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Re: ACCURACY OR ERROR ? hate Leadbeater? mind realms arrogance

Feb 16, 2005 08:16 AM
by Pablo Sender

Hello Perry!


Yes, you are true. Comparison studies are necessary and healthily. But there is not a policy of Adyar TS to prevent this kind of articles. However, I think most of members are not interested in this kind of investigation. They usually study what they like, and put an aside that that they disagree.

Here in Argentina, we have made some articles like you say, but they are not available in English.

I think in the next years this kind of investigations will be made. But these studies must be directed by an honest spirit of to find the truth, and not by prejudices and corporative attitudes. I hardly find articles with thecorrect spirit (from my viewpoint).

Best regards


Hello Pablo,
The pivotal issue that arose for me in my own studies was that the 
teachings I was led to believe the teachings of the Adept teachers of 
H.P.B were the same teachings given through the writings C.W 
Leadbeater and Annie Besant these in fact contradicted and were 
completely different in many cases to those originally given out by 
both the Mahatma's themselves and HPB.

Now that is an important piece of information for any student to know 

Many students and members of the Adyar TS believe the books of C W 
Leadbeater and Annie Besant are these same teachings of Blavatsky and 
her teachers.
This is not the case however.

Would you agree that being able to publish articles and comparisons 
of these different teachings should be an absolute right for students 
in theosophical journals and publications?

If the society disallows this sort of valid comparisons to be 
published in its journals it is in effect gagging a valid enquiry 
into truth.
This is my main issue with the Adyar Society.

If these type of articles were published it will leave the new 
students informed and empowered to then make their own choice as to 
what teaching (if any) seems to have more or less veracity.

It's not a question of pushing a dogmatic view which is the spin that 
is put on it by some!

But rather a question of academic integrity and responsibility as I 
see it.

The Society claims to be an absolute champion of freedom of thought?!?

It also is disrespectful to the tradition of the Adepts to 
intentionally misrepresent it in way.

But because in theosophy we are encouraged away from blind belief in 
any form this tradition of the Adepts is simply there for people to 
examine at the bar of their own reason and completely free to accept 
or reject it as they choose.


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