficial especially in
connection with the "existence" of psycho-spiritual

An important aspect of all this is that one needs to
be aware that some of these inner experiences may to
varying degrees be indescribable in the language of
this world. Sometimes, symbols may be used, and these
may still have a scientific value if they crop up
again elsewhere. Infact, the questionaires themselves
should give researchers some idea as to what extent,
and in what way inner experiences, or visions if you
will would be totally indescribable, or ineffable.

To get some notion of how elaborate, and detailed a
questionaire could be the following should suffice.
Readers can skip it, and go to the next section of the
article/paper if they desire..

Auras: How large is it around the body usually? Does
it have a specific colour? Do you see thoughts
leaving, and entering it? What sounds does it usually
make? Do you get specific "smells" from particular
types of auras? Does it change shape around the body?
Are there different layers in the aura? et cetera.

Inner Sounds: Do you hear sounds during waking
conciousness from people, and objects which may be
non-physical? Is there a specific one in meditation?
If you hear more than just one inner sound then what
is it like? Maybe they are instrumental, choral, or
something else? Does the sound, or sounds enter the
top of the head, through the ears, or wherever else?
et cetera.

Inner Lights: Do you see disembodied lights now, and
again in the physical, and non-physical worlds? How do
they appear? Do they have colours which change? Do
they "shape-shift" into particular objects that are
easily describable? Do the inner lights create
specific sounds? et cetera.........


No doubt many ordinary mainstream scientists will
regard the following as being "pseudo-scientific".
However, this is unimportant as the following is only
meant to be a brief non-technical account easily
understood by anyone in connection with the "the
higher worlds" of being.

It is believed that these realms exist at a vibratory
rate beyond the speed of light itself. They consist of
various levels, or Spiritual Regions in ascending
order around our planet, and beyond. They can be
simply illustrated diagrammatically by using
horizontal (or circular lines)lines. The spaces in
between them represent the Spiritual Regions. Each of
these Realities can be sub-divided further by thinner
lines which make up the intermediate planes, or
spheres of existence. In other words, ("minor") worlds
within Worlds (ie. the Spiritual Regions). Their
number altogether is probably infinite. Traditionally,
from an occult, or esoteric viewpoint they are seven
Spiritual Regions, and seven intermediate planes. Yet,
the number of these different levels tends to vary in
mythology, and in mystical writings.

Each Spiritual Region is said to have distinguishing
key sights along with inner Sounds, and (Coloured)
Lights. As one ascends the "matter" of these worlds
becomes increasing self-luminious, and more subtle in
nature. At the same time, conciousness is
progressively expanded. 

To contact such realities via meditation, or OOBEs
requires ones personal awareness to become like a
mental radio. It tunes into the energy levels, or
frequencies of the different intermediate planes. By
doing so via concentrated effort one does not only
see, and hear them but one can actually enter, and
interact with them. 

At this point, it is important to appreciate the fact
that the simple, or complex visionary experiences
cannot (as yet) be fully explained in purely
materialistic terms in spite of the many decades of
brain research. This is also true about certain
powerful drugs, and certain electrical stimulations
(ie. Neuro-Theology). Though the cause of such inner
phenomena may be physical it does not provide a
scientific answer as to how the actual mental imagery
itself is created. The same ofcourse is true of
naturally induced experiences just mentioned. MDS
takes the view that mental imagery may largely be a
non-physical phenomenon which is intimately related to
the "wiring", or neuron nerve networks of the brain. 

Esoteric tradition believes that human beings consist
of multiple-parts referred to as subtle energy bodies.
They exist simultaneously in different worlds. They
belong respectively to the vital, emotional, mental,
higher mental, and soul Regions. 

The MDS questionaires may well reveals variations in
what groups of MDOs may well describe in the Unseen
Universe. This is because they may be able to tune
into different intermediate planes, or spheres of

Deception (deliberate, or otherwise) and
self-deception may cause problems, and experiments
needed to determine such situations need to be
carefully thought out. There may be beings, and powers
that may cause problems with future MDS studies, and


Many religions, and their (mystical) sects have a
tendency to believe that theirs is the only pathway to
"God", or the "Ultimate Reality". Whether this is
true, or not is essentially a matter of personal
belief. However, MDS may be able to throw some light
on this subject, but admitedly it would probably be
unable to fully prove it.

Here, it is suggested that the Radhasoami Faith could
be the key to this great mystery. It believes that
during what is called surat shabd yoga the soul can by
means of inner Sound, and Light enter the highest
Spiritual Region in which God can be realized. The
Radiant Form of the living Perfect Master, or Satguru
may well manifest itself. This acts as the essential
guide to the Spiritual Regions. Like most eastern
sects the Sikh sect of the Radhasoamis believes in
reincarnation, and via shabd yoga one can be liberated
from births, and deaths.

Anyway, it is claimed that it has as it were an
accurate,and complete basic "road-map" to God in the
highest Spiritual Region. It is interesting to point
out that virtually all religions, and sects emanate
from this "other world". Yet, the Radhasoamis claim
that they all have their source of origin in the lower
intermediate planes of the Spiritual Regions. In other
words, their founders (eg. Buddha, and Mohammed) and
indeed mystical practices (eg. raja yoga, kundalini
yoga of the Indian tradition), and their practioners
have mistaken these realms for being the final
destination of their teachings. Incidently, such
realms may have a residing "god" which would be easily
mistaken for the highest of the highest. In other
words, their spiritual knowledge is incomplete, and

Ofcourse, the way to ascertain whether such claims
are true, or false would be an elaborate comparative
study via questionaire of the inner experiences had by
them, and by those who follow surat shabd yoga.
Unfortunately, in keeping with esoteric tradition the
world over such personal information is generally 
never disclosed. 

