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life- Krishtar pov

Apr 26, 2005 06:38 PM
by krishtar

Terrie.. Terrie...sometimes you�re really great!
"Leadbeater is an endorphin ride." ( !!!)

Glad we both agree about these points.
" Life uses no xylocaine" , isn�t it? ( That is mine)
Have a good night.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: thalprin 
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 10:07 PM
Subject: Theos-World Re: Mental Health issues - ancient meets modern - Krishtar pov

My pleasure, glad you enjoyed the link.

Krishtar, yes, I am by nature very frank, I treat myself with the 
same honesty, this being the case I do suppose that folks can feel 
flustered or insulted by such, but honestly that it not my intent - 

I forget folks are mentally/emotionally fragile a/o attached 
sometimes, another nice point, thanks.

Yes, I push buttons sometimes (perhaps, hehe, shock therapy) I 
suppose but it's often just such an efficient method/means of 
putting pretenses aside and getting an actual 
look/exampling/accounting into/of the reality a/o heart of the 
matter at hand.

I think you've quite nicely stated an enormous diff between HPB and 
Leadbeater raps - certainly I think Leadbeater is an endorphin ride.

Thanks for the view, enjoyed.



--- In, "krishtar" <krishtar_a@b...> 
> Terrie and Mark
> Thanks Terrie for the link on Copts.
> Mark I am still analysing all thet you are saying to form a whole 
idea that I can express later.
> Terrie, your comments on Mark�s situation at one side (seem to ) 
lack a little compassion, they�re very cutting,direct but I also see 
that some truths also cutting and cruel...aren�t they?
> The explanations offered about the after-death states by the 
mahatmas and also by HPB herself are more difficult to accept, 
digest, than those given by many spiritualists such as Allan Kardec 
and Leadbeater, where it is very, as I once said, very romantic.
> My observation on the various situations where people claim to see 
things like masters and deceased ones, are a bit or a lot of 
psychic problems, not purely psychic capabilities.
> It�s sometimes easier to react roughly when a truth or plausible 
fact is shown at a objective POV. 
> Most of the people who start telling about their " paranormal"  
experiences expect congruity, not shock, and this way is very 
difficult to keep a conversation without shocking of opinions.
> One must be very honest and strong to admitt that some  
experiences are not mystical or occult, but what happens is the high 
attachment we have to the fenomenas that occur with us.
> We all like to dettach ourselves from the normality, from the 
average people�s experiences and we seize to these experiences as if 
they were something we really possess, even taking our illusions as 
> An illusion becomes more and more real to as as much as the more 
we get attached to it.
> Just my view.
> Krishtar

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