Hello Dee: Re: Newbie here
Dec 31, 2004 10:39 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
Hello Dee,
You might find the following suggested
reading helpful in understanding H.P. Blavatsky
and Theosophy.
Two online articles that give you a concise
overview of Theosophy are as follows:
A Brief Overview of Theosophy
Basic Ideas of Theosophy
For one good book giving an overview of
Theosophy as given by HPB and the Mahatmas,
And for more introductory material see:
Recommended Titles about H.P.B., the Mahatmas & Theosophy
If you have any specific questions let me know
and I'm sure other people on this list can
offer suggestions.
--- In theos-talk@yahoogroups.com, "dee1387" <dlriver@n...> wrote:
> Hello Theos-Talk,
> My friends call me Dee, living in Fayetteville, NC. I'm 31 years
> old and I had lost myself somewhere and I have been on a mission to
> discover me for the past year. A few months ago I discovered - or
> finally come to terms - that one of the reasons that I'm having
> trouble with discovering myself is that I have a form of
> depression. But for the past year or so I've been conducting my
> search from a spiritual perspective - and a lot of therapy sessions.
> In the past year I purchased several books such as, different
> versions of the Bible, the Septuagint, the Gnostic Bible, books on
> paganism, I Ching, The Idiot's Guide to World Religions,
> etc. Every time I went into the book store, there was this one
> particular 2 book volume set that, for some reason, I was drawn to
> it. I had no idea what it was or what it was about. Finally, one
> day after several trips to the book store, and having some sort a
> compelling feeling towards the books every time I walked down that
> isle, I purchased the set , The Secret Doctrine. I read the
> introduction and part of the first chapter. That's how I
> that there is such a thing as Theosophy. I had a difficult time
> understanding what H.P.B. was saying, a lot of terms were foriegn
> me so I went back to the store and bought Isis Unveiled, hoping
> will clue me in to what every thing is about.
> So here I am, joined a group in hopes of learning more about
> Theosophy and maybe find some folks in my area that might be
> interested in meeting up some time.
> Have a Happy New Year,
> Dee
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