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RE: Are we recreating the Atlantean apocalypse?

May 07, 2005 04:56 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

May 7 2005

Dear Mark

War in old times

Here are some references from the SECRET DOCTRINE 


adepts vs sorcerers II 384, 501, 503 
disease &, fr North & West winds I 123 
betw divine & terrestrial self II 268 
first, for man in fourth race II 276 
betw gods & dragon II 384, 503 
betw good & evil II 225 
planetary I 101 
Skanda, Karttikeya, Mars & II 382 
among stars, planets, moon I 202 
struggles or, during evolution I 193 
betw Tiamat & Bel II 503


Atlas assisted giants in II 493 
described II 222-3 
solar eclipse 945 BC &, (Bentley) II 76 
submersion of Atlantis ended II 222
Ward, Robert, ["On Heat and Light"] I 484n

WAR(S) IN HEAVEN. See also Revelation

betw adepts of left & right II 501-2 
allegorized in Ramayana II 495 
Assyrian, (G. Smith) II 386 
astronomical phases of I 201-4 
Brahman ecclesiastics disfigured II 502 
Christian version of, transformed II 390 
Codex Nazaraeus on, (Isis Unveiled) I 194-6 
creation due to, (Rosicrucian) II 237 
explained I 194-8, 201-3; II 103-4, 384-90, 492-505 
first, discussed I 419-23 
of gods vs asuras II 390, 498 
human phase of II 501-2 
fr India via Persia, Chaldea I 198 
of Michael & dragon I 202 
origin of Christian I 68, 193; II 497 
pagan in origin I 198, 418 
repeated on every plane II 268 
[Revelation] story of I 194 
secret of, in initiation crypts II 379 

betw sons of god & of shadow II 495, 500 
betw spirit & matter II 268, 269n 
struggles for candidate for adeptship II 380 
Tarakamaya or I 418; II 45, 63, 497-8 
Theosophist article on, (Alee Beg) II 244-5 
third, betw adepts & sorcerers I 419 &n 

betw Thraetaona & Azhi-daksha II 390 
three, in every cosmogony I 418 
triple meanings in var religions I 202

"War in Heaven, The." See Mitford, G.

War of the Titans (Hesiod) II 63, 500

DELUGE(S). See also Cataclysm, Floods, Noah

Atlantean, an allegory (Massey) II 353 
Atlantean, buried sorcerers II 772 
Atlantean or Noah's II 69n, 142-6, 313-14, 395, 410, 423, 533-4, 751n, 774 
Book of Enoch & II 530-33 
builders of Babel after II 375 
Cain, Ham &, (Rom Church) II 391 
causes of II 144-5, 274, 699 
Chaldean & biblical, not Atlantean II 4 
changed whole Earth II 533-4 
cosmic II 69n 
Deucalion, Pyrrha escape II 270 
divine, or Tityus II 142 
early buddha of fifth race saw II 423 
Faber on Atlantean II 264-5 
fish &, in ancient symbolism I 653 
of fourth round I 444 
geological, ended 3rd race II 313 
historical events II 335 
Ila primeval woman after I 523 
inclination of axis caused II 52 
inversion of poles & II 360 
Jewish, based on Poseidonis II 751n 
Kabirim gods of the II 360 
little, in Central Asia (Bunsen) II 141 
many, compressed into one II 141 
meanings of II 139-40, 144, 145-6 
moon, planets & II 699 
Noachian I 415, 444-5; II 3, 32, 69n, 138, 222, 265, 
309, 390, 393, 466 
Noah's, not mythical II 774 
our, 850,000 years ago II 141, 144 
overtook fourth race II 350 
periodical, geological II 274, 410, 776 &n 
in Popol-Vuh II 35 
population explosion after II 453 
predicted by zodiac I 649 
pyramids, constellations & II 352 
in Samothrace & Gobi II 4-5 
satya-yuga followed I 67 
several, in fifth race II 353 
sidereal & geological II 314 
skeletons before, tall II 278 
story of, & third race II 139-40 &n 
of Thessaly II 776 
third & fourth, not a curse II 410 
third, was Lemurian II 351 
Timaeus re occasional II 784 
traditions of I 322; II 141, 365, 751 &n, 774 
universal II 530 
universal, watery abyss (Berosus) II 715n 
Vaivasvata's I 369, 523; II 4, 69n, 139, 309, 313 
various I 67-8; II 141-6, 270-1, 313-15, 784-5

