May 13, 2005 03:27 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
see P. G. Bowen :
in THE THEOSOPHIST, Madras, August 1927).
Theosophy in Ancient Africa
Outside of the records of the ancient Wisdom in Egypt, little is known of
its diffusion in the rest of Africa. Some evidence of the continent-wide
existence of the ancient doctrines and movement can be had from the
following narrative.
The THEOSOPHIST, Madras, for August 1927 published an article entitled "The
Ancient Wisdom in Africa" written by Patrick Bowen who spent his childhood
and early life there. He is, perhaps, better known for the SAYINGS OF THE
ANCIENT ONE which he published.
Mr. Bowen, seems to have been recognized early in life for some special
qualities by members of those who were among Initiates of the Ancient
Brotherhood of Wisdom living among the Zulu and the descendants of the old
Bantu race of South and South East of Africa.
Concerning some of this experience, Mr. Bowen wrote: "Many years ago,when
I, a boy of ten or twelve years of age, I followed my father's wagon through
the wild Bushlands of the Northern Transvaal...I met and gained the
friendship of many natives--principally Zulus--of the class known as
Isanusi, a term popularly but improperly interpreted as "Witch-Doctor."
Why those men, who with Europeans and even with their own people are always
intensely reserved, should have favored me with their confidence is
something I do not, even now, clearly understand...I recall a conversation
with one of their number, by name, Mankanyezi (The Starry One)...My father
had declared his intention of placing me in care of a Missionary, in order
that I might receive some education, and learn white man's ways.
I repeated his words to Mankanyezi, who shook his head mournfully on hearing
them and said: "Your teachers are doubtless learned men. But why do they
strive to force their beliefs on us without first learning what our beliefs
are?...To show you how ignorant they are I shall tell you what we teach the
Common Man...We teach that he has a body; that within that body is a soul;
and within the soul is a spark or portion of something we call Itongo, which
the Common Man interprets as the Universal Spirit of the Tribe...
Dr Mathole Motshekga
1.1 Dr Mathole Motshekga
Dr Motshekga presented his paper, entitled, “Indigenous Knowledge Systemsin
the African Context – Towards a Conceptual Framework”. He stated that, when
considering policy, we must start by knowing who we are, for as long as we
are defined from the outside, it will be very difficult to formulate the
1.1.1 Introduction
The story of the human race in Africa dates back to more than 40 000 years
before the mythical creation of Adam in 4 240 BC. This story was writtenby
Lord Khem (or Ham) popularly known as ThauThau-Harama (the Greek
Thoth-Hermes) who was the scribe of the African builder Gods called
Bonabakhuluabase Khemu (i.e. the ancient ones of Khem).
The land of Khem (or Ta Shema) came to be known as ancient Ethiopia (African
Atpu) to the Greeks. The names Ethiopia and Egypt (the African Hakaptah i.e.
land of God Ptah) were named after the ancient African God Tapa (or Pata).
His shrine is in the Sudan (i.e. land of the Blacks).
Long before the rise of ancient Egypt, Africa South of the Sahara had known
two major civilizations in Punt or Tanutra (i.e. central and Southern
Africa) and Ethiopia or Khem, which covered Southern Egypt, Eritrea,
Abyssinia, the Sudan and surrounding territories.
It was the Ethiopian Prince Mena who established Egypt by uniting lower and
Upper Egypt in 5 619 BC. Thus ancient Egypt is not the oldest state in
The earliest civilization was established by the gods of the First Time (Zep
Tepi) from Punt or Tanutra who came to be known as Shamsu Hara (Greek Shemsu
Hor i.e. followers of Horus). The relics of the civilization establishedby
the followers of Horus are still found at Maphungubwe, Zimbabwe, the Sudan,
Yemen, modern Ethiopia, Egypt and Benin and the Area of the Great Lakes.
1.1.2 Culture and Religion
The ancient Africans were a profoundly spiritual people and extremely
psychic. To them, like to traditional Africans today, the world of higher
being was a reality (cf. Eleanor Shakes by Lewis: The Mystery Tradition of
Africa in “Harvest-An Anthology of Lectures delivered in South Africa,
Pretoria: p.65).
The author of ancient African civilizations was Lord Khem or ThauThau-Harama
who was the personification of God Ptah.
Lord Khem brought the religion of light (Karaism), which taught that the
light (Kara), which was God, dwelt in the heart of every human being.
