Re: Theos-World Re: Pseudomyms
May 17, 2005 05:42 PM
by MKR
There are situations when you do use a nickname, as you pointed out.
However, when someone who is well-known in cyberspace uses a pseudonym to
hide himself/herself so that one can hide behind the veil of pseudonym,
then it speaks more about the person being just an ordinary coward and not
manly/womanly enough to stand up for what one says or writes. Such hiding
does not last long. Someone finally finds out the real person.
At 08:23 PM 05/17/05 +0000, christinaleestemaker wrote:
The only right thing for using a nickname is, that you are "ünvisible"
for searchmachines, otherwise I think one person uses nickname cannot
take seriously, in cause of the take care off (responsability) of
his or her writings.
For now everyone can say "What is a name"?'It belongs to
personality,individual insight and developement in our TS, so for
that we don't need to fake a name.
B.W ChristinaTL.
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