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RE: [theosophia] Re: Theos-World churches and T society

May 25, 2005 04:19 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

May 23 2005

Dear Steve:

May I offer a slight correction ?

The quote I gave was a full chapter from the BOOK:


published by CUNNINGHAM PRESS , Los Angeles, in 1950.

It is not out of the THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT MAGAZINE. (published in Bombay)

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----

From: On Behalf Of Steven Levey
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2005 7:15 AM
Subject: [theosophia] Re: World churches and T Society


I think that all who read this extract from The Theosophical 
Movement Magazine, will see that it makes much Kosmos out of the 
chaos we are often presented with. 

I couldn't help but think that the path of misrepresentation 
through the obscuration of Original outpourings from HPB, as is shown 
here, is also representive of how the great outpourings of the Wisdom 
Religion in many times and places, have become the narrow and 
materialistic religions we have on the world scene today

At one point, in the text, we were told that "the Theosophical 
Scoiety would be the corner stone of future religions". 

This was also said in the Great Masters (The Maha Chohan)Letter. It is
known that 
those responsible for the Adyar Movement used this in a concrete 
interpretation to mean that the Society itself would be this "Corner 
Stone". Some may say: of course, isn't that clearly said? 

At the time the Movement became public this name "Theosophical Society"
stood for 
the Movement of the Wisdom Religion in the world. AS it has under 
different names through out history. All are aware that groups come 
and go as do Societies, and that the taking of this Society as 
somehow the actual "Corner Stone", in a literal way (a Mark of 
sectarianism), would be an error, which has assisted in allowing for 
the outward obscuration of the Wisdom Religion, (a natural fluid 
timeless representation of the Truth whose existence, while dependent 
upon beings for its disemination, is self-existent), in our time. 

The actuality of this was the main reason for Robert Crosbies work in the 
founding of the United Lodge of Theosophists. Yes, this is another 
group, which, being thus, must in time succumb to the failings of all 
other groups. But its service to the world, until that time, is to 
keep the original outpourings of H.P.B.and William Quan Judge, 
through the focus of Robert Crosbie (his own writtings evidently 
being true renditions of that Wisdom Religion)in the world.

The fact of polarization between these two (ULT and Adyar) while 
being regretable must therefore be seen as predictable given what 
they are. One is the natural antagonist of the other, just as much as 
Lucifer is to the Christian Church. 

However, true students aught to 
assist the cause of the Wisdom Religion and not obscure further this 
issue. To this end, it seems reasonable to say that the marks of the 
true student will have to do with their focus upon the work. And this 
will be clear within their posts, letters, actions, words, etc. 

They either love the motive of assisting the amelioration of human 
suffering through keeping the Path to the Truth as unobscured as 
possible, which, I must say, will be obvious to any one who reads 
their posts (no pretention to some kind of clairvoyance is required), 
or their motive must be clearly selfish.

It will be selfishness that will convict us, and selflessness, 
which will further the work of the Tathagatas.



--- In, "W.Dallas TenBroeck" 
dalval14@e...> wrote:
May 23 2005

Dear Krishtar:

This may help you - see in particular pp. 291-2


Pages from the THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT (1875-1950)
pp. 290 - 300




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