FLOOD(S) I 389, 397n; II 150. 
See also Cataclysm, Deluge, Noah

Atlanteans divined coming of II 429, 610 
Atlantis nearly wiped out by II 309, 350 
Babylonian & Mosaic II 222 
of Deukalion II 519 
first, at end of satya-yuga II 146 
first cosmic, was creation II 139 
first, in Aryan memory II 332 
great, allegorical & cosmic II 146, 307-10 
Great, is Old Dragon II 352-3, 786 
great, of third race II 331 
great sidereal, & Vaivasvata II 310, 313 
Jupiter reanimates race after II 270 
M'bul or waters of the I 385 
Mulil caused waters of, to fall II 139n 
of the Nile II 353 
no, 3102 BC I 370 
Noah's I 370, 444n 
Noah's, not Central Asian II 141 
occult science survived great I 341 
second, of fourth race II 146 
Vaivasvata saved race fr II 309-10 
various II 141-8, 222, 353 
Zoroastrian II 356

ATLANTEAN(S) or Fourth Race. See also Atlantis, 
Cainite, Daitya, Giants, Root-Race -- Fourth, Ruta

Tasmanians fr Lemuro- II 195-6, 721 
anthropoids in, explained II 185, 193, 201n, 286, 679, 689 
apex of physical development I 609; II 319 
Aryan Asiatics saw last of II 433 
Aryan wars confused w, wars II 776 
astronomical records kept by II 353 
Asuramaya an II 47, 50, 67-8, 70 
bred w descendants of mindless II 286 
built great images II 331 
Cainites, sons of Ham II 146 
called the Great Dragons II 756 
cities of II 20-1 
civilization of, & Egypt II 426, 429-31 
civilized & savage II 723 
colors of II 178, 227, 249, 433n 
completely human species II 227n, 266, 715n 
continent in Eocene, Miocene II 693 
Cro-Magnon, Guanches, Basques, & II 678n, 740, 791 
Cyclopes belong to II 293 
Deluge not Chaldean or biblical II 4 
destruction of II 147n, 178, 350, 424-8, 494, 533-4, 693, 742n 
devs (Persian) were II 394 
"divined the coming of floods" II 429 
dragon of Revelation &, magic II 356 
Druid priests descendants of II 756 
dwarfs among II 331, 433n 
Earth grosser in mid-, race II 250 
Easter Islands & II 224, 326 
eleven "Buddhas" of II 423n 
endured for millions of years II 263 
ethereal prototypes of II 9 
Europe rising during, peak II 722-3, 740-1 
fell into savagery II 743-4 
forefathers of apes II 201n 
giants II 9, 70, 93-4n, 146, 224, 227n, 232n, 
236, 265, 350, 433 &n, 753 &n, 756, 760 
gibborim, rakshasas were I 415; II 273-4 
gravitated to South Pole II 274 
hierophants II 530 
highly civilized, intellectual I 189, 191, 192n; II 760 
incarnations of lunar devas II 495 
inhabited surviving islands II 326 
initiates taught Cyclopes I 208n 
invasions of Europe II 743-4 
Irish circular stones were II 343-4 
Isis Unveiled refers to II 496 
islanders perished II 395 
Jupiter belongs to, cycle II 270 
karma "bruised the heel" of II 411 
karma of, & 5th race II 302-3 
King of Tyre (Ezekiel) & II 492-3 
"land of bliss" of II 356 
language developed in I 189; II 198-200 
last of, mixed w Aryans II 444 
Lemurians & I 190; II 319-20, 333-4 
libraries destroyed II 692 
magic black & white I 192n; II 273 
magic language of, priests I 464 
"mash-mak" force known to I 563 
mated w animals II 286-7, 331, 689, 775 
mid-, twenty-nineth kalpa II 249 
Miocene destruction of II 693 
moon, sun & I 397 
mysteries secret after II 124 
Noah was an, (Faber) II 265, 390 
no anthropoids in brighter days of II 679 
no fresh monads since mid II 303 
now viewed as mythical II 761 
one-third of, joined fifth race II 350 
Paleolithic man was II 740 &n, 790 
perished on Ruta & Daitya II 433 
Peruvian colony offshoot of II 745 
pioneers of fourth race not II 323 
pride of II 271, 760 
prototypes of Nimrods, Hamites II 272 
Puranic accounts of II 140, 146-7 &n, 232n 
pyramids, menhirs & II 352 
rakshasas & asuras I 415; II 227n, 232n, 276, 323 
records on prehistoric skins II 692 
religion of II 273-4 
rocking stones built by II 343-4, 347 
Ruta & Greeks & Romans II 436 
Ruta last large island of I 650 
sacrificers to god of matter II 273 
Sanskrit not spoken by I 23 
satyrs among II 775 
Senzar of, fr third race I xliii 
seven, divisions of Earth II 366 
seven sacred islands not II 326 
several humanities in II 433n 
size of II 331, 760 
skeletons may be discovered II 674 
sleep never disturbed by dreams II 761 
sorcerers, giants, & unholy destroyed I 419; II 93-4n, 350, 495, 636

