Dec 30, 2004 06:43 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck
"Esoteric philosophy teaches that everything lives and is conscious, but not
that all life and consciousness are similar to those of human or even animal
beings. Life we look upon as "the one form of existence," manifesting in
what is called matter; or, as in man, incorrectly separating them, we name
Spirit, Soul and Matter. Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of
soul on this plane of existence, and soul is the vehicle on a higher plane
for the manifestation of spirit, and these three are a trinity synthesized
by Life, which pervades them all. The idea of universal life is one of
those ancient conceptions which are returning to the human mind in this
century as a consequence of its liberation from anthropomorphic theology."
S D I 49
"The Secret Doctrine teaches the progressive development of everything,
worlds as well as atoms; and this stupendous development has neither
conceivable beginning nor imaginable end. Our "Universe" is only one of an
infinite series of Universes, all of them "Sons of Necessity," because links
in the great Cosmic chain of Universes, each one standing in the relation of
an effect as regards its predecessor, and being a cause as regards its
The appearance and disappearance of the Universe are pictured as an
outbreathing and inbreathing of "the Great Breath," which is eternal, and
which, being Motion, is one of the three aspects of the Absolute--Abstract
Space and Duration being the other two..."The Past time is the Present time,
as also the Future, which, though it has not come into existence, still
is..." SD I 43
"Free-will can only exist in a man who has both mind and consciousness,
which act and make him perceive things both within and without himself."
"Consciousness is a condition of the monad as a result of embodiment in
matter and the dwelling in a physical form."
[see M L 89-91 on development of consciousness in the Life-Atom ]
[ see SD I 174-5 fn on the nature and necessity for the Monad ]
"Every atom is endowed with and moved by intelligence, and is conscious in
its own degree, on its own plane of development. This is a glimpse of the
One Life... selfishness is the curse of separateness..." WQJ ART I 29
"Every man has a god within, a direct ray from the Absolute, the celestial
ray from the One..." TRANS 53
"...Time...[is] the panoramic succession of our states of consciousness..."
S D I 44
"The "Absolute Consciousness,"..."behind" only termed
unconsciousness in the absence of any element of personality...transcends
human conception...Only the liberated Spirit is able to faintly realize the
nature of the source whence it sprung and whither it must eventually
return...we can but bow in ignorance before the awful mystery of Absolute
Being...the Finite cannot conceive the Infinite..." S D
I 51
"the one free force acts, helped in this by that portion of its essence
which we call imprisoned force, or material molecules. The worker within,
the inherent force, ever tends to unite with its parent essence without;
and thus, the Mother acting within, causes the Web to contract; and the
Father acting without, to expand. Science calls this gravitation;
Occultists, the work of the universal Life-Force, which radiates from that
Absolute and Unknowable FORCE which is outside of all Space and Time. This
is the work of eternal Evolution and involution, or expansion and
contraction. [ Web cooling ] begins when the imprisoned force and
intelligence inherent in every atom of differentiated as well as of
homogeneous matter arrives at a point when both become the slaves of a
higher intelligent Force whose mission is to guide and shape it.
It is the Force which we call the divine Free-Will, represented by
the Dhyani-Buddhas. When the centrepetal and centrifugal forces of life and
being are subjected by the one nameless Force which brings order in
disorder, and establishes harmony in Chaos--then it begins cooling...Every
form, we are told, is built in accordance with the model traced for it in
the Eternity and reflected in the DIVINE MIND. There are hierarchies of
"Builders of form," and series of forms and degrees, from the highest to the
lowest. While the former are shaped under the guidance of the "Builders,"
the gods, "Cosmocratores;" the latter are fashioned by the Elementals or
Nature Spirits." Trans 128-9
"The universal force cannot be regarded as a conscious force as we
understand the word consciousness, because it would immediately become a
personal god. It is only that which is enclosed in a form, a limitation of
matter, which is conscious of itself on this plane. This Free Force or
Will, which is limitless and absolute, cannot be said to act
understandingly, but it is the one and sole immutable Law of Life and Being.
