re Leonardo's "Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy"
Nov 22, 2004 11:42 AM
by Mauri
Leonardo wrote, in part: <<... I refer
specifically to AB, CWL and AAB --
all of whom followed the same
religiously biased "party line" -- that
had no basis in the original "Synthesis
of Science, Religion and Philosophy"
teachings given out by those same
Masters, whom those writers made to
contradict themselves after they spoke
the real Truth to and through HPB (and
sometimes, WQJ).>>
But seems to me that AB, CWL, AAB and
their like might also be seen as having
contributed different perspectives that,
in turn, (depending on how those
perspectives are interpreted), might be
seen as having had a role as helpful
contrasts by which the "original
teachings" (re Esoteric/Wisdom
Tradition) might be seen as even more
convincing and valuable, comparatively
speaking. Not that I'm saying that one
can short-cut one's individual
efforts/interpretations might, in some
cases, (apparently ...), lead one to
follow AB, CWL, AAB and their like, in
whatever sense ...
I apologize for what might seem like an
all too circular form of speculating.
What can I say ... ^:-/ ...
<<It was relatively easy for such later
writers to get away with these twists
and turns after HPB died, her papers
were "edited" or expunged, and WQJ was
shoved into the background to die soon
after. So, who was there around to point
out these pseudo theosophical
distortions after 1890-96?>>
A. Cleather, for one, and ...
<<Therefore, no amount of assertions or
referrals to "channeled" (which could
be self delusional or fabricated)
*authorities* by those writers, or their
promoters, can convince me (or any other
intuitive student who can test these
realities for themselves) that any of
their writings actually constitute any
ultimate Truth or give any veracity to
their interpretations -- including their
self-assertive conclusions that turn a
purely impersonal metaphysical science
into a messianic and hierarchically
ruled religious philosophy that goes
directly against the fundamental
precepts presented directly by the
original Masters, or as direct
quotations, through their sole
"messenger," HPB... Who was forced
to use metaphors and so called
"paradoxical" (or symbolic graphical)
means in order to overcome the
deficiencies of the English language she
wrote in. Thus, all later attempts to
use "plain English" must necessarily be
insufficient to explain these
metaphysical TRUTHS. Q.E.D.>>
You might be seen to have a point there,
in a sense ...
<<In fact, IMO, even the "paradoxical"
scriptures of the ancient Brahmans and
Buddhists, are much closer to the
understanding of the true metaphysics
and their relationship to the "Heart
Doctrine" than the writings of any of
these later pseudo theosophists. So,
therefore, it behooves us to compare and
think before making judgements about the
"clarity" of any post HPB
interpretations -- that were ostensibly
based on a study (although personally
biased view) of those original teachings
by those later writers.
On the topic of "original teachings" as
they might be seen in terms of
"Synthesis of Science, Religion and
Philosophy," here's a quote from Ken
<<And as for the attempt to support a
particular religious worldview by
interpretations from modern physics?
Einsten, representing the majority of
these physicists, called the whole
attempt "reprehensible." Schrodinger
actually called it "sinister," and
explained: "Physics has nothing to do
with it. Physics takes its start from
everyday experience, which it continues
by more subtle means. It remains akin
to it, does not transcend it
generically, it cannnot enter into
another realm ... because [religion's]
true domain is far beyond anything in
reach of scientific explanation." And
Eddington was decisive: "I do not
suggest that the new physics 'proves
religion' or indeed gives any positive
grounds for religious faith. For my own
part I am wholly opposed to any such
So one might wonder about the sense in
which there might be a "synthesis" of
science, religion and philosophy ... I'm
tending to speculate along the lines
that that kind of "synthesis" would
necessarily tend to get kind of
mystical, and so could only be
"exoterized," or modelled or
Theosophized, at best (ie, while the
Reality underlying such modeling can
only be directly experienced, is beyond
all attmpts to describe).
PS I tending to speculate that Leon and
Leonardo might be one and the same
person, more or less, but I can't be
absolutely sure, (ie, being the kind of
speculative guy I am), so ... Leonardo,
if you run into Leon, could you ask him
how he's doing these days ...
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