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Re: Theos-World Some musings on the study of theosophy

Jun 22, 2005 00:50 AM
by Perry Coles

Hi Cass,
You wrote:
"Can you answer the question why or how, if HPB states "Man is 
certainly no
special creation, and he is the product of Nature's gradual 
perfective work,
like any other living unit on this Earth. But this is in only with 
regard to
the human tabernacle." P728 SD2. If the ancestor of the ape, is from 
the union
between man and a she animal, why didn't this form "die at birth" or 
infertile, as happens in other species when cross-breeding occurs?"

Sorry Cass I have no idea but I have read that passage before and 
have to say the idea has never sat well with me and so don't accept 
it at this point in time anyway (for what that's worth!)

I suppose the point I was really trying to make was that the idea of 
an ethical, intelligent, compassionate and interconnected cosmos in 
other words the fundamentals of the theosophical worldview rather 
than the specifics of what HPB said in the SD.

It's my understanding this realization comes through compassionate 
and ethical understandings rather than simply empirical methods which 
of course have an important and needed place in the scheme of things.

These ethical issues have arisen in many areas for example the 
cloning of human beings for body parts or the splicing of genes

I think this area of ethics is the important area we as humans need 
to look very closely at rather than rushing headlong into things that 
may have implications and repercussions for eons to come if we head 
down a certain path simply for temporary material or physical benefit.



--- In, Cass Silva <silva_cass@y...> wrote:
> Dear Perry
> I do think that sometimes as Theosophy students we can isolate 
ourselves. I am constantly looking for new scientific "facts" that 
support HPB's claims, and I have found that there is a ground swell 
in the scientific arena that is emerging with a synthesis of science 
and religion (occultism). If you read some of the articles by Thomas 
McFarlane you will see what I mean. Unfortunately many of the 
references that HPB used are now longer useful sources, as no one 
will credit anything said by anyone over 100 years ago (Einstein 
accepted). Full credit to Leon for bridging the gap and maybe in 
years to come, science will recognize and validate his observations.
> Cass
> ps The new genome studies will help affirm that Man and Monkey are 
a separate species, although I see already how some scientists are 
attemping to blend this into their accepted theory as "in the Miocene 
period, a mutation occured which caused men's brains to evolve, 
distinct from his cousin's.
> Can you answer the question why or how, if HPB states "Man is 
certainly no special creation, and he is the product of Nature's 
gradual perfective work, like any other living unit on this Earth. 
But this is in only with regard to the human tabernacle." P728 SD2. 
If the ancestor of the ape, is from the union between man and a she 
animal, why didn't this form "die at birth" or become infertile, as 
happens in other species when cross-breeding occurs?
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