Fohat, therefore, is spoken of as the synthetic motor power of all
imprisoned life-forces and the medium between the absolute and conditioned
Force. It is a link, just as Manas is the connecting link between the gross
matter of the physical body and the divine Monad which animates it, but is
powerless to act upon the former directly." Trans 134
(see "Psychic and Noetic Action - HPB Art. II 7-23)
"(e) Manas -- a dual principle in its functions. Mind,
Intelligence: which is the higher human mind, whose light, or radiation
links the MONAD, for the lifetime, to the mortal man.
The future state and karmic destiny of man depend on whether Manas
gravitates more downward to Kama rupa, the seat of the animal passions, or
upwards to Buddhi, the Spiritual Ego. In the latter case, the higher
consciousness of the individual Spiritual aspirations of mind (Manas),
assimilating Buddhi, are absorbed by it and form the (Ego), which goes into
Devachanic bliss.
(f) Buddhi. The Spiritual Soul. The vehicle of pure universal spirit.
(g) Atma. Spirit. One with the Absolute, as its radiation.
KEY, p. 92
"Mind is a name given to the sum of the states of Consciousness grouped
under Thought, Will, and Feeling. During deep sleep, ideation ceases of the
physical plane, and memory is in abeyance; thus for the time-being "Mind is
not," because the organ through which the Ego manifests ideation and memory
on the material plane has temporarily ceased to function. A noumenon can
become a phenomenon on any plane of existence only by manifesting on that
plane through an appropriate basis or vehicle...The Ah-hi (Dhyan-Chohans)
are the collective hosts of spiritual beings--the Angelic Hosts of
Christianity,,,--who are the vehicle for the manifestation of the divine or
universal though and will. They are the Intelligent Forces that give to and
enact in Nature her "laws," while themselves acting according to laws
imposed upon them in a similar manner by still higher Powers...This
hierarchy of spiritual Beings, through which the Universal Mind comes into
action, is like an army--a "Host," SD I 38
"..."Mind" is manas, or rather its lower reflection, which whenever it
disconnects itself, for the time being, with kama, becomes the guide of the
highest mental faculties, and is the organ of the free-will in physical
HPB Art., Vol. II, p. 13
"The matter-moving Nous, the animating Soul, immanent in every atom,
manifested in man, latent in the stone, has different degrees of power; and
this pantheistic idea of a general spirit-Soul pervading all Nature is the
oldest of all the philosophical notions." S D I 51
There is a dual element in the mind of man. HPB wrote on this as follows:
"this means that he would have to admit a lower (animal), and a higher (or
divine) mind in man, of what is known in Occultism as the "personal" and the
"impersonal" Egos. For, between the psychic and the noetic, between the
personality and the individuality there exists the same abyss as between a
"Jack the Ripper," and a holy Buddha...These two we distinguish as the
Higher Manas (Mind or Ego) and the Kama-Manas, i.e., the rational, but
earthy or physical intellect of man, incased in, and bound by. matter,
therefore subject to the influence of the latter: the all-conscious Self,
that which reincarnates periodically--verily the Word made flesh--and which
is always the same, while its reflected "Double," changing with every new
incarnation and personality, is, therefore, conscious but for a life-period.
The latter "principle," is the Lower Self, or that which manifesting through
our organic system, acting on this plane of illusion, imagines itself the
Ego Sum, and thus falls into what Buddhist philosophy brands as the "heresy
of separateness." The former, we term Individuality, the latter
HPB "Psychic and Noetic Action" HPB Articles II pp , 9-10,
Q'LIPPOTH (Heb.) or Klippoth [Glos 178]. The world of Demons or
Shells...Q'lippoth contains the matter of which stars, planets, and even men
are made, shows that Samael with his legions is simply chaotic, turbulent
matter, which is used in its finer state by spirits to robe themselves in.
For speaking of the "vesture" or form (rupa) of the incarnating Egos, it is
said in the Occult Catechism that they, the Manasaputra or Sons of Wisdom,
use for the consolidation of their forms, in order to descend into lower
spheres, the dregs of Swabhavat, or that plastic matter which is throughout
Space, in other words, primordial ilus. And these dregs are what the
Egyptians have called Typhon and modern Europeans Satan, Samael, etc..."