sorcery of I 397; II 272 &n, 286, 371n, 493, 503, 772 
Stone Age man & II 716n, 720-1 
submerged in Miocene II 156, 395 &n, 433 
superhuman powers II 760, 764 
Telchines were Titans II 391 
third eye atrophied II 302, 306 
Titans, fallen angels, & I 417-19 
Titans, Kabiri, & II 265, 390-1 
Uranus(os) first king of II 762, 765 
used magic against Sun II 762 
went fr Sahara to Mexico by land II 424 
"White Island," seven kumaras & II 584 
writing invented by II 439, 442 
zodiacal records II 49 

ATLANTES (Gk). See also Atlanteans, Atlantis

Diodorus on II 762, 765 
Herodotus on II 761-2, 771n 
Titans &, (Faber) II 360, 765 
Titans called II 360

ATLANTIC II 405, 408

continent possible (Huxley) II 780-1 
great, flood II 353 
huge Lemurian islands in II 327, 333 
islands & New World flora II 322n, 791-2 
Milky Ocean or I 419 
Atlantic Islands, The. See Benjamin, S. G. W.
Atlantic Ridge(s) II 792-3
confirms horseshoe land bridge II 333 
three long II 782
Atlantides (seven daughters of Atlas)
cursed the Sun II 407 
historical II 76 
Pleiades or II 768 
symbols of subraces, fourth Race II 493

