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Re: H.Roerich claims

Jun 22, 2005 06:10 AM
by sova7777

--- In, "Konstantin Zaitzev" 
<kay_ziatz@y...> wrote:
> She didn't like that very idea at all:
> "And now that we have shown that we must indeed "bid an eternal 
> farewell to all the rebellious angels," we naturally pass to an 
> examination of the God Jesus, who was manufactured out of the man
> Jesus to redeem us from these very mythical devils..." (Isis, vol.2)
> Not only one devil is mythical, but many devils too. Since many 
> cannot be antithesis to one God, her expression is obviously 
> applicable to the lesser devils, and to H.Roerich's Lucifer in 
> particular.

We can interpret this in a different way. Not only the God is 
mythical, but the Devil or rebellious angel in any of its popular 
versions as well. But if Jesus was a real man, why not that bad guy 
HR spoke about as well? Your interpretation versus mine. Who will 
prevail? :)

Again, in HPB's texts there is NO mention of such a story as HR told 
it, neither positive nor negative.

> Agni Yoga says that Christianity is a culmination all classical 
> wisdom;

It's not about various teachings of many churches, it is about the 
teaching of Jesus.

BTW, I'm not trying to convert you or uproot your affection towards 
CWL or against HR. But this discussion may suggest something to 
someone around here and maybe we'll get some new information or 
conclusions from bystanders...


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