Re: Theos-World Re: Please listen to this video, from 'theocracy watch'
Feb 03, 2005 03:37 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Thank you for passing this on. I have been following the religious
right movement for about thirty years and became very alarmed as I
watched Bush's political agenda began to unfold. Consequently, our
organization, Alexandria West, organized a day long seminar on this
subject and presented it last fall. Clearly, the Bush agenda is out to
destroy the fundamental principle of the separation of church and state
so carefully established by our founders. This "Theocracy Watch" video
does a great job in documenting how this "Christian Reconstructionism"
came about, who are the players in and out of Government, their game
plan, how they rally support to their cause, and what bills they are
passing through Congress. A supplementary, though not as informative,
video is Frontline's "The Jesus Factor." It includes a scene where
Bush, while pushing his "faith based" initiative, tells an Evangelical
group of his intention to replace the Constitution with the Bible.
Behind all of this political manipulation is the clever use of rhetoric
in order to re-establish modernist values of blind obedience to the
political and social hierarchies and destroy the postmodernist advances
of the last forty years: i.e. racial equality, women's rights, etc.
Unfortunately, those who have been apathetic to politics either through
discouragement, or just feel that politics is beneath them, or are in a
state of denial and dismiss all of this as "conspiracy theories" part of
the problem, because their apathy (and consequential ignorance) are now
inadvertently instrumental in enabling the Christian Reconstructionists
to turn this country into a theocracy and take away the human rights we
have fought so long for.
For an analysis of the media rhetoric that has made this possible, I
recommend these commercially available DVDs: "Manufacturing Consent" and
"Distorted Morality" both by Noam Chomsky. Also, the weekly "Now"
series, begun by Bill Moyers also analyzes current events in light of
media rhetoric and its power to manipulate the public.
For an eye opening view of the politics of war, and the millions of
innocent lives that have been lost because of the American political
will to export its ideologies, I recommend "The Fog of War" an interview
with Robert S. McNamara, former Secretary of Defense.
However, the Christian Reconstructionist's agenda is not the only factor
that is transforming the political landscape (though this ideological
political group has achieved a tremendous amount of power). We also
must never forget the old adage: "If you want to know what is really
going on, follow the money." The best documentation I know of for this
aspect of the problem is Craig Unger's House of Bush, House of Saud: The
Secret Relation Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties. The
book, among other things, traces the relationship between the Bush and
Saud families back to the early 70s, shows the political relationship
between these families, their cooperation concerning "Desert Storm" and
"Operation Freedom" in Iraq, what American corporations profit from
these wars, the relationship between the Saud family and the Bin Ladan
family, governmental protection of the Bin Ladan family following 9/11,
the financial instruments which moves money and buys political power,
documents the transfer of $1.4 billion from the Saud family to the Bush
family etc.
As usual, the situation is too complicated to be effectively
communicated through the popular media's sound bites. Also, most
so-called "News" shows are more interested in entertaining the public
with non issues like the Peterson trial. Major newspapers like the Wall
Street Journal, Washington Post, etc. do document what is going on, but
relatively few people read them, and even fewer people seem to know how
to separate what is important from what is not in these papers.
If you are part of the "working class" in this country, i.e. those who
depend upon a salaried job, a retirement program and/or social security,
you are the ones who will be most negatively affected by the coming
changes, and I strongly recommend that you take the time to wake up and
find out what is going on before it is too late. If your are among the
professional class, the 25% who earns over $75,000 a year, you are
better off for the time being. Those of you who are in the upper four
percent: Earn over $350,000 through a family trust, investments etc.,
the system is protecting you.
For the rest, I would take heed of Joseph Wilson when he says "Be very
--j wrote:
>I received this from a friend. I'm passing it on since I feel it very
>important for all of us to know and understand what is happening that may seriously
>effect our lives as well as our individual rights and freedoms. Be aware!
>"The price of liberty is eternal vigilence" (Tom Jefferson)
>In a message dated 01/30/05 7:01:36 PM, CPSkater writes:
>>Dear Friends:
>>I understand that many of you don't read a lot of what I send, which
>>is fine. I send articles for information, for people to read or not,
>>But I beg you to listen to this video, from 'theocracy watch' at
>>Cornell. It explains what is really happening to us, and why. Please
>>listen. And as Joseph Wilson says: "Be very afraid".
>>These are not active links..copy and paste into your browsers. Turn
>>>on speakers.
>>>(Real Video)
>>>(QuickTime - other Media)
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