To the sacred (or divine) rulers, he taught them to “Look for the light”
(i.e. the divine spark) or the “God within” every individual. To the people
he taught the motto that: “Thou art the Light, let the Light shine”. (ibid)
The teachings of Lord Khem attracted students like Thales, Solon, Pythagoras
and Plato - the Hermetic teachings - and passed them to the world as Greek
philosophy or more specifically Pythagoreanism. The African religious
philosophy of Light (Karaism) came to be known as Hermeticism and passed as
Greek philosophy.
However, Hermeticism did not disappear from the face of traditional Africa.
In his book entitled: “THE RUINED CITIES OF MASHONALAND,” Bent observedthat
the African founders of the Zimbabwe Temple practiced the religion of Light
(Karaism) and this God of Light was also called Umbe, Nyambe or Zambe (i.e.
the word of God).
The solar worship at Great Zimbabwe was undoubtedly based on celestial
bodies called the Hosts of Heaven. Thus, the early religion of Maphungubwe
and Great Zimbabwe, like that of Egypt, Ethiopia and the Yemen, was called
Sabaism (i.e. worship of the Hosts of Heaven) led by Queen Saba and Lord
Western scholars made the world to believe that, before colonisation, Africa
was a Dark Continent without a literary tradition. They also excised ancient
Ethiopia and Egypt from Africa and made them part of the so-called near East
to obliterate the African origins of ancient Ethiopian and Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian literature aside, we find a literary culture here in
Southern Africa long before colonialism.
The most interesting of African mystery teachings came to us from PG Bowen
through his book entitled: “THE SAYING OF THE ANCIENT ONE”. The fragments in
this book are translations of chapters from the mystic writings of the
African sage, Mehlo Moya (i.e. the spiritual eyes).
THE SAYING OF THE ANCIENT ONE was written in an archaic Bantu language
called Isinzu. According to Mehlo Moya, this Isinzu manuscript is a
translation of some very ancient records found in a subterranean chamber in
one of the ruined cities of Southern Africa, belonging to the
Maphungubwe-Zimbabwe cultural complex. The original records were written in
veiled symbols, akin to the Sabean script, on tablets of ivory or stone (cf.
Harvest, p. 68).
There is abundant evidence that THE SAYINGS OF THE ANCIENT ONE came from
ancient African Wisdom tradition embodied in the Great Sphinx - the Mighty
Altar that guards the Holy Land where the Nahar (Greek Nile) River meets the
Mediterranean sea. Records still exist of Great antiquity, preserved and
partly disclosed, which contain ancient African wisdom.
Southern African records, which were destroyed by the Portuguese and others,
revealed that the forebears of the builders of Maphungubwe and Great
Zimbabwe, simply called The Builders, left behind them a family of Wise Ones
who acted as teachers and priests.
Eventually, the ancient and medieval African cities were destroyed by slave
traders and colonialists compelling the Wise Ones to retreat to various
parts of the African continent, having first made secret the records which
they could not safely remove (Harvest, p.69).
There is a close resemblance between much of THE SAYINGS OF THE ANCIENT ONE
and portions of “LIGHT ON THE PATH” by Paul Brunton. [ Is this correct? I
thought “LIGHT ON THE PATH” was by Mabel Collins. DTB ]
Both books have much in common with the ancient Egyptian Wisdom Literature.
(see P.G. Bowen “THE SAYINGS OF THE ANCIENT ONE”, Rider & Co, Paternoster
House, Paternoster Row, London EC4).
The universalism of African culture and religion was highlighted by Theodore
Besterman in his collected “PAPERS ON THE PARANORMAL” (New York: Garrett
1968 p. 103). Besterman provides abundant evidence of the philosophy of
reincarnation and the transmigration of souls in Africa.
Patrick Bowen also reported that Mankanyezi, one of the Isanusis (Wise Men)
in the Limpopo Province explained to him the African theory of reincarnation
August 1927).
The African Sage, Mankanyezi, also told Patrick Bowen of a secret society to
which he belonged:
“Whose members are the guardian of the wisdom-which-comes-from-of-old; they
are of many ranks, from learner to master, and Higher Ones whose names may
not be spoken; and there is one member at least in every tribe and nation
throughout this great land of Africa.
“The Brotherhood is called, in the ancient Bantu speech, Bonabakhulu
abasekhemu, that is, the Brotherhood of the Higher Ones of Egypt. (Khem,
hence chemistry, was an ancient name of Egypt). It was founded by a Priest
of Isis in the reign of Pharaoh Cheops, to spread The Wisdom which comes
from of old among all races and tribes of Africa….”
“The grades of the Brotherhood are: (1) the pupil, (2) the disciple, (3) the
Brother, (4) the Elder, (5) the Master, (6) Those who know, Sangoma, (7)
Abakhulu-Bantu, i.e. perfect men, for whom rebirth has ceased, who dwell on
earth in physical form by their own will, and can retain will and can retain
or relinquish that form as they choose.” (see Joseph Head and S.L Cranston
Inc. New York 1977 p. 190-191).
