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Re: mahatmas whom no one has seen ....

Feb 07, 2005 00:50 AM
by Konstantin Zaitzev

--- In, "Daniel H. Caldwell" 
<danielhcaldwell@y...> wrote:

> You write that no one has seen the mahatmas.
> Do you mean "in recent years" or just what?

> "A Casebook of Encounters with the Theosophical Mahatmas."

I mean "no one of those people who are alive now".
We can say that there were people who have seen Jesus Christ, and 
their names are st. Mark, st. Mathew, etc., and they left a written 
accounts, but it was long ago and now it is just an object of 
religious belief.

I don't deny an existence of mahatmas mylelf, but I have to admit that 
the proofs have an unpleasant tendence to expire, and there are 
people, like K. Paul Johnson who is present here, who studied 
theosophical history and yet found these proofs insufficient. (If I 
understood his words correctly).

Mahatmas have now desappeared but the spirits continue to manifest as 
in the days of old.

We may remember the case of Arthur Conan Doyle who has returned from 
theosophy to spiritualism.

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