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Re: Theos-World Master K.H. confirmed Annie Besant as successor

Feb 08, 2005 10:17 PM
by prmoliveira

--- In, Jerry Hejka-Ekins <jjhe@c...> 

> Perhaps, the editorial in Fohat Magazine is more understandable 
> still as sad commentary) if you consider that Edmonton Lodge (the 
> publisher of Fohat) was originally part of the Canadian Section of 
> Adyar Theosophical Society, until Radha Burnier expelled that 
Section in 
> 1992. Needless to say, there are still a lot of bitter feelings 
> Radha's action. The Edmonton Lodge now continues as an 
> entity, not connected to any Theosophical organization, other than 
> itself. How this expulsion came about is another long and sad 
> which I will have to save for another time.


I am truly sorry that my previous post has caused you such a sad 
reverie. Believe me, it was never meant to be ironical at all. I met 
Roger briefly at Krotona in 1983 (I was staying in the attic of 
Elaine's house in Taormina). I still remember a number of us sitting 
on the lawn in front of Diana Dunninghan's house on the hill, when 
he asked me the question: "How many Californians does it take to 
change a light bulb?" After I conceded defeat, he said: "Eleven. One 
to change it and ten to share the experience." He was also the 
(elected) Southwest District Director of the TS in America for a 
while and, as you said, did a lot for the networking of theosophical 

I don't think that effort was in vain, and this list shows that 
inter-personal dialogue between members of different organisations 
can be a reality. When I first saw a copy of the newsletter/journal 
called "Theosophical Networking", back in the 1980s, I noticed a 
proposal for something like a "World Federation of Theosophical 
Societies". And I thought: "It won't work". The organisational 
differences are just too many and too complex to be completely 
reconciled. But I still believe that individuals can keep the 
dialogue alive, as is done, for example, on this list.

Regarding the former Canadian Section of the TS, I would like to say 
that I was present, as an observer, at the meeting of the General 
Council of the TS, in December 1991 at Adyar. At that meeting the 
Council - not Radha - decided that, by virtue of amendments made in 
1991 to the by-laws of the TS in Canada, in which ALL references to 
the Parent Society (Adyar) had been removed from the same by-laws, 
it could no longer be considered a part of the international Society.

Can you tell us more about "Alexandria West"?


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