Re: hate Leadbeater/mind realms
Feb 10, 2005 12:26 PM
by prmoliveira
--- In, "krishtar" <krishtar_a@b...> wrote:
> The less I try not to criticize Leadbeater the more reasons I need
to accept he was a good good intentioned Theosophist.
> He must be responsible for this breakage between his theosophy and
the original teachings from the mahatmas.
> He started it all, he started the division.
When the TS was formed, in 1875 in New York City, its Objects were "to
collect and diffuse a knowledge of the laws which govern the
universe." Although the original Objects were subsequently modified
until the format arrived at in 1896, the Society has never had
included in its Objects any statement to the effect that it was
committed to the study of and allegiance to the writings of HPB or any
other author or teacher.
As a matter of fact, when Olcott delivered his Presidential Address on
17 November 1875, he pointed out:
"If we are true to each other and true to ourselves, we shall surmount
every obstacle, vanquish every foe, and attain what we are all in
search of, the peace of mind which comes of absolute knowledge. If we
are divided, irresolute, temporizing, jesuitical, we shall fail as a
Society to do what is now clearly within our reach; and future years
will doubtless see us bewailing the loss of such golden opportunity as
comes to few persons in a succession of centuries. ...
If I rightly apprehend our work, it is to aid in freeing the public
mind of theological superstition and a tame subservience to the
arrogance of science. ...
We are simply investigators, of earnest purpose and unbiased mind, who
study all things, prove all things, and hold fast to that which is good.
We are of our age, and yet some strides ahead of it. ... We seek,
inquire, reject nothing without cause, accept nothing without proof:
we are students, not teachers."
On her part, HPB also expressed her concerns about dogmatism in the TS:
"Every such attempt as the Theosophical Society has hitherto ended in
failure, because, sooner or later, it has degenerated into a sect, set
up hard-and-fast dogmas of its own, and so lost by imperceptible
degrees that vitality which living truth alone can impart. You must
remember that all our members have been bred and born in some creed or
religion, that all are more or less of their generation both
physically and mentally, and consequently that their judgment is but
too likely to be warped and unconsciously biassed by some or all of
these influences. If, then, they cannot be freed from such inherent
bias, or at least taught to recognise it instantly and so avoid being
led away by it, the result can only be that the Society will drift off
on to some sandbank of thought or another, and there remain a stranded
carcass to moulder and die." (THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY, Conclusion)
In India, the six traditional philosophical schools are called
*darshanas*, from the verbal root *drsh*, "to see". In other words,
the are different points of view.
If Leadbeater's books or views caused dissention and division, they
were not regarded for what they were - points of view - but something
that contradicted the accepted and authoritative truth that many held
dear. This last attitude, IMO, contradicts the very spirit in which
the Founders of the TS worked and toiled.
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