ATLANTIS. See also Atlanteans, Atlantes, Axis, 
Deluge, Root-Race -- Fourth Race

adept re, before Plato's II 406 
Africa & II 263-4, 314, 740, 761 
alchemy born in II 763n 
ancient writers describe II 767-8 
art of II 426 
astronomical allegory (Massey) II 353 
astronomical evidence of II 407-8 
Asuramaya's birthplace II 50, 67-8 
Atlas & II 761, 763, 768 
Bailly rejected submersion of II 265 
broke into seven pieces (dvipas) II 405 
cause of Deluge of II 349-50, 410, 427, 533-4, 636 
Ceylon remnant of II 314 
continents & kings before II 765 
Cyclopean relics of I 208-9n; II 335-47, 742-60 
destroyed by water II 316, 762 
destruction of II 222-3, 313-14 
divine dynasties of II 370-1, 773 
Eocene height of II 710, 717 
evidence for II 740, 780-2, 790-3 
Ezekiel refers to II 494 &n 
Faber re II 144, 264-5 
Flood nearly wiped out II 309, 406n 
flora evidence for II 322n, 727, 739 
fourth continent I 369; II 8, 334, 606n 
giants of II 275-6, 753, 777n 
Hindu Aryans dwelt in II 406 
histories of, destroyed II 763n 
holy island black w sin II 371-2 
Iranian folklore records II 393-4 
Isis Unveiled on II 384 
islands & continents of II 67, 220-4, 265, 322-3, 350 
Latona-Niobe story & II 771-2 &n 
lemming migrations & II 782 
Lemuria & II 221, 266, 333 
Lyell's "explanation" of II 787-8 
Maligasima, "Maurigosima" II 365 
man on, submerged (Gould) II 218-19 
Mayas coeval w Plato's II 35n 
moral depravity & sinking of II 786 
mountain peaks of II 763 
names for II 323-4n 
Neptune divided, among sons II 406 
Noah & II 222, 265 
northern & southern parts of II 371n 
Northern Hyperborean II 770n 
overlapped Aryan race II 433n 
Pengelly re II 726-7 
Phlegyae & II 144, 265, 365 
Phrygian priests describe II 371 
pithecoid skull & II 727 
Plato's, coeval w Mayas II 34-5n 
Plato's, in Hindu dress II 407-8 
Plato's island/continent II 8, 141, 250n, 314, 323, 
324n, 352, 370-1, 395, 743n, 761 &n, 767-8 
postdiluvian (Bailly) II 265-6 
Proclus re II 408-9 
pyramids fr Plato's II 429 
race of magicians II 222 
remnants of II 222-3 
"Romakapura" last of II 50, 67-8 
Ruta, Daitya & I 650-1; II 314n, 433, 740 
sacerdotal language of I xliii, 464 
Saka-, Sankha dvipa, & Sankhasura were II 322, 407-8 &n 
sank end of Miocene II 8n, 10, 156, 314n, 395n, 433 &n, 
693, 710, 740, 778 
science denies existence of II 314, 429 
secrecy re knowledge of II 763-4 
seven islands of II 350, 408-9 
sinking of, remnants II 124, 141, 250, 313-14, 332, 352, 395, 433&n 
Sons of Light, Darkness in II 772-3 
submerged I 439n; II 140-1, 156, 266, 306, 310, 
395, 606n, 693, 778, 786 
subraces & seven daughters II 768 
survivors of, in Gobi II 371-2 
Sweden as Plato's, (Rudbeck) II 402 
Theophrastus [Theopompus] re II 371, 760 
theory of, factual (Seeman) II 781 
Thevetata king-demon of II 222 
Vaivasvata & II 265, 310 
war betw initiates & sorcerers I 419 
White Island, Atala & II 67, 322, 403, 408 &n 
Wilford's mistakes re II 402-9 
Yudhishthira at sinking of I 369 
Zarathustra fr early II 322-3

Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. See Donnelly, I.


first settled Egypt II 746 
Greeks, Romans, Egyptians fr II 436 
kings of Egypt II 750-1 
red Adams or II 426

ATLANTO-LEMURIANS. See also Lemuro-Atlanteans

religion of II 272 
sires of later anthropoids II 688n 
took mindless wives II 283 
Veda went forth to II 483

[Courtesy of T S A, Pasadena ]


The Rishis were the sacred Bards, the Saints, the great Adepts
Known to the Hindus, who gave great spiritual impulses in the
Past and are said to sometimes reincarnate, and who at one time
lived on the earth among men.

"The world is made of seas and islands. For continents are only great lands
water-encircled. Men must ever live upon sea or land, then, unless they
abide in air, and if they live in the air, they are not men as we know

Thus I thought as the great ship steamed slowly into the port of a small
island, and before the anchor fell the whole scene seemed to change and the
dazzling light of the past blotted out the dark pictures of modern
civilization. Instead of an English ship I was standing on an ancient
vehicle propelled by force unknown today, until the loud noises of
disembarkation roused me once again.

But landed now, I was standing on the hill overlooking the town and bay.
The strange light and the curious vehicle again obtained mastery over sense
and eye, while the whole majesty of forgotten years rolled in from the
Ocean. Vainly did modern education struggle and soar: I let the curtain
drop upon the miserable present.

Now softly sings the water as it rolls against the shore, with the sun but
one hour old shining upon its surface. But, far off, what is that spot
coming nearer from the West, followed by another and another until over the
horizon rise hundreds, and now some are so near that they are plainly seen?
The same strange vehicles as that I saw at first. Like birds they fly
through the air. They come slowly now, and some have been brought still on
the land. They light on the earth with a softness that seems nearly human,
with a skill that is marvelous, without any shock or rebound. From them
alight men of noble mien who address me as friends, and one more noble than
the others seems to say, "Wouldst thou know of all this? Then come," as he
turns again to his vehicle that stands there like a bird in wait to be off.

"Yes, I will go;" and I felt that the past and the present were but one, and
knew what I should see, yet could not remember it but with a vagueness that
blotted out all the details.

