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Re: Theos-World Re: It's not like I forget,

Apr 19, 2005 06:43 PM
by Cass Silva

Are you sure you are not the reincarnation of HPB? Your voice resonates with hers.
Terrie, this is not an attack on you, but an observation on Niki's ability with words.

Niki Durand <> wrote:

izzat a gnat I hear buzzing around me plush arse...why
yes, Begonia, I think I hear a dim buzz soemwhere...

Quick, Lysandra, the Free-Range Gnat-Away!™ powder!

Yes, Begonia, yes!


--- thalprin wrote:
> Actually, ifn you wanna backtrack - you joined this
> list claiming to 
> be a reincarnated Master with disciples (or some
> such and such) who 
> was in a particular car wreck (a/o shot) and yes I
> continue to 
> disagree that your facts for that car wreck are in
> anyway correct -
> or- that you are that Man a/o even vaguely remind me
> of a "Master."
> Truth is, you and Niki's interests in NDE (to me)
> still seem not 
> only blindsided, pompus/obsessive (+she has a car
> wreck story too) 
> but also unhealthy/fanatical AND you haven't even
> mentioned urine 
> therapy yet! 
> "Oh, my"! :) 
> Further, hearing you're 'digs' and angling below,
> specifically: "You 
> should know it's just their demeanor and they always
> come from this 
> angle," continues to proof (at least for me) what's
> really going on 
> in your mind. + It's just another wit/rewrite in
> the first 
> instance, but whatever. 
> Always good advice: "just ignore that, and that and
> that and that 
> and that and that and that." 
> Bizarre.
> --- In, "Mark Hamilton
> Jr." 
> wrote:
> > Niki,
> > 
> > I received a lot of flak when I first joined the
> list, particularly
> > from Thalprin and Dr. Psionic. Some people here
> are incredibly
> > sarcastic, some are skeptical, and others are a
> little more open
> > minded and willing to hear you out. Jerry was the
> one who informed 
> me
> > of this, and before then I was incredibly
> frustrated by responses 
> to
> > my posts. So I thank him for that.
> > 
> > If you must, just ignore certain members, or just
> know where they 
> are
> > coming from at least. You should know it's just
> their demeanor and
> > they always come from this angle. It takes all
> kinds, I suppose. :)
> > 
> > Don't give up hope,
> > -Mark H.
> > 
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