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Re: Theos-World RE: [bn-study] Re: UNCERTAINTY

Jan 02, 2005 07:31 AM
by Mauri

W.Dallas TenBroeck wrote:
Jan 1 2005

The certainty of immutability is
important, or else we are indeed in a sea of continually wavering indecision
But if karma (in whatever sense) is seen as having a hand in such things, to begin with ...

I wonder if various forms of
uncertainty, certainty, immutability,
wavering, etc, might be seen as having
a pair of somewhat contrasting points of reference, perspective, or poles, in a sense, among other things, where such perspectives might be seen as:

1. "'essentially intepretive' points of reference" in contrast to anything "Realer" such as atma-buddhi, in
terms of their (points of reference) relation to what might be defined as "karma/maya"---ie, "points of reference" in terms of where various realities and phenomena in objective and subjective terms is defined as "essentially interpretive," and

2. where various realities, phenomena, experiences are "experienced" (note quotes) as if they had no "essentially interpretive" aspect in their causal, intermediating or immediate reality.

I suspect that the latter is where/how most people live their lives, and so might not have much interest in topics like Theosophy and "just being" as they (or "their karma," if you prefer) don't have much interest in "reading between the lines," in general, beyond certain "established/traditional" points, and generally prefer various forms of "established facts" (note quotes) as a means of coping with their lack of innate insight towards the Reality or Beness that trancends one's dualistic (or "essentially dualistic") notions and reality.


PS Yes I know that my "note quotes" was redundant. But occasionally (if not often ...) I tend to get kind of desperate around here. ^:-/

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