Ancient African wisdom survived the Roman, Arab and European plunder, slave
trade and colonialism and remained to inform medieval African civilizations
in Western, Central and Southern Africa.
On West Africa, a writer in the NEW YORKER (August 6, 1963) reported that:
“Africans and their descendants may well be proud of their past… the great
empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai and the powerful kingdoms of Ashanti, Ife
and Benin all flourished centuries before the Europeans arrived in Africa.
Timbktu, in Mali, formerly the Sudan, was a seat of advanced learning in the
fifteenth century.”
The records of the old university are still extant and were unveiled
recently by President Thabo Mbeki.
Janheinz Jahn reported in his book “Munti” that “the Africans” zealfor
learning, which so delights the educators, is not the zeal of an illiterate
people, to whom writing comes as a revelation. It is the zeal for learning
of a civilized people whose own script has been destroyed and who therefore
need a new medium for communicating and preserving information.” (see
Janheinz Jahn, “Munti - The New African Culture”, New York: Grove Press,
1961 p.190).
Eleaner Stakesby- Lewis (HARVEST, p.71) made an observation which is most
befitting for students and researchers of indigenous African knowledge
systems. In his words:
“There is only one way to penetrate into the heart of things and that is the
way of love. If we wish to penetrate into the mighty secrets of Africa of
its peoples, of its meaning in god’s plan, we must make ourselves part of
it, and seek the underlying unity. In that continent of Dark Africa let us
look once more for the light so splendidly revealed in the teachings of
Tehuti, also called Hermes.”
In support of this call, Lewis cited Lord Khem or ThauThau-Harama (Greek:
Thoth-Hermes) who said: “I am the light that light am I”. Lewis went onto
say that:
“…in this great continent over which the sphinx still gazes, guarding the
eternal mystery of life, may the flame within the hearts of its varied
peoples be lit, so that once again from African soil may resound the old
message ‘Thou art the light, let that light shine.’” (HARVEST, p.71)
The greatest exponent of the African doctrine of Divine Light (Kara) was the
African Sage, Plotinus (204-270 AD). Plotinus, whose philosophy was
misrepresented as neoplatonism, described the Divine Light (Kara) as the One
Good or the Beauty and represented the spirit or word (Khem) of God (Ptah)
upon the Chaos (Nun) created the universes and all animate and inanimate
In other words, the motive force of all living and non-living things is the
Word or Spirit of the Unknown and Unknowable God.
In African thought, the visible reality emanated from eternity, which is
symbolised by the Bull and seven cows (1 + 7 = 8). Thus the number 8
(eight) symbolises eternity. The number 8 also represents 8 primal
principles of matter, which emanated from the Great Mother located at the
centre of the universe.
The seven cows (Hethuri) of heaven manifest themselves as the seven Pleiades
(Khelemela) stars which mark the beginning of summer and the African new
year in September. These seven cows are also symbolised by a seven-headed
serpent or a seven-branched light (Menrah) which is represented by two
interlocking or inter-penetrating triangles (Nutra or Ntura) corresponding
to the Yin and Yan.
The interaction of the negative (Nut/Ntu) and positive (Ra) produced the
triune principle ThauThaumaatkara (gr. Thaumturge) which created twelve
macrocosmic gods through a process of transformations and adaptations.
These celestial bodies constitute the macrocosmic universe.
The macrocosmos replicated itself and produced the microcosmos which is
structurally and substantially the same. This relationship is embodied in
the law of analogy which says “As Above so Below”. According to this law,
the macro-microcosmic order and all animate and inanimate things within it
evolved from the One or the Good, and the mother thereof is the moon
(Ma/Maia) and the father thereof is the sun (Ra), in short, Mara or Maria.
The union of the moon and the sun (ma + ra = Mara or Maia + ra = Maria)
generates ThauThau-Harama (Greek: Thoth-Hermes), the personification of the
First Cause (Ptah) which is symbolised by the sun disc mounted on a moon
crescent resting on the head of a baboon squatting on a cube.
The Cube
The Cube (Kaba) or ancient pillar (Zindj-ka-Fura) contains the totality of
being which we must unpack in order to understand the nature of reality.
