Konstantin on: Hypotheses OTHER THAN Reincarnation: The psychic "husk"
Jul 04, 2005 08:57 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
Thanks for your recent comments at:
There is much I would like to say but will just jot
down a few thoughts since my time is limited this
First of all, I would like to know your "take" on what
the Master K.H. said in the following postings:
It seems that many Theosophists have ignored what
the Master says in this excerpt or downplayed what is
said or simply disbelieved the Master.....
Moving on.
You write:
"This is very old theory, first laid out probably
by the christians to refute reincarnation in general."
Well the theory may be old but still true. And
whether the Christians used it or not to refute
reincarnation does NOT mean that it may not be
relevant to the cases we are discussing.
You go on to say:
"If this theory was true, it would probably refute most evidences of
reincarnation, because we simply scarcely have any others."
Well if it refutes most evidences of reincarnation, and it is
also true, then so be it.....
You also comment:
"But fortunately the telepatic theory is very unscientific, and it
is quite obvious that those 'philosophers' who hold it, are quite
inexperienced in psychical research, or ignoring the facts by
religious considerations."
It is hard to understand exactly in what sense you mean the
telpathic theory is "very unscientific".
And it may be "quite obvious" to you that these philosophers are
inexperienced in psychical research, but since you have not detailed
why it should be so obvious, it is hard to know what you are exactly
referring to.
You also state:
"Also it is not likely that the empty shell could survive in a good
condition for more than 50 years, as in the case under
Well the "empty shell" theory may not apply to the case under
consideration, but notice that in the following extract from the
Master KH, he is referring not to a shell but to something else:
The rule is, that a person who dies a natural death,
will remain from "a few hours to several short years,"
within the earth's attraction, i.e., in the Kama-Loka.
But exceptions are, in the case of suicides and those
who die a violent death in general. Hence, one
of such Egos, for instance, who was destined to live --
say 80 or 90 years, but who either killed himself or
was killed by some accident, let us suppose at the age
of 20 -- would have to pass in the Kama
Loka not "a few years," but in his case 60 or 70
years, as an Elementary, or rather an "earth-walker";
since he is not, unfortunately for him, even a "shell."
So here we are referring to an "earth-walker" not to a "shell".
Then you add:
"It is strange that not only lower but also noble qualities survive,
what doesn't conform the theosophical view about such shells."
But again in the case under consideration, it may not be a shell but
an earthwalker..... and the noble qualities would survive in this
particular "state".
Again remember what KH writes:
"...those killed by accident ... have to remain within the earth's
attraction, and in its atmosphere -- the Kama-Loka --
till the very last moment of what would have been the
natural duration of their lives. In other words, that
particular wave of life-evolution must run on to its
And KH writes that many of the victims of accident, if "good and
pure", would "fall into a state of quiet slumber, a sleep full of
rosy dreams, during which, they have no recollection of the
accident, but move and live among their familiar friends and scenes,
until their natural life-term is finished, when they find themselves
born in the Deva-Chan...."
In other cases, the victim might be quite aware of the accident and
still be in a state of slumber sometimes...waiting in this state
until his/her natural lifeterm is finished and the "death
struggle/gestation/and devachan" stages begin....
The child in the case under consideration may develop a telepathic
rapport with this "entity" and even share the dreams of
the "entity". I myself have had vivid dreams in which I felt I was
someone else, not Daniel Caldwell. If this could happen in my dream
state, then it is not such a stretch to assume that the child might
also identify with this "other someone".
And consider this suggestive passage from another letter from K.H.:
Quotation from Tennyson? Really cannot say. Some stray lines picked
up in the astral light or in somebody's brain and remembered, I
never forget what I once see or read. A bad habit. So much so, that
often and unconsciously to myself I string together sentences of
stray words and phrases, before my eyes and which may have been used
hundred years ago or will be hundred years hence, in relation to
quite a different subject. Laziness and real lack of time. The "Old
Lady" called me a "brain pirate" and a plagiarist, the other day for
using a whole sentence of five lines, which, she is firmly
convinced, I must have pilfered from Dr. Wilder's brain as three
months later, he reproduced it in an essay of his on prophetic
intuition. Never had a look into the old philosopher's brain cells.
Got it somewhere in a northern current -- don't know. Write this for
your information as something new for you, I suppose.
Thus a child may be born bearing the greatest resemblance and
features to another person, thousands of miles off, no connexion to
the mother, never seen by her, but whose floating image was
impressed upon her soul-memory, during sleep or even waking hours,
and reproduced upon the sensitized plate of living flesh she carries
in her.
Quoted from:
So one might ask: What OTHER floating "images" FROM ANOTHER PERSON
might be impressed upon the child's own "soul-memory"???? Could
memories float into the child's own soul-memory?
Plus keep in mind that Dr. Stevenson has also found other cases of
children "with anomalous dates of death and birth."
He writes:
"In a small number of cases, the subject was born BEFORE the person
whose life he remembered died...In a case of this kind, taken at
face value, it would seem that the subject's body was fully made and
presumably occupied by one personality before another one took it
So if child A starts remembering a life he/she "lived" as person B
but later it is found out that the previous life of person B did not
end until child A was let us say 3 years old, what is child A
ACTUALLY "remembering"? HIS OWN previous life??? or the life of
ANOTHER human being who is now "dead"??? Or....?
These last two points need to be expanded on a great deal but I must
do that later.
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