RE: Christianity or not...
Jan 18, 2005 06:08 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
Ja 17 2005
Dear Friends and C
Thanks and largely agreed -- not everyone falls under or into a single
category -- there are always "goats" among the "sheep." A god shepherd does
this deliberately to create centers where the "sheep" may take guidance in a
crisis. The goats are apparently more intelligent. [ And when they err
they are called scape-goats?]
THEOSOPHY does not seek to create a "church."
It is a statement of the laws and facts in nature. It requires no
"organization" of believers to exist.
Organizations for study and mutual help grow up around the eternal wisdom
all the time, and every time it is repromulgated. But that gives the no
Many people are lazy and don't study. Progress has always to be
individually initiated, maintained and sustained.
As to CWL the only way to decide whether his writings are worthwhile is to
compare them with those written by HPB and the Masters.
As to his morals -- well, that's his karma, isn't it?
I see little use in our trying to pry, and exercise our curiosity, looking
back into others' accounts, and into that which is already history.
Present day opinions won't affect the ultimate desiderata. And our concern
is mainly with the right conduct of our own lives -- So ?
Might as well save time and energy for that.
Further: Shall we note and ask ourselves: Every one who contributes to
this line of gossip must surely realize they are revealing their own natures
to their readers. Is it savory?
Lets also ask: Is this an area where Buddhi-Manas is being exercised? Are
we creating suitable spiritual "food" for our present Devachanic meditation?
Best wishes as always,
(See below)
-----Original Message-----
From: Cass Silva []
Sent: Friday, January 14, 2005 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Christianity or not...
Dear Dallas
HPB and the Masters, by withdrawing their support from Adyar, in effect
were expelling CWL and what he represented from the Society?
DTB A great and an avoidable pity. The members who voted to prevent HPB
carrying out her own plan (and of course the Masters') had lost faith in the
Masters' cause. She could no longer work in India if that was the case. So
she became physically sick because of the strain, and had to leave.
For me, this is not a matter of curiosity, nor a witch hunt, but a matter
of the credibility and integrity of the Society and those who represent it.
A new student reading THE PATH OF OCCULTISM, P9.
"Those who succeed in these efforts ("He who wishes to follow us must come
out of your world into ours") will some day find themselves accepted pupils
of one or other of the Masters. When the man's thought becomes part of that
of his Teacher the pupil can test his own thought by that of the Master,
which is never affected by the crowd, and can see exactly what He thinks on
any subject.
P12. Success means the conquest of the self; it means that we take ourselves
in hand (I am sure no pun was intended here) and face the facts and, where
there are weeds, pull them up. It does not matter how deeply they are
rooted, or how much suffering it entails; up with them!
P163 "But union with the Master will finally rid you of the root of all
P207 "If you see a case of cruelty to a child or an animal, it is your duty
to interfere"
and then learns of CWL's behaviour could rightly assume that something was
rotten in the State of Denmark.
According to CWL the four qualifications for the path are
Good Conduct
How can these principles be promoted if we maintain an association with one
who couldn't live by them.
Anyway I have expended enough mental energy on this question. As you said
Karma will be his judge. I can only conclude that CWL is a lesson for all of
us in Discrimination. Perhaps he broke a promise and by then it was too
late to alter the course of events that followed.
prmoliveira <> wrote:
--- In, "W.Dallas TenBroeck"
> You ask about such an individual being disciplined or expelled. I
> suggest that that the individual's own Higher Self is attentive and
> attending to the matter. As to the Masters, is it not a matter
that They
> know how best to deal with? You will recall that with HPB's
leaving India
> for Europe and Britain (1885) Damodar wrote that the Masters'
influence had
> almost left Adyar. HPB said the same (article: WHY I DO NOT
> India). . Of what use is it for us to try to "double-guess"
matters out of
> curiosity. Those may not be of our concern. Another point is, I
recall that
> Masters state they may not interfere with another's Karma.
Dear Dallas:
I think you were really replying to Cass' post.
Just a brief comment on your statement regarding the supposed
withdrawal of the Masters' influence from Adyar after HPB left, in
March 1885. From several accounts of that episode, it seems HPB was
really furious with the members of the Executive Committee at Adyar
for not allowing her to sue the Christian missionaries and the
Coulombs for defaming her, as they provided distorted and fraudulent
information to Richard Hodgson, who was investigating phenomena at
Adyar on behalf of the SPR. The reason given by the Ex. Com. members
was that any legal action would eventually drag the names of the
Masters to a court battle, and many Indian Chelas were absolutely
against it. Still, as someone who had been aggrieved, HPB had her
reasons to pursue that line of action.
In Col. Olcott's Diaries, in several entries for the month of
January 1907, it is recorded that both Mahatmas M. and K.H. paid him
visits, "audible and tangible", in the presence of at least two
witnesses. In one of the last visits, one of the Mahatmas told
Olcott that his work was over. In spite of the fact that he was
weak, he got out of his bed and fully prostrated before them, in the
Indian fashion.
If they had visited him several times during his long life of
service for the TS, would it not be natural that they would do so
just before he died? The last visits happened almost exact twelve
years after HPB left Adyar.
Many theosophical historians question the testimony recorded in
Olcott's diaries, and it was even suggested that Leadbeater, who had
resigned from the TS in May 1906, following accusations against him,
and was living in Italy at that time, had astrally projected, from
Europe, virtual images of the Masters to appear at Adyar!
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