Water (Manu)
ba/u (thought/soul)
Fire (Aakhut)
Earth (Rastau)
Air (Amenti)
The Ancient Pillar
= Kabachat/Mundu (ether)
= Manu (water)
= Aakhet (fire)
= Rastau (earth)
= Amenti (air)
Both the Cube (Kaba) and ancient pillar (Zindj-ka-Fura) consists of four
elements (water, fire, earth and air) and the fifth element (ether or
quintessence) called Mundu or Kabachat. The fifth element comprises:
Ka + ba + chat
= Kabachat
M + u + ndu
= Mundu
M + u + ntu
= Muntu
M + u + nhu
= Munhu
M + o + tho
= Motho
Mind + thought + word = Higher
Spirit + soul + reason
= Higher Self
The quintessential quality of the human personality is called Ubuntu,
Ubundu, Botho etc.
This ethereal (or quintessential) quality of the human personality is also
shared by the word, or intelligence of the Unknown and Unknowable God
ThauThaumaatkara or Usarmaatra:
Usara + maat + ra =
Mena + maat + ra =
Nuba + maat + ra =
ThauThau + maat + kara =
Ka + ba + chat =
M + u + ndu =
M + u + ntu =
M + u + nhu =
M + u + thu =
M + o + tho =
Mind + thought+ word = Higher
Sprit + soul + reason= Higher
The inner human personality (i.e. divine spark, God within or indwelling
spirit) is consubstantial with the universal word or intelligence of the
Unknown and Unknowable God.
Hence, the African Sage, ThauThau-Harama (Greek: Thoth-Hermes), said that
the deceased are immortal gods and the living are mortal gods.
The African Sage, ThauThau-Harama (the Greek Thoth-Hermes) proclaimed that
the human being is the greatest miracle (magnum miraculum Homo Est). The
adage was the foundational principle of African humanism which was adopted,
adapted and distorted by European renascent philosophers.
1.1.3 The Bridge between Theology and Sciences
Both theology and science are based on time, space and matter. Time flows
from, and it is linked to, being, becoming and passing away. Time, not
being is recorded in calendars which relates to physical rather than the
spiritual reality which inform them.
All the western calendars are adaptations of the ancient African zodiac of
Dandura (the Greek Dendera) which is substantially the same with the zodiac
of Matendere which was found near Great Zimbabwe and taken to Cape Town
The Danduran Zodiac comprises:
• The Great Mother (Hathara)
• The Great Bull (Hara)
• The four cardinal gods or points (Kheru)
• The seven cows (Het-heru)
• The twelve divisions of heaven (Bemben) called zodiac (Bakare)
• The twenty four divisions of heaven (24 hours) of the day
• The thirty-six deacons divided into three ten daysmonths (10 X 3 =
• The twelve divisions of heaven multiplied by 12 months of 30 days
each (12 X 30 = 360 days)
• The number 360 represents a circle or revolution called IAO (or Jah
i.e. the beginning and the end) which reproduces five elements on five
successive days. These five days are called the birth days of the gods.
These gods are:
1. Usara (gr. Osiris)
2. Sethe (gr. Set/Sutech/Satanuka)
3. Usasi (gr. Isis)
4. Naphta (gr. Nephtys).
Thus, the zodiacs of Dandura and Matendere give us a year of 365 days.
The IAO (or Jah) Abaraka or Abakara (Greek Abraxas) manifested itself as the
lion or Leo (pard) known as the king (Fura or Kapha) of Ethiopia (African
Atpu). The King Kapha (Greek Caephus) became the prototype sacred (or
divine) king of Ancient Africa (both Ethiopia and Egypt). The concept Kara
(or Raka) found expression in the Charaoh (Greek Chirho) monogram.
The Charaoh Monogram
The Charaoh (or Kheru) is the Jewish Cherubim and the Islamic Al-Karibuyan.
In the indigenous African theology called Karaism (i.e. the doctrine of the
Divine Light), the Charaoh (Greek Chirho) monogram is the foundational
principle of theology.
The Karaite theology is embodied in the Sphinx (or Iynx) symbol also known
as the Bemben (Latin. Bambino) stone, which represents the primal god’s
child. The Sphinx is the only earthly symbol of the African Mystery God
(IHVH) popularly known as Jah(u) or Jehovah.
The entire theology of the African Sphinx God (IHVH or Jah) popularly known
as Jehovah is embodied in the Kheru (Jewish Cherubim and Islamic
Al-Karibuyan) which comprise:
• P = God (Cube or ancient pillar)
• Four Beasts before the throne of God which symbolise:
o The four winds
o The four cardinal points
o The four rudders of heaven
o The four gods which preside over the four quarters of the world
The Book of the African Sage ThauThau-Harama (Greek: Thoth-Hermes) which
deals with God and celestial matters was adapted by the Essenes (a branch of
the Great KARA Brotherhood) and renamed the Ethiopian BOOK OF ENOCH.