Glos 268-9
[ see also Klippoth Glos. pp. 178-9 ]
"SUDDA SATWA (Sk.) A substance not subject to the qualities of matter; a
luminiferous and (to us) invisible substance, of which the bodies of the
gods and highest Dhyanis are formed. Philosophically, Suddha Satwa is a
conscious state of spiritual Ego-ism rather than any essence."
T. GLOSSARY, p. 311
"Maya or illusion is an element which enters into all finite things, for
everything that exists has only a relative, not an absolute, reality, since
the appearance which the hidden noumenon assumes for any observer depends
upon his power of cognition...
in itself the noumena of all realities. The existence belonging to every
plane of being up to the highest Dhyan Chohans, are, in degree, of the
nature of shadows...but all things are relatively real, for the cognizer is
also a reflection, and the things cognized are therefore as real to him as
himself. Whatever reality things possess must be looked for it them before
or after they have passed like a flash through the material world; but we
cannot cognize any such existence directly, so long as we have sense
instruments which bring only material existence into the field of our
consciousness. Whatever plane our consciousness may be acting in, both we
and the things belonging to that plane are, for the time being, our only
realities. As we rise in the scale of development we perceive that during
the stages through which we have passed we mistook shadows for realities,
advance bringing with it the idea that now, at last, we have reached
"reality;" but only when we shall have reached the absolute Consciousness,
and blended our own with it, shall we be free from the delusions produced by
Maya." S D I 39-40 [ see also Echoes, p. 41-2 ]
"MONAD (Gr.) The Unity, the one; but in Occultism it often means the
unified triad, Atma-Buddhi-Manas, or the duad, Atma-Buddhi, that immortal
part of man which reincarnates in the lower kingdoms, and gradually
progresses through them to Man and then to the final goal--Nirvana.
[see SD I pp. 173-4 footnotes] T. Glossary, p. 216
"Metaphysically speaking, it is of course an absurdity to talk of the
"development" of a Monad, or to say that it becomes "Man."...a Monad cannot
either progress or develop, or even be affected by the changes of states it
passes through. It is not of this world or plane, and may be compared only
to an indestructible star of divine light and fire, thrown down on to our
Earth as a plank of salvation for the personalities in which it indwells.
It is for the latter to cling to it; and thus partaking of its divine
nature, obtain immortality. Left to itself the Monad will cling to no one;
but, like the "plank," be drifted away to another incarnation by the
unresting current of evolution."
SD I 174-5 fn.
"...the whole secret of Life is in the unbroken series of its
manifestations: whether in, or apart from, the physical body...yet it is
itself part and parcel of that Eternity; for life alone can understand
life... It is Jiva, the Monad in conjunction with Manas, or rather its
aroma--that which remains from each personality, when worthy, and hangs from
Atma-Buddhi, the Flame, by the thread of life." SD I 238
"To the perceiver on any plane, perceptions are objective to him; on a
higher plane than this, would they not be his "physics," although
metaphysical to us ? From our plane, that which is metaphysical becomes
physical when embodied." FRIENDLY PHILOS. p. 78
"EVERY ONE OF US IS A PERCEIVER, just as much a Perceiver as we ever were or
ever will be. So is every atom of our body the perceiver. But we look
directly upon ideas; the lives below man look directly upon sensation. We
say waking, dreaming, sleeping, because our attention has not been directed
to the state of nature beyond life or man ass immortal. But there are other
names for these states of consciousness. Think of the mineral kingdom as a
state of consciousness, and the forms built in that state. Think of the
animal kingdom as life in a given state of consciousness with the
appropriate forms built in them.
Now we--in the state called the Thinker, which is our natural state--are not
any the less the Perceiver, because we are also at the same time the Thinker
and the being which feels. But neither are we the Thinker pure and simple,
nor are we the creature that is the experiencer of effects pure and
simple=--nor are we the Perceiver pure and simple. It is impossible to
dissociate the three. If a man were in the state called the Perceiver, and
if he were in that state pure and simple, all this that is a mystery to us
would be just as objective in the spiritual sense as we here and now are
objective to each other in the "sense use" of the term." [J.G.]
