RE: Sat-chit-ananda
Jan 29, 2005 06:30 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Jan 29 2005
Dear Friend:
Consider this please:
Sat is the SPIRITUAL UNITY of the UNIVERSE. We are included in it always,
as are all other things. It is the basis for brotherhood.
Chit is consciousness or being able to see along with another's mind and
understanding. We do this all the time. It is thought and idea transference
and pervades all Nature.
Ananda or bliss is reliance on the great Law of Karma -- and the fact that
Nature, like a tender Mother, supports us all and gives life to all - from
the sub-atmic mite to the greatest of Universes.
Here are some important notes on this idea.
In the BHAGAVAD GITA " Krishna advises his friend to restrain the senses,
and then to "strengthen himself by himself."
The meaning here is that he is to rely upon the One Consciousness which, as
differentiated in a man, is his higher self. By means of this higher self he
is to strengthen the lower, or that which he is accustomed to call "myself."
It will not be amiss here to quote from some notes of conversation with a
friend of mine.
"Our consciousness is one and not many, nor different from other
consciousnesses. It is not waking consciousness or sleeping consciousness,
or any other but consciousness itself.
"Now that which I have called consciousness is Being. The ancient division
Sat, or Being;
Chit, or Consciousness, Mind; } These together are called Sat-chit-ananda.
Ananda, or Bliss.
"But Sat¯ or Being¯ the first of the three, is itself both Chit and Ananda.
The appearing together in full harmony of Being and Consciousness is Bliss
or Ananda. Hence that harmony is called Sat-chit-ananda.
"But the one consciousness of each person is the Witness or Spectator of the
actions and experiences of every state we are in or pass through. It
therefore follows that the waking condition of the mind is not separate
"The one consciousness pierces up and down through all the states or planes
of Being, and serves to uphold the memory¯ whether complete or incomplete¯
of each state's experiences.
"Thus in waking life, Sat experiences fully and knows. In dream state, Sat
again knows and sees what goes on there, while there may not be in the brain
a complete memory of the waking state just quitted. In Sushupti¯ beyond
dream and yet on indefinitely, Sat still knows all that is done or heard or
"The way to salvation must be entered. To take the first step raises the
possibility of success. Hence it is said, 'When the first attainment has
been won, Moksha (salvation) has been won.'
"The first step is giving up bad associations and getting a longing for
knowledge of God; the second is joining good company, listening to their
teachings and practicing them; the third is strengthening the first two
attainments, having faith and continuing in it. Whoever dies thus, lays the
sure foundation for ascent to adeptship, or salvation."
Best wishes,
-----Original Message-----
From: mika
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 4:41 AM
Subject: Sat-chit-ananda
In a Finnish religion newsgroup someone compared sat-chit-ananda to the
Christian Father-Son-Holy Spirit. I found one explanation waht this
sat-chit-ananda means:
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