The Roman imperial authorities, who decided what was and what was not the
word of God, excluded African gospels popularly known as the Hermetic (or
Nag Hammadi) gospels because they were attributed to the African Sage Harama
(the Greek Hermes) and rediscovered at Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt.
1.1.4 God and Time in African Thought
The Bull of Heaven (IAO or Jah) divided itself into fourteen parts
corresponding to the seven Pleiades stars and the seven outer planets which
culminated into the universal word of intelligence called ThauThau-Harama
(Greek Thoth-Hermes) who created the cube (Kaba) or ancient pillar
(Zindj-ka-Fura) which reproduces all earthly life.
The fourteen parts of the One or the Good, plus the universal word or
intelligence, constitute the fifteen descending lunar gods and their fifteen
ascending lunar counterparts. Together these gods (15 + 15 = 30) constitute
thirty (30) days of the lunar months. In other words the thirty (30) lunar
days determine the relationship of God, time and the human being.
The thirty (30) days of the lunar months correspond to the twelve divisions
of heaven and add up to (30 x 12 = 360) days of the year. This annual cycle
generated five gods on five successive days bringing the total number of a
year to three hundred and sixty five. The number 360 represents evolution
and involution (i.e. the beginning and the end). The number 5 (five)
represents five constitutive principles of the ultimate reality.
1.1.5 The Ultimate Reality
We have said God is unknown and unknowable. The first manifestation of God
took the form of ten primal principles of being which culminated in the
Great Mother (Hathara).
The Great Mother (Hathara) generated the son (Hara or Kara) who came to be
known as Karana (or Harana).
The son (Karana or Harana) is symbolised by the three stars of the Orion
(Urhana) belt also known as Usarmaatra, Nedemba (or Nedomba), Makolobeng,
Luonde or Ulundi (i.e. the place of the pigs).
The Great Mother and her son came to be known as the Black Madonna and son.
The son was the triune principle which became the foundation of the law of
generation which says in a right-angled triangle, the square on the
hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.
The Law of Squares
a2 + b2 = c2
Usara2 + maat2 = Ra2
Nuba2 + maat2 = Ra2
Mena2 + maat2 = Ra2
Usara2 + Usasi2 = Hara2
Osiris2 + Isis2 = Horus2
Harana2 + Mara2 = Kara2
Mind2 + soul2 = word2
Spirit2 + soul2 = reason2
32 + 42 = 52
9 + 16 = 25
25 = 25
s25 = s25
5 = 5
In this law of squares, the number 25 represents the 25 divisions of heaven
and the number 5 represents the five constitutive principles of being.
The number five (5) represents the ether or quintessence and the four
elements. Therefore, we talk about five elements. But the fifth element is a
triune element comprising mind, thought and word or spirit, soul and reason.
It therefore follows from this that the numbers 5 and 7 are substantially
the same and are both vehicles of primal life.
1.1.6 6. The Affinity between God, Nature and the Human Personality
The Great Mother (Hathara) manifested herself as wisdom (Sophia), which is
symbolised by the Sirius (Sapha or S’ba) star.
The son or Alpha and Omega, emanated from wisdom.
The son generated the macro-microcosmic order and animated it. Thus the son
became the animating (or inherent) force of all reality. Thus we live in the
son and the son lives in us. In other words, we are one and the same with
the son, mother and father who represent the triune principles that
constitute the ultimate reality.
All knowledge is inherent in and is derived from the human personality which
is consubstantial with the ultimate reality which is called God. Strictly
speaking, there is nothing that God has done, can do, which the human being
cannot do and is doing. But some human beings have misled others and
subjected them to dummy religions in order to control them by saying that
only the dummy gods they have created are the only ones capable of
addressing poverty, diseases and underdevelopment. Thus, the African people
have been reduced to a helpless, hopeless and dependent species.
The greatest challenge of the African (or 21st) century is for Africans to
decolonise their minds and enter the international dialogue on their own
terms as all other nations of the world do. To try and say we reject
balkanisation, or the balkanises themselves denounce and distance themselves
from it, is nothing more or less than wishful thinking.
If we want to formulate the policy of IKS, we need to go back to the
teachings as presented by Lord Khem, also known as ThauThau-Harama and in
Greek Thoth-Hermes.
The starting point would be the literature called “The Iliad” by Plotinus,
the African sage who lived from 204 to 270. His philosophy has been
appropriated and is called New Platonism, which is wrong and a distortion.
There is also the Hermetic literature which is the source of Greek
philosophy. Before we stop balkanising, we must search for the unity of
science and theology, and only then will we have something common between
Kara Heritage Institute
Indigenous Knowledge Systems – Academic colloquium
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