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Re: Theos-World Cardinal Ratzinger elected as pope

Apr 19, 2005 06:49 PM
by Cass Silva

Hi Mauri
Me thinks something is rotten in the State of Denmark. The unspoken but inherently accepted last will and testament of JP, made it clear to all, that Ratzinger would finish what JP started. I suppose you cant blame the black cardinals from not applying for the job, as that may make the prophesy come true. The last pope will be a black pope. Maybe the prophesy was more a metaphor than a colour. Maybe the dugpas have been fooled?

Mauri <> wrote:

M. Sufilight wrote:
> Hallo all,
> Just to break the news to those not knowing it:
> Cardinal Ratzinger got elected as Pope.

I heard. He's been the guy heading 
today's version of what used to be 
called The Holy Inquisition, believe it 
or not. Peter Urquhart in his THE 
POPE'S ARMADA says Ratzinger is a 
supporter of the Catholic, 
ultra-conservative, extremely right- 
wing, dictatorial, anti-democratic, 
anti-intellectual, no-questions-welcome, 
totalitarian, brainwashing cults like 
Focolare, Neocatchumenate, Communion and 
Liberation, Opus Dei, etc., all of which 
the previous Pope supported. Apparenly 
these cults are turning their members 
into mindless zombies (as if "unity with 
God" can be accomplished by a certain 
kind of mindless "faith") who work for 
them for free in isolated cult 
communities after having handed over 
their savings.

^:-/ ..

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