OCEAN CLASS" T. MVT., Nov. 1952.
"As to the "we," there is but one "we," or perceiver, who perceives on any
plane through the sheaths evolved by him on each plane; his perceptions on
any plane will depend on the quality of the sheath or vehicle. Atma
(spirit) or consciousness alone, is what remains after the subtraction of
the sheaths. It is the ONLY witness--a synthesizing unity. On this
plane--and this means during waking consciousness or its dream effects--the
perceiver knows only what it knows on this plane (generally speaking), (49)
and through the ignorance of the Real, involves itself in the cause and
effect of physical nature, identifying itself with body and sensations, and
looking at other human beings in the same light. This is a wrong attitude
of mind. The "we," at this end, is the identification of the perceiver with
this plane's perceptions--a misconception of the perceiver, a dream--a
play--in which the perceiver is so involved as to have lost sight and memory
of his real life.
The mind is both "carrier" and "translator" of both lower and higher self;
the attitude determines the quality and kind of action, for one will act
according to the attitude of mind firmly held. The great and incalculable
value of acting for and as the Supreme is that there is nothing higher in
the way of attitude, and this endeavor must by its very nature bring about
the best results.
What moves the "mind" this way or that is usually desire for the attractions
of matter, and self-interest in them; these then move and control the mind
through the brain. "We," the Perceiver, do not perceive anything but the
"ideas" which the senses and organs present. He is not fully awake on this
plane; sometimes he gets partly wakened, but drops off to sleep again,
lulled by the sounds and memories of his dream; sometimes "bad dreams"
awake him; sometimes he is awakened by the voices of those who are awake.
The "Real" and the "unreal," the "fleeting" and the "ever-lasting" are terms
which will be more fully understood if looked at from the point of view of
the Perceiver. This is the attitude of mind we should hold."
Friendly Philosopher 48-8
ANTASKARANA (Sk.) or Antah'karana..."understanding"...
"the internal instrument, the Soul, formed by the thinking principle and
egoism" ... the Occultists explain it as the path or bridge between the
Higher and the Lower Manas, the divine Ego, and the personal Soul of man.
It serves as a medium of communication between the two, and conveys from the
Lower to the Higher Ego all those personal impressions and thoughts of men
which can, by their nature, be assimilated and stored by the undying Entity,
and be thus made immortal with its, these being the only elements of the
evanescent Personality that survive the death and time. It thus stands to
reason that only that which is noble spiritual and divine in man can testify
in Eternity to his having lived."
T. GLOSSARY, p. 23-4
"The word Adept signifies proficiency, and is not uncommon...A Mahatma is
not only an Adept, but much more...maha, great, and atma, soul--hence Great
Soul...a perfected human being, one who has attained to the state often
described by mystics and held by scientific men to be an impossibility, when
time and space are no obstacles to sight, to action, to knowledge or to
consciousness...and also to possess information of a decidedly practical
character concerning the laws of nature, including that mystery for
science--the meaning, operation and constitution of life itself--and
concerning the genesis of this planet as well as the races upon it."
WQJ--Echoes, p. 23
"..."Mind" is manas, or rather its lower reflection, which whenever it
disconnects itself, for the time being, with kama, becomes the guide of the
highest mental faculties, and is the organ of the free-will in physical
HPB ARTICLES, Vol. II, p. 13
".THE ONE FREE FORCE acts, helped in this by that portion of its essence
which we call imprisoned force, or material molecules. The worker within,
the inherent force, ever tends to unite with its parent essence without;
and thus, the Mother acting within, causes the Web to contract; and the
Father acting without, to expand. Science calls this gravitation;
Occultists, the work of the universal Life-Force, which radiates from that
Absolute and Unknowable FORCE which is outside of all Space and Time. This
is the work of eternal Evolution and involution, or expansion and
contraction. [ Web cooling ] begins when the imprisoned force and
intelligence inherent in every atom of differentiated as well as of
homogeneous matter arrives at a point when both become the slaves of a
higher intelligent Force whose mission is to guide and shape it.
