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Re: Theos-World hey john samblo

Mar 05, 2005 06:26 PM
by samblo

Yes, there are both interesting Books as well as online Astronomical 
Websites that let one listen to the peculair whistles and sounds of Meteors as 
they enter our atmosphere. Also Nasa, JPl, and some other websites let you listen 
to the audio of the radio sounds made by Jupiter and some other Bodies.
I had a researcher friend that took pretty nice photo's of unusual 
atmospheric light phenomenon. Charles Fort catalogued for many years strange 
occurances, also Grey Barker did the same. Borderland Research is online. Maurice 
Chatelain wrote a most excellent book called "Our Ancestors Came From Outer 
Space," it has good content on Tiahuanaco and other interesting topics. Harold T. 
Wilkins also wrote several stimulating works, one:"Secret Cities of Old South 
America." Trevor Constable wrote about strange amoebic creatures that live in 
our atmosphere. And John Keel wrote on bizarre psychic and magnetic phenomena. 
There is also content online about "USO's (Unidentified Submerged Objects). 
Thomas Townsend Brown many years ago did primary research on Magnetic Lift for 
propulsio, search "Lifters" on Google. You can also Google any of the Names I 
listed above. Enjoy.


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