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Re: Theos-World What is Theosophy? Answer to Jerry's posting no.26453

May 13, 2005 01:21 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins

Dear Nigel,

Yes, defining theosophy is indeed a thorny question. I suggest that the criteria for such a definition might also differ depending upon the context--for instance, whether the definition is in context of a philosophical discussion, spiritual practice, organizing a library etc.
As understood by me, the general Theosophical, informational system of Madame Blavatsky and her Mahatmas was never intended to become belief based. If only, but not only, by virtue of the enormous number of references HPB used in Isis Unveiled and the Secret Doctrine alone, and her tangential writing style, it appears she often used a specific technique which was attempting to broaden and keep ever open our minds and hearts. It seems this was in part to avoid the creation of dogmas which might hopefully contribute towards an ever increasing depth of understanding of the truths and mysteries of existence.
I share your views on this. Notice Blavatsky's description of a Theosophical Library in the Key:

"To collect for the library of our headquarters of Adyar, Madras, (and by Fellows of their Branches for their local libraries,) all the good works upon the world's religions that we can. To put into written form correct information upon the various ancient philosophies, traditions and legends, and disseminate the same in such practicable ways as the translation and publication of original works of value, and extracts from and commentaries upon the same, or the oral instructions of persons learned in their respective departments." p. 47 (from an actual 1st edition).
Notice that she doesn't say that a Lodge or National library is first of all, a collection of works on the world's religions, their translations and commentaries. No where does she say that such a library is supposed to be a collection of her's or other Theosophist's writings. Yet, my experience has been that Theosophical libraries typically have books of the Theosophical leaders as central to their collection. Translations of works on the world's religions, are secondary, if represented at all. It should be the other way around. Theosophical commentaries should be secondary to the source works.

For me, their Theosophical information was never intended to contain the final word or words, to be learned, remembered and regurgitated in an authoritarian manner, thereby contributing to dominant, "knowledgeable" leaders and compliant followers. Unfortunately, numerous later writers and leaders wrote and acted in such a manner as to establish themselves as authorities and who additionally either subtly or not so subtly insisted on obedience and compliance.

Yes, this appears to be the case. Further, the Theosophical Organizations have enforced this authority establishing. The evidence of this I point to is the numerous editions of Theosophical books which have been re-edited, not by the authors, but by the publishers. An examination of what has been re-edited, clearly shows (to me at least) that the editing has been done to cover over Theosophical history and to remove information which is now perceived as silly. For instance, CWL's description of Martian civilizations has been removed from The Inner Life.
Finally, although not exhaustively, some of the later writers who claimed to be representing the Theosophical information of HPB and her Mahatmas were dramatically misrepresenting and contradicting it in many areas. This strikes me as being highly dishonourable. Disagreement and challenge were encouraged by HPB, but to dishonour her and her teachers' writings through wilful misrepresentation is disgraceful.
And it is now the responsibility of the reader to discern the differences between the writings. Later re-editing has obscured these differences. That is where, in my mind, the dis-honesty has come in. An author ought to be allowed to stand or fall upon his/her own merits. For this reason, I advocate that Theosophical works which are put in a Theosophical library, be the editions which the authors were responsible. If a library has room, and wants to also include later editions, altered by the publishers, after the author's death, then, those works should only be added only after the originals are accessed.

These are the guidelines we have have evolved for Alexandria West. Of course, the number of Theosophical books and periodicals are so numerous, they constantly push for attention. And, frankly, researchers who have made use of this library has been primarily interested in the rare journals and special collections of unpublished material here. But, researchers have a different agenda than general inquirers. So, in addition to the Theosophical Books and journals from all of the Theosophical Organizations and spin offs, we have a section on mythology, comprising some 1500 volumes alone. That is more books than one would find in a typical Lodge library. We also have separate categories for each of the world's religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam etc. The priority is alway first to obtain the source works--the sacred scriptures. Then, the commentaries. We also have special sections for subjects concerning Eastern and Western Esoteric Traditions: Hermeticism, Alchemy, Astrology etc.; Secret Societies: Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, Golden Dawn etc.; Western Philosophy; Sciences: Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Geology, Oceanography, Archeology, Anthropology, Psychology etc.; History etc.
Needless to say, we are out of room and looking for a larger place.