We entered the swift intelligently-moving vehicle, and then it rose up on
the air's wide-spreading arms and flew again fast to the West, where the
water was still softly singing to the beams of the sun. The horizon slowly
rose and the Island behind us was hidden by the sea from our sight. And
still as onward we flew to the Occident, many more birds made by manlike
that we were in flew by us as if in haste for the soft-singing waters
lapping the shore of that peak of the sea mountain we had left in the
Orient. Flying too high at first we heard no sound from the sea, but soon
a damp vapor that blew in my face from the salt deep showed that we were
descending, and then spoke my friend.

"Look below and around and before you!"

Down there were the roar and rush of mad billows that reached toward the
sky, vast hollows that sucked in a world. Black clouds shut out the great
sun, and I saw that the crust of the earth was drawn in to her own
subterranean depths. Turning now to the master, I saw that he heard my
unuttered question. He said,

"A cycle has ended. The great bars that kept back the sea have been broken
down by their weight. From these we have come and are coming."

Then faster sailed our bird, and I saw that a great Island was perishing.
What was left of the shore still crumbled, still entered the mouth of the
sea. And there were cars of the air just the same as that I was in, only
dark and unshining, vainly trying to rise with their captains; rising
slowly, then falling, and then swallowed up. 

But here we have rushed further in where the water has not overflowed, and
now we see that few are the bright cars of air that are waiting about while
their captains are entering and spoiling the mighty cars of the men whose
clothing is red and whose bodies, so huge and amazing, are sleeping as if
from the fumes of a drug.

As these great red men are slumbering, the light-stepping captains with
sun-colored cloaks are finishing the work of destruction. And now, swiftly
though we came, the waters have rushed on behind us, the salt breath of the
all-devouring deep sweeps over us. The sun-colored captains enter their
light air-cars and rise with a sweep that soon leaves the sleepers, now
waking, behind them. The huge red-coated giants hear the roar of the
waters and feel the cold waves roll about them. They enter their cars, but
only to find all their efforts are wasted. Soon the crumbling earth no
longer supports them, and all by an inrushing wave are engulfed, drawn into
the mouth of the sea, and the treacherous ocean with roars as of pleasure in
conquest has claimed the last race of that Island.

But one has escaped of all the red giants, and slowly but surely his car
sailed up, up, as if to elude the sun-colored men who were spoilers.

Then, loud, clear, and thrilling swelled out a note of marvelous power from
my captain, and back came a hundred of those brilliant fast cars that were
speeding off eastward. Now they pursue the heavy, vast, slow-moving car of
the giant, surround it, and seem to avoid its attacks. Then again swells
that note from my master as our car hung still on its wings. It was a
signal, obeyed in an instant.

One brilliant, small sharp-pointed car is directed full at the red giant's
vehicle. Propelled by a force that exceeds the swift bullet, it pierces the
other, itself, too, is broken and falls on the waves with its victim.
Trembling I gazed down below, but my captain said kindly,

"He is safe, for he entered another bright car at the signal. All those
red-coated men are now gone, and that last was the worse and the greatest."

Back eastward once more through the salt spray and the mist until soon the
bright light shone again and the Island rose over the sea with the
soft-singing water murmuring back to the sun. We alighted, and then, as I
turned, the whole fleet of swift sailing cars disappeared, and out in the
sky flashed a bright streak of sun-colored light that formed into letters
which read:

"This is where the Rishis were before the chalk cliffs of Albion rose out of
the wave. They were but are not."

And loud, clear and thrilling rose that note I had heard in the car of swift
pinions. It thrilled me with sadness, for past was the glory and naught for
the future was left but a destiny.

Bryan Kinnavan
(Wm. Q. Judge)

THE PATH, January 1891.


Hope this helps,


-----Original Message-----

From: Mark Hamilton Jr.
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2005 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: Are we recreating the Atlantean apocalypse?

Does anyone have any more readings on the wars between Adepts and
sorcerers? Or left/right hand hierarchies. Anything of that nature.

I am a fan of H.P.B. and Judge and would like to read anything
remotely relating this matter by them.

I'm not that picky though, I'll get what I can take.

Thank you,

-Mark H.

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