Re: Bonsai kittens and FBI involvement?
Jan 21, 2005 09:14 PM
by John
John wrote:
>> If they proved that the person who created the site was a German
>> citizen, and it was on an American server, they'd probably just
>> ask the FBI to get involved. That would scare most ISP's, who
>> would bend over backward to keep the FBI from confiscating their
>> equipment and records.
> Except that the U.S. government is kind of reluctant to cooperate
> with foreign governments on laws forbidding what is considered a
> human right in the United States.
Given the changes in some government agencies, I'm not willing to
stick my neck out and let a German citizen put a German text page on
my web collection.
It used to be that KKK members had the right of assembly, fully robed.
Now, in some locations, the courts have ruled that they do not have
the right to hide their faces.
The FCC refused to pre-approve "Saving Private Ryan" for tv stations
last year (a couple of months ago), so there were stations that
cancelled airing that movie because they didn't want to be fined.
As you pointed out, though, all the person has to do is make sure that
there is no connection from the web page to that citizen's identity,
then the law does not get implemented.
But if their identity is connected to the page, the FBI or some other
agency might get involved because, as I understand it, the law is
mainly against types of pages that our government might also be
somewhat against, even if they didn't give any official help. Just
going along with agents from that other service on an official visit
might be enough to show cooperation between governments, if the
current administration wants to show cooperation.
As I said, I'm not going to test the law by hosting such a page, but
you're welcome to.
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