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Re: Theos-World John: "....the text literally evaporated off into space....."

Feb 03, 2005 00:03 AM
by samblo

As far as I could tell it was a visual perception that was peculiar to my 
vision not the LA Times front page lead article as I sat reading at the 
counter in a coffee shop on Sunset Blvd in actuality the text only appeared to 
evaporate . I had read the lead article down quite a ways and it occurred to me i 
didn't seem to have an internal memory of the content so i reread it and 
referenced and I got the same thing. This somewhat mystified me me so I got pointed 
in inquiry as to what was happening. I concentrated my attention at my focal 
point and reread the paragraphs, as my point of vision moved linearly acroos 
the lines of text I was startled to see an empty space where my focus was. 
Intently watching this as I read I saw like very fine rays of matter evaporating 
in all directions from the focal point on the page. This further intrigued me, 
I got intensely interested in this and continued in the midst of a very busy 
coffee shop to attempt to see the origin of what was happening. I next seemed 
to "feel" the empty spacewhere my vision was focused and, continueiong this 
process of "what is this?" I tried to understand what the 'feeling" was. It was 
then I detected that the "feeling" was a "motion" in the empty space, 
continueing to concentrate on this point I could begin to "see" some thing there, very 
small but slowing growing and having a most peculiar rotational motion of 
some weird kinf of convolutional motion, This continued expanding in the space 
before my eyes until it was on either side of my shoulders and if I tried to 
directly look at it insted if looking straight ahead it would move a 
corresponding amount in intrainment. By this time it was an inch or so in aappearanr 
diameter I could see vivid remarkable colors that hada very rapid vibratory and 
electric neon like appearance. It was when it had expanded to it's widest that I 
finially decided it was impossible to ocntinue to read a paper in the Coffee 
Shop. Paying my bill I went to my car and still seeing this unique effect drove 
home. At hiome I paced about looking at hwat I had never seen or experienced 
before and then called my Optomitrist and described what my vision was doing 
hoping he could explain or ask me to come for a exam, instaed he got very 
defensive telling me "I have no idea what you are seeing, but I can tell you this 
It has nothing to do woth your prescription! I have read after researching 
where people have seen simliar effect of Klee like colors in their vision field 
and mostly they ascribe it to a form of migraine headache that is visual instead 
of painful. But I tracked and calendard this for over ten years since the 
first coffee shop incident I described above and one peculiar thing is that for 
several cycles of two years it was on the date but with a precession of 5 days 
on the calendar from the exact date two years before. I have had this 
experience many many times now over 22 years and there is no advance notice of it 
occuring and I can't self promote it to happen. My scereen name was probably the 
very first time I saw a visual having similar type effect except that there I 
was in light sleep and saw like a hand written name-words waft from left to 
right across the screen of my mind back in 1977. Usually when I see the effect 
if possible I stay quite and try to observe the content which is widely 
variable in color, geometrics, but also in rapid transitory change in motion, very 
vivid living colors is the best I can describe it, there is nothing in normal 
vision perception that is similar. There is one change from my personal history 
in life and that is when I first had living light experience I then no longer 
had the "OM" which I had since around 13-15 all my life. I don't really know 
why one stopped when another began there aren't a lot of literary descriptions 
one can find on either effect.

Hope this helps explain what I was talking about and sorry if I overly bored 
the other members here, I apoligize.


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