Re: Theos-World A "conspiracy theory" sort of thinking about Leadbeater's birthdate
Jul 13, 2005 00:20 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev
--- In, thaw win wrote:
Dear Thaw,
tw> i don't understand what's is that mean " leadbeater "
tw> can u explan to me.please.
It's a proper name. He was an author of many books about theosophy.
You may see some of them at &
dc> A number of Leadbeater students, in effect, adopt
dc> a "conspiracy theory" sort of thinking, to cast doubt
dc> on the following historical records/evidence showing
dc> that Leadbeater was born in 1854 instead of 1847 as he
dc> contended.
There can be one more explanation.
It seems unlikely that Leadbeater intentially forged his birthdate for
dubious advantage to look several years younger, for he could be
easily exposed, so it was very risky. Moreover, everyone knows that
HPB's life was short and she didn't look much young even when she was
40 and earned the title of "old lady" when she was 50, so those
considerations couldn't play great part in theosophical circles of
that time.
Assuming the date of marriage of his parents to be true, we may
suspect that Leadbeater was born out of marriage, and to provide him a
better career (or legacy rights) the parents (or adopters, it they
really weren't parents at all) bribed some officers to register him on
the later date.
After joining the Theosophical Society he had no reason to hide his
earlier birthdate, for he presumed that theosophists are above such
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