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Re: Theos-World Re: What one sees vs. what really happened (reply to Erica)

May 28, 2005 10:50 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer

Now every section has its own magazine and in such 
magazines different articles are published in 
different languages. How you can conclude that the 
editors of all this magazines which are connected 
to Adyar refuse to publish articles comparing 
Blavatsky and CWL's teachings? I will tell you 
here in Greece is not the case, I was even asked 
to write about it by the editor, eventually I 

In Germany the section magazine of the so-called 
TS is called "Adyar Theosophy". It is honest that 
they remind their readers that the strange 
contents in their issues are not of that kind of 
theosophy of HPB.
And they compare CWL teachings with HPB and 
Mahatma Letters, coming to the conclusion that 
Sinnett, Besant and Leadbeater mere much closer to 
the Masters teachings than HPB, who misunderstood 
many things, f.e. the planetary rounds etc. 
Furthermore the magazine has a sublime Churchian 
agenda. The Holy Ghost is refered to as the Third 
Logos and a He, etc.

Also in the German section CWL is respected as the 
former President of the TS. Also US President 
George Bush jr. is accepted by the 2002 convention 
as the chela of the Masters who has the duty to 
bring now a 1,000 years realm of Peace to Earth 
and for this reason every member has to outlive 
and practise evil doings as only by evil doings we 
can be liberated from the evil.
Of course several Masters were also present in the 
hall, when this "Adyar Theosophy" on the grounds 
of the Protestant Church (their officials were in 
their words "complete satisfied" with this 
"theosophical" horror convention) was celebrated 
in the presence of P.T.S. and Vice P.T.S. etc. But 
this Masters were not specified in the public 
addresses in the pause I went to the front to ask 
about the Masters which were flying around and 
were nodding affirmative. It's so simple, the 
Masters were of course: HPB, Krishnamurti, Koot 
Homi, Morya, Hilarion, St. Germain.

Hardly and Adyar member in Germany has read much 
from HPB, nor do they have the B:CW or the Mahatma 
Letters. Members or guests who speak freely about 
the possession of the books is confronted with the 
same reaction a Catholic in the middle times who 
was reading the Holy Bible!

In the so-called Point Loma derivates you can 
easily become a black magician when you confirm 
possession of books of Daniel Caldwell, as 
everybody knows that he is a dugpa. When I ask for 
proofs, they say: He has published texts from Emma 
Coloumb and she was a black magician and it's 
quite clear, that someone who spreads this is also 
a black magician as it is the duty of every 
theosophist to work for the white side. Also much 
of Daniel's texts on his websites are fakes. 
Proofs or circumstantial evidence is not given, 
you have to believe it blindly and when you don't 
believe it blindly it is a clear proof of being a 
black magician (or the devil?), too, of which the 
other innocent members must be warned by telephone 
and letter.

Anyway people here transformed CWL into the Judas 
of the T.S. soon they are going to make a doll of 
him and throw stones and burn the traitor. But 
other claims that for me are very serious seem of 
not interest for others. As for sample the claims 
of Judge having medium communication with 
Blavatsky. Blavatsky was extremely against any 
form of medium
practices and she promised after her dead that she 
would not contact anyone. Was Judge or Blavatsky a 

Noone can make CWL a Judas except he himself, and 
he was very successful with in. And it is also 
British understatement to say speak of CWL as the 
Judas of the T.S., whereas the whole so-called TS 
which was founded by Besant in 1905 and has stolen 
the property, names and signs of the original TS 
is the Judas of the Theosophical Movement.
The indo-tibetan Masters of HPB were replaced by 
left Jewish Cabbalists in Paris (and elsewhere). 
There was such a huge bulk of clear proofs of the 
kidnapped TS and its new satanistic character that 
the German government - after Katherine Tingley 
was there and her affectingly appeals were 
unheard - was forced - after two further appeals 
of Adolf Hitler were equally ignored - to 
prohibite them!

Although the tons of the many millions of 
government files are still unaccessible to both 
public and scholars until today one can conclude 
from even the little was it known that there must 
have been serious and very level-headed and 
healthy reasons for the German actions.

Although this incidents must be regarded as a rest 
of good group karma, the German theosophists 
failed to make use of a new chance and a new 
beginning after 1945. The result is that they are 
more stupid, fanatic, hostile to HPB, selfish, 
hypocritical, lazy, destructive than ever. All the 
large books, magazines and documents archives were 
destroyed in the 1980'ies and 1990'ies because 
Theosophy is spirit and books are bad matter. What 
will survive for future generations of written 
Theosophy in Germany is that what Hitler saved and 
is stored now in the National Archives.
It would have been a good thing to have had a new 
Hitler in the 80'ies or 90'ies to destroy again 
the Blavatsky-destrution-groups again and save 
their possessions for the generality.
But no savior appeared! bad karma!


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