Re: Theos-World The Brotherhoods of Light and the Space Command
Apr 30, 2005 09:44 PM
by Cass Silva
It came through on your next post. Thanks
This doesn't ring through, as true, for me, but for others it probably does. What is fascinating is the story of inter-galactic hierarchies. It becomes almost familiar, as I have watched Star Trek - the next generation - Deep Space 9, its for many years. It is interesting how the Poets/Writers get it ahead of the rest of the populace. Their imaginary fictional world becomes reality, which makes you wonder about what is ahead for us.
Cass Silva <> wrote:
Dear Daniel,
Three pages came through, but not the actual message that they say was channelled. I went to the website but cannot locate it. Any suggestions?
"Daniel H. Caldwell" wrote:
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