Re: Theos-World Path of Occultism (AnandGholap.Net - Online Theosophy)
Mar 09, 2005 11:21 PM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 03/08/05 7:05:47 AM, writes:
>For centuries it is tradition that every student of occultism has to
>promise the Master that he would not tell his personal experiences to
>others without Master's permission. This rule is still there in the
>E.S. When Master thinks that more knowledge of secrete science should
>be revealed for the benefit of the world, he gives permission to
>pupil to write his experiences. But otherwise most disciples keep
>promise of keeping personal experiences secrete.
>Anand Gholap
But, when one finds that the real "Master" is none other than one's own
higher Self -- who else is there that could give one "permission" to reveal
(translate) whatever is necessary to explain to others (who are ready) what has
already been revealed by "living" Masters through HPB -- who wrote it all down
clearly for any "intuitive student" to grasp?
Didn't HPB tell her disciples to write their own Secret Doctrine "in the
language of their age"?
As for the "rules" in the E.S... What authority does that have -- when the
one who initiated it in the first place (for her own direct disciples) already
closed it when she left the scene?
Are we to take the word of those later self chosen "teachers" who changed the
original teachings to fit their own egoistic and power seeking agendas, and
claimed the abandoned E.S. as their private property? Who did they think they
were kidding? Was it all those poor pseudo theosophists who couldn't carry on
with all that HPB gave them without a living guru or "messiah" to hold their
The only "secrecy" necessary in any esoteric teaching (by one who knows
through their own direct experience) is to assure that the actual techniques of
correlating the forces and revealing the key to their application is not exposed
to those that might misuse such knowledge. (Unfortunately, all the hucksters
who play with our minds in religion, politics and advertising already know
them... And, wouldn't it be a good thing to be able to recognize those techniques
so as to protect ourselves from their machinations?)
But, besides that, what can be wrong with explaining the practical methods
that lead one directly to the understanding of the higher truths and the
attainment of one's own self realization?
HPB already gave us the tools... So, why not use them -- especially, when
one follows the methods of study that she suggested such as, "Reading in and
around the words and between the lines"? Isn't it obvious that there may be
where the real esoteric occult knowledge was hidden? (Is there any wonder, then,
that those later "teachers" [a.k.a. T.S. "leaders"] who retranslated and
changed those words and lines, might have had some ulterior, self serving motives
in doing so?) I wouldn't be surprised.
So, let's forget all the past "traditions" of occult study that served
earlier ages, and which have little relevance in this far more literate and highly
educated time in our human evolution.
All it takes is a "burning desire to know," correct instruction on the path
to follow, a knowledge of the end in view, and concentrated perseverance in
both study and practice.
As Einstein said, "Genius is concentration for a long period of time on a
single point of inquiry." I don't think any Master could have said it better.
So, for any of us who have had a personal experience that might help others
in showing them the way to their own self realization -- let's hear it.
I'm sure we can decide for ourselves, at whatever level of the path we are
presently on, whether or not it may have some value.
>--- In, "Zakk Duffany" <zakkduffany@e...>
>> > Any occultist on this list who can speak from personal knowledge?
>> >>Subba Rao wrote " The other road is the precipitous path of
>> >>occultism, through a series of initiations.....Occult progress,
>> >>growth along this path, is effected by the Adept directing through
>> >>the chela various occult forces...."(Esoteric Writings 113)
>> >>
>> >>I am taking this from Clara Codd's 'Way of the disciple' page 120-121
>> >>
>> >>Opening of consciousness and downpouring of divine energies is
>> >>written after that but it is not in quotes so it is not clear if she
>> >>is describing in her words what SR wrote or it is her own
>> >>opinion/experience or knowledge.
>> ----The opening of "consciousness", as it is put, is similar in ways
>> to the opening of energy centers (chakras). Premature opening
>> has hazardous effects. The "downpouring of divine energies"
>> can cause a nervous breakdown or insanity. With the divine
>> energy comes divine knowings. An individual's mental and emotional
>> state must be in a state of comparable to that in which it is being
>> subjective to. The opening of consciousness is done in small "doses"
>> if it is to be not only beneficial, but for it to be lasting as well.
>> If an individual is not properly prepared, the individual will not
>> be able to retain. There are mentors who will assist chelas in some
>> awareness expansion, but the mentor will know the chela well enough
>> (or should) to only do that which will not result in the chela's detriment.
>> As there are different chakras, so are there different "types" of
>> "consciousness openings". Exactly what avenue of opening in which
>> will be utilized is dependent upon the individual's state.
>> Your question is vague rather than specific, so I am not sure what
>> you are specifically asking. Personally speaking, one's awareness
>> will open as it is ready on a natural basis. Although it can be
>> assisted by another, as all things can, it is not a necessary path.
>> It should be remembered that "apprenticing under another" may
>> be quicker, but the path is not as well rounded as well. ----
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