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Re: Theos-World RE: Learning, teaching, research, questioning -- some guide lines needed

Apr 21, 2005 11:21 AM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins

Hello Dallas,

Are these questions rhetorical or are you seeking for others to answer them? If the latter, then, are you asking these questions to get other views, or is it because you already "know the answers" and want to "correct" those who have answers different than yours?

W.Dallas TenBroeck wrote:

4 21 05

RE: Learning, teaching, research, questioning -- some guide lines needed

Dear Friends:

May I break in and ask (sorry if I repeat) ?

"BELIEF" -- Does it mean: "To the best of my knowledge "so and so" is

Does this also include the humble addition: "But, I am looking?"

Does it admit a personal degree of ignorance?

"FAITH" -- Does it mean: "I trust without reserve in some statement or
authority chosen by me ?"

Or does it mean: "I have so far proved "so and so" to be correct ?"
And does it include: "I am not yet convinced, so I am seeking?"

Or does it bluntly say: "Don't bother me any further with "truths" or
additional, or adverse facts that may force me to re-think and change my

Does it automatically exclude other "Faiths" from consideration?

If there are extremes of these two positions, can we say we are faced with
dogmatism and fanaticism? [or: "Closed Minds ?" ]

In those cases what are dogmatists and fanatics basing themselves on?
I. E., How would they qualify their positions?
What is "Authoritarian defiance?"

Does a degree from our learned Institutions demand that we protect its
"authority" -- even if such a stamp of approval received in our past, is now
demonstrably inaccurate?
How does learning progress?

If discovery and investigation of Nature proceeds, how are the integrity,
honesty, and reliability of Science maintained and preserved?

What are our duties and responsibilities?

Where do freedom of research and investigation become iconoclasm?
Are old images" (ideas, theories, hypothesis) to be defended at all costs?
My next questions is:
How does anyone acquire additional knowledge on various subjects ?

What does one do when we meet an explanation that contradicts or modifies
what we have so far assumed to be correct?
What kind of a forum is needed, where a "no holds barred" approach is

What is an "Open Mind?"

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Cass Silva
Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:08 AM
To: Subject: Re: theosophical books in disguise?

Dear Perry
Thats exactly what I am doing. I am bringing theosophy into my life. Like
HPB said there are scholars and there are seekers. All I know, is that I
know nothing (compared to what there is to know)!

Perry Coles <> wrote:

Hello Cass,
I think is a question of getting out of a belief based mindset and trying to develop an increasingly expansive and compassionate one.

Belief is generally caught up in a desire for security, comfort and certainty.
It reminds me of the old Taoist saying 'he who thinks he knows doesn't know , he who knows he doesn't know, knows'


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