It is the Force which we call THE DIVINE FREE-WILL, represented by the
Dhyani-Buddhas. When the centrepetal and centrifugal forces of life and
being are subjected by the one nameless Force which brings order in
disorder, and establishes harmony in Chaos--then it begins cooling...Every
form, we are told, is built in accordance with the model traced for it in
the Eternity and reflected in the DIVINE MIND. There are hierarchies of
"Builders of form," and series of forms and degrees, from the highest to the
lowest. While the former are shaped under the guidance of the "Builders,"
the gods, "Cosmocratores;" the latter are fashioned by the Elementals or
Nature Spirits."
TRANS 128-9
"The universal force cannot be regarded as a conscious force as we
understand the word consciousness, because it would immediately become a
personal god. It is only that which is enclosed in a form, a limitation of
matter, which is conscious of itself on this plane. This Free Force or
Will, which is limitless and absolute, cannot be said to act
understandingly, but it is the one and sole immutable Law of Life and Being.
Fohat, therefore, is spoken of as the synthetic motor power of all
imprisoned life-forces and the medium between the absolute and conditioned
Force. It is a link, just as Manas is the connecting link between the gross
matter of the physical body and the divine Monad which animates it, but is
powerless to act upon the former directly." TRANS 134
(see "Psychic and Noetic Action - HPB ART II 7-23)
"...Buddhi and Atma...These higher principles are entirely inactive on our
plane, and the higher Ego (Manas) itself is more or less dormant during the
waking of the physical man....So dormant are the Spiritual faculties,
because the Ego is so trammeled by matter, that It can hardly give all its
attention to man's actions, even should the latter commit sins for which
that Ego--when reunited with its lower Manas--will have to suffer conjointly
in the future. It is...the impressions projected into the physical man by
this Ego which constitute what we call "conscience;" and in proportion as
the personality, the lower Soul (or Manas), unites itself to its higher
consciousness, or EGO, does the action of the latter upon the life of mortal
man become more marked." TRANS 62-3
" is the higher Manas illuminated by Buddhi; the principle of
self-consciousness, the "I-am-I"...It is THE KARANA-SARIRA, THE IMMORTAL
"There is a sort of conscious telegraphic communication going on
incessantly, day and night, between the physical brain and the inner
man...the consciousness of the sleeper is not active but passive. The
inner man, however, the real Ego, acts independently during the sleep of the
body...Read "Karmic Visions" [ HPB ART I, 382 ]...and note the description
of the real Ego, sitting as a spectator of the life of the hero..."
TRANS 64-5
"...the Logos or Word is called incarnate wisdom. "Light shining in
darkness." The distinction lies between the immovable or eternal immutable
All, and the movable Speech or Logos, i.e., the periodical and manifested.
It can relate to the universal and the manifested. It can relate to the
Universal, and to the individual mind, to Mahat, or to the Higher Manas, or
even to the lower, the Kama Manas or Brain-Mind. Because that which is
desire, instinctive impulse in the lower, becomes thought in the Higher.
The former finds expression in acts, the latter in words.
exoterically it is the reverse. Therefore, in ordinary human law, an
assault is more severely punished than the thought or intention, i.e., the
threat, whereas Karmically it is the contrary." TRANS 142
"...Whenever you are able to attune your consciousness to any of the
seven chords of 'Universal Consciousness,' those chords that run along the
sounding-board of Kosmos, vibrating from one Eternity to another; when you
have studied thoroughly 'the music of the Spheres [the 7 principles of
Nature and of man and their correlations]," then only will you become quite
free to share your knowledge with those with whom it is safe to do so...Do
not give out the great Truths that are the inheritance of the future Races,
to our present generation. Do not attempt to unveil the secret of being and
non-being to those unable to see the hidden meaning of Apollo's
HEPTACHORD--the lyre of the radiant god, in each of the seven strings of
which dwelleth the Spirit, Soul and Astral body of the Kosmos, whose shell
only has now fallen into the hands of Modern Science..." SD I
"You will always find victory over evil thoughts most practicable if they
are grappled with on first appearance and before making headway. It is for
their reception and not for their appearance that one is responsible..."I
cannot prevent birds from flying over my head, but I can prevent their
making nests in my hair." There is much in this."
