Re: Theos-World RE: RE: Cayce's relevance to Theosophy/theosophy
Nov 13, 2004 08:23 PM
by Jerry Hejka-Ekins
Hello Barbara,
Attached is the Syllabus. It is in Word, which I hope that you can
open. Otherwise, I can convert it to Acrobat. I hope the syllabus
gives you some ideas. At least, it will give you an idea of what we do
and how we approach things. There is a lot of theory behind it
concerning pedagogy, and ideas on how to approach Theosophy in a
contemporary way. Let me know what you think.
bta1012003 wrote:
>Jerry: We find ourselves making the same comments about HPB's
>writings. Sometime we run into people who are into some new age
>thing and start telling us about the latest books, with great ideas
>they have never heard before. In almost every case, it is some
>simplified and distorted version of something that HPB had written
>about over a hundred years ago. There is nothing quite like her,
>and she seems to be the direct or indirect source for so many
>current ideas.
>Barbara: Exactly!! Every "hot" new age books that I have picked up
>seems to be just touching the surface of HPB's ideas, some more
>accurately than others. One question I have is that the TS movement
>started more than a hundred years ago and nothing has been quite
>like it since. Did HPB ever mention the next time when something
>similar may occur again?
>Jerry: While we have study groups on Theosophical texts (e.g.
>Secret Doctrine, Mahatma Letters, Voice etc.), We also do classes
>where we explore subjects HPB covers by using current works. We
>have found that these studies tremendously expands, clarifies and
>brings a whole new relevance and currency to HPB's writings. We
>just finished a two year course on Kaballah, which started with the
>roots of Judaism in Egyptian, Babylonian and Canaanite religions.
>Currently we are doing a course on the roots and origins of
>Christianity. I'll be happy to email you and/or anyone interested
>a copy of our syllabus for this current class.
>Barbara: Yes I would appreciate a copy of your syllabus. I am
>looking for something a bit more contemporary. Sometimes I feel
>silly immersing most of my life in something that happened a hundred
>years ago. I keep hoping I can find either the next generation to
>the SD or something that has the same quality by a current teacher.
>And thanks again for the Voice; I will print it out Monday at work.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
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