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G. de Purucker's Claims to be in Contact with the Masters M and KH

Apr 10, 2005 10:59 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

G. de Purucker wrote:

"Thrice recently, before and since the passing 
of K.T. [Katherine Tingley] has one of the Great 
Teachers been with me here in Loma-land. I will 
open my heart to you and tell you something. The 
two Masters who originally founded the Theosophical 
Society, and who are the Chiefs of the E.S., are 
still working with the Society both inner and outer, 
and for it.... Each of these two has progressed far 
along the Path of Initiation since H.P.B.'s days....

"I have seen and conversed with Master M within this 
last month, and twice has Master K.H. been in my office, 
once alone, and once with a chela, who said not one word, 
but whom I knew to be a Tibetan of high esoteric rank. 
These conversations are of course a very holy and precious 
treasure to me, and in them I was shown the future of the 
Society, what to expect and what to look forward to; and 
I again pledged myself in a manner of which I may not 
speak, but which I feel it my duty to tell you of.... 

"I have opened a little to you the door that was opened to me. I 
hereby give you my full confidence and trust, and assure you that 
even as you will be loyal and devoted to me, your Leader and 
Official Head, and your Teacher of the E.S., so shall I be utterly 
devoted and true to you. May the sublime Light of the Great Lodge, 
the Light of the Tathagatas, burn in your hearts and minds, and lead 
you into ways of peace. 

"Written in the Masters' names, and under the authority that has 
devolved upon me, this twenty-ninth day of July, 1929, according to 
the current calendar, at the International Theosophical 
Headquarters, Point Loma, California


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