Re: Theos-World Email to Radha Burnier
Mar 17, 2005 05:54 PM
by nhcareyta
--- In, Cass Silva <silva_cass@y...> wrote:
> Dear Perry
> I think your idea of a petition is a good idea. One voice or a
series of one voices are often pushed to the bottom of the in tray.
Karmically however I think we must be very clear on our motives .
How do we ensure that this action, if it was successful, may cause
thousands to turn away from Theosophy by regarding it as just another
cult with fake gurus. The baby with the bathwater syndrome.
> It parallels the Jesus story. After his death or absence, those
left to spread the word, assumed authoritarianship over it, and what
made sence to the followers 2000 years ago, now makes no sence to
those that inherited those words. Hence the decay and decline of
> What will be the effect on Theosophy if CWL is deposed, on the
grounds of paedophilia and corruption of the truth? Does Theosophy
have to be deposed to ensure that truth prevails as the ancient
Dear Cass
Thank you for raising important issues which, to me, are not easily
Are we being a little precious with "truth"? Will the very good work
of many members of the Adyar TS be "lost" if Bishop Leadbeater's
credibility is shattered? Is it a "baby and bathwater syndrome"?
It immediately occurs to me that the Adyar TS is not the only place
where Theosophy is discussed and practiced.
Perhaps, in this accelerated age of information, where rigorous
research is becoming more common and accepted, the time has arrived
for truth in reporting.
Perhaps it is now time for the mentality of critique to confront the
past age of sentimental belief.
Yes, there will certainly be loss of a kind. Emotional attachment to
how we might wish things to be will undoubtedly be challenged.
But aren't these the progressive stages of "cutting the apron
Should we avoid truth for fear of its results?
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