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Theos-World Re: Which animals did Blavatsky enjoy most for eating

Apr 17, 2005 04:18 PM
by christinaleestemaker

:) Who is Olcutt de you mean Allcutt?

--- In, samblo@c... wrote:
> Christina,
> Hmmm, "Mouses?" I don't remember reading that Olcutt or any 
others at 
> Adyar recorded seeing Madame Blavatsky croutched on the kitchen 
floor there for 
> hours on end staring at a crack in the kitchen wall. Did the PSR 
spread a rumor 
> that she materialized mousies out of thin air and dropped them 
alive into her 
> mouth grinning and with a cheshire cat smile and rubbing her tummy 
> yummy? No,no alas a thousnd time no, this cannot be true, but we 
must remember it 
> is a thousnd times better to eat a mouse than to be the mouse. Then 
> why wern't there reports of Mousies at Adyar in any of the 
collected writtings? 
> Surely there must have been some mousies in India, but then there 
are all 
> those Fakirs with their flutes and the mousies could have been 
tricked into 
> thinking they were in Germany of that country that is not on the 
map in Europe and 
> followed the Fakir with the flute into Kashmir which completely 
pissed off the 
> population in Kashmir so bad they succedded from India and banned 
the import 
> of Indian cheese and later almost caused a nuclear war due to the 
> invasion caused by the Pied Piper of Adyar.
> I wonder if there were any Papel Bulls issued about Mousies? Do 
> eat Mousies?
> John
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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