Strictly speaking, the methods of some meditation, and
resulting experiences are for the awakening intuition
and not for the mind. They are thus meant to be
experienced, and not discussed. As such they are
largely kept "secret" from the masses, and are only
intended for real seekers after Truth. Moreover, such
knowledge in the wrong hands could be misused for
personal rather than spiritual gain. In spite of all
this alot already exists in the public domain. 

As already mentioned the Radhasoamis not only believe
in an inner Perfect Master but also in an outer one in
the physical world. There are number of organisations
which purport to have one. Such an Adept of shabd yoga
is seen as being the visible material incarnation of
the Supreme Power. However, Faqir Chand the so-called
"unknowing mystic" claimed that devotees came to him
about their inner, and indeed, outer "miracles" with
his spiritual form. Yet, though he was supposed to be
omniscient he said he knew nothing about all these
things. This same "unknowingness" appears in many
present day "Perfect Masters". Some have argued that
if they did display "knowingness" they would be openly
using psychic powers to attract a following which is
contrary to the teachings of the Radhasoami Faith.
Thus, they pretend to be "human" when actually they
are not.

Faqir Chand though came up with a simple theory. He
believed that it was the devotees faith, and belief in
him as the Master which prompted the inner, and outer
experiences of his spiritual form. He, himself had
nothing to do with it! He suggested, or so it would
seem that it was the devotees Higher Self, or ones
pure personal God within which actually acted as the
Master on the inner, and outer worlds of reality. In
other words, belief, and faith in the outer Teacher
was essential for spiritual phenomena. This ofcourse
also implied that even a criminal posing as a guru
could have the exact same affect. This also may be the
reason why a few Radhasoami Satgurus past, and present
may have experienced "moral falls", and yet, in spite
of this their outer form, and teachings could still be
valid as it was the devotees Higher Self which
ultimately was the real cause of spiritual evolution.
Incidently, devotees claim that since the Master is
"God" he, or indeed she can do anything as a test of
faith. Who can question the Almighty?

This is a big subject which we cannot further expand
upon here.


If the questionaires yield valuable correlative
material the next possible stage would be to set up a
non-profit Association for Multi-Dimensional Science.
It would have the following basic aims:-

a. It would continue to search out willing MDOs for
possible studies, and experiments.

b. It would try to build an ever-expanding directory
of Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, Judaic, Shinto, Sufi, and
other mystical sects. This in itself would require
detective work as most of them do not advertize
themselves. This would involve i) contacing scholars,
and writer ii) the internet iii) interfaith
organisations iv) charity registers v) esoteric
magazines vi) existing directories....and so on.

c. The on-going research, and development into a
general theory, or working hypothesis of the Unseen
Universe. This would involve ideas from Theosophy, the
Alice Bailey Teachings, Spiritualism, Maharishis Vedic
Science, and Technology, Pearsons Survival Physics,
and the like. As well as this concepts from
"mainstream" science would have to be included such as
Quantum Mechanics, the Multi-verse, the Fourth
Dimension, Tachyons, Anti-Matter Worlds, et al.

Finally, it must be remembered that the proposed
Multi-Dimensional Science probably cannot give totally
provable answers as to what the ultimate nature and
purpose of Truth is really all about. It is quite
possible that there are no absolute truths, and that
the universe is itself infinite. Science can only go
so far, and at the end of the day it is arguably our
own personal experience that really matters.

Finally, MDS is a huge subject, and what has been
presented cannot do it true justice. There are many
many aspects to it.


Ash, David, and Peter Hewitt, The Vortex; Key to
Future Science. McMillans, 199O.

Bohm, David, Wholeness, and the Implicate Order,
Routledge, and Kegan Paul, 198O

Capra, F. Tao of Physics, Shambhala, 2OOO edition.

Hardy, Alistair. The Spiritual Nature of Man. Oxford
University Press, l979.

Karagulla, Shafica, Breakthrough to Creativity: Your
Higher Sense Perception, De Vorss. n.d.

Leadbeater, C.W. Man, Visible, and Invisible, Quest
Publishing. n.d.

McKinney, Neuro-Theology; Virtual Religion in the 21st
Century. American Institute of Mindfulness 1994.

McTaggert, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force
of the Universe, Harper Collins 2001.

Muktananda, Play of Conciousness, Siddha Yoga
Meditation Publications, 1994.

Moody, Raymond, Life Afte Life, Bantam, 1976 edition.

Puri,J R, The Radhaswami Teachings, Radha Soami
Satsang Beas, l979, and also his two vol Mysticism:
the Spiritual Path by the same publisher.

Brief Bio; Robert Searle was educated at the Royal
Free, and the Tutorials in Windsor (UK). He had
intended to study archaeology at the University of
London but decided not to. As a child he went through
a number of psychic experiences.He has published a
number of article on gurus, and Indian mysticism, and
hopes to take up the pen again to undertaken
pioneering research into little known mystical sects
from a variety of traditions. He has been an office
worker, horticulturist, and fundraiser for certain
respected charities. At present, his interest is
making money for the research, and promotion of
Multi-Dimensional Science, and his other project
Transfinancial Economics. He is also considering to do
a degree in physics. He hopes two books will result
from his work with the possible working titles of
Science, and Superscience; The New Psychic, and
Spiritual Paradigm, and The Non-Taxation Revolution;
Monetary Reform, and Global Justice.

His email address is His postal
address for genuine contacts is as follows. The
Multi-Dimensional Project, Oaklodge , 108 Cumnor Hill,
Oxford, 0X2 9YH. England. All communications in
writing only.

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