nhcareyta wrote:

From: Jerry Hejka-Ekins <jjhe@...> Date: Tue May 10, 2005 11:40 pm Subject: Theosophical libraries jjhe@... Send Email

Jerry: you wrote:

Dear Nigel, Perry and all

Perry writes:

Another question maybe is it anybodies role to disallow any
information or writer from being in a theosophical library even if
that information is known to be questionable?

I think there are two questions implied here. 1) Whether or not an item
is appropriate for a Theosophical library 2) Whether it is practical to
include a certain item in a Theosophical library. The first question
concerns one's view of what constitutes Theosophy. The second, is a
matter of space.

Personally, if you showed me a random issue of Penthouse magazine, I
would probably find something in it which is (I believe) Theosophically
relevant. But, the reality of the matter is that every library has
space limitations. Therefore, specialty library collections, as a
matter of practicality, has to set limits and priorities based upon
their overall understanding of what Theosophy is.


Dear Jerry
Thank you for your posting.
The issue of space is certainly of concern for a small organisation such as ours, although I would not wish to use this as an excuse for refusing certain books.

For me, your last sentence raises surely the most thorny of all questions for Theosophical students.
There are many and varied perspectives as to "what is Theosophy" which includes "what is theosophy."
I spent no end of time with many others attempting to define these, in committee meetings,Lodge and National discussion groups over a period of eighteen years. I understand you have done the same, only for many more years.

From my current perspective, and perhaps from mine alone, there are a
number of matters which deserve consideration.

As understood by me, the general Theosophical, informational system of Madame Blavatsky and her Mahatmas was never intended to become belief based. If only, but not only, by virtue of the enormous number of references HPB used in Isis Unveiled and the Secret Doctrine alone, and her tangential writing style, it appears she often used a specific technique which was attempting to broaden and keep ever open our minds and hearts. It seems this was in part to avoid the creation of dogmas which might hopefully contribute towards an ever increasing depth of understanding of the truths and mysteries of existence. For me, their Theosophical information was never intended to contain the final word or words, to be learned, remembered and regurgitated in an authoritarian manner, thereby contributing to dominant, "knowledgeable" leaders and compliant followers. Unfortunately, numerous later writers and leaders wrote and acted in such a manner as to establish themselves as authorities and who additionally either subtly or not so subtly insisted on obedience and compliance.

Secondly, HPB and her Mahatmas' wrote about a system which demonstrated a vast, impersonal cosmogonical and cosmological scheme of infinite complexity, where Reality was considered "unthinkable and unspeakable" by our limited mind.
For me, this system and the approach of its exposure was part of an occult process which was often not accepted by certain later writers and students who apparently preferred a more simplified, absolutist approach with definitive, anthropomorphised cosmic and solar identities and, furthermore, who usually insisted that a + b always equalled c.

Finally, although not exhaustively, some of the later writers who claimed to be representing the Theosophical information of HPB and her Mahatmas were dramatically misrepresenting and contradicting it in many areas. This strikes me as being highly dishonourable. Disagreement and challenge were encouraged by HPB, but to dishonour her and her teachers' writings through wilful misrepresentation is disgraceful.
These are some of the contributing factors which I consider when determining whether certain literature is the authentic Theosophical information of HPB and her Mahatmas or whether they might come under the much broader heading of theosophy.

Whether Theosophy is authentic theosophy is for each to decide for themselves.
Whether HPB and her teachers are accurate, or at least more accurate than not with their information, is also for each to decide.

From my perspective HPB and her teachers have presented a system of
occult knowledge and a systematised approach to its dissemination and verification as far as is possible, which satisfies my Freedom loving, ever inquiring heart and mind, my sense of justice and fairness and my "common" sense.
Up to now for me, certain others have not.
Best wishes

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