"In the dream state we lose all knowledge of the objects which while awake
we thought real and proceed to suffer and enjoy in that new state. [ see SD
I 47 ] In this we find the consciousness applying itself to objects
partaking of course of the nature of experiences of the waking condition,
but at the same time producing the sensations of pleasure and pain while
they last. [ see SD I 56 ] Let us imagine a person's body plunged in a
lethargy extending over twenty years and the mind undergoing a pleasant or
unpleasant dream, and we have a life just of that sort, altogether different
from the life of one awake. For the consciousness of this dreamer the
reality of objects known during the waking state is destroyed. But as
material existence is a necessary evil and the one is which alone
emancipation or salvation can be obtained, it is of the greatest importance
and hence Karma which governs it...must be well understood and then be
accepted and obeyed." Echoes. pp. 41-42
"Dreams are sometimes the result of brain action automatically proceeding,
and are also produced by the transmission into the brain by the real inner
person of those senses or ideas high or low which the real person has seen
while the body slept. They are then strained into the brain as if floating
on the soul as it sinks into the body. These dreams may be of great use,
but generally the resumption of bodily activity destroys the meaning,
perverts the image, and reduces all to confusion.
But the great fact of all dreaming is that some one perceives and feels
therein and this is one of the arguments for the inner person's existence.
In sleep the inner man communes with higher intelligences, and sometimes
succeeds in impressing the brain with what is gained, either a high idea or
a prophetic vision, or else fails in consequence of the resistance of the
brain fiber. The karma of the person also determines the meaning of a
dream, for a kind may dream that which relates to his kingdom, which the
same thing dreamed by a citizen relates to nothing of temporal consequence.
But, as said by Job: "In dreams and visions of the night man is
instructed." Ocean, p. 143-4
"...a projection of our perceptive consciousness, a projection which acts
from the subjective to the objective...awakens in us spiritual senses and
the power to act; these senses assimilate to themselves the essence of the
object or of the action under examination, and represent it to us as it
really is, not as it appears to our physical senses and to our cold
reason...omniscience." HPB I 428
"...the "Ego" in man is a monad that has gathered to itself innumerable
experiences through aeons of time, slowly unfolding its latent potencies
through plane after plane of matter. It is hence called the "eternal
The Manasic, or mind principle, is cosmic and universal. It is the creator
of all forms, and the basis of all law in nature. Not so with
consciousness. Consciousness is a condition of the monad as a result of
embodiment in matter and the dwelling in a physical form.
Self-consciousness, which from the animal plane looking upward is the
beginning of perfection, from the divine plane looking downwards is the
perfection of selfishness and the curse of separateness. it is the "world
of illusion" that man has created for himself. "Maya is the perceptive
faculty of every Ego which considers itself a Unit, separate from and
independent of the One Infinite and Eternal Sat or 'be-ness'," (SD I 329)
The "eternal pilgrim" must therefore mount higher, and flee from the plane
of self-consciousness it has struggled so hard to reach." WQJ ART I 29
[ Ascetic making himself invisible to another. WQJ LETTERS 142
[ PAT 45-6 Q & A 216 ]
"Dreamless sleep is one of the seven states of consciousness known in
Oriental esotericism. In each of these states a different portion of the
mind comes into action; or as a Vedantin would express it, the individual
is conscious in a different plane of his being. The term "dreamless sleep,"
in this case is applied allegorically to the Universe to express a condition
somewhat analogous to that state of consciousness in man, which, not being
remembered is a waking state, seems a blank, just as the sleep of the
mesmerized subject seems to him an unconscious blank when he returns to his
normal condition, although he has been talking and acting as a conscious
individual would."
SD I 47
"Buddhi the Spiritual soul...because it is the direct cause of Sushupti
[deep sleep]...leading to Turiya...the highest state of Samadhi [ Meditation
]...Buddhi becomes a "causal body" in conjunction with Manas the incarnation
of the Entity or Ego..." Glossary, p. 74
"Good resolutions are mind-painted pictures of good deeds, fancies,
day-dreams, whisperings of the Buddhi to the Manas..." Letters from the
Masters of Wisdom (I) p 60-1
End Part 2
Best wishes,
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