Blavatsky corrects an "erroneous notion" by Sinnett
Nov 09, 2004 10:10 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
During the early and mid 1880s, A. P. Sinnett
and several other Theosophists had written
various expositions of the Theosophical
teachings. HPB in "The Secret Doctrine"
stated quite forcefully that they had
indulged in "wild and fanciful speculation":
"The publication of many of the facts herein
stated has been rendered necessary by
the wild and fanciful speculation in
which many Theosophists and students
of mysticism have indulged, during the
last few years, in their endeavour to,
as they imagined, work out a complete
system of thought from the few facts
previously communicated to them."
S.D., original edition, Vol I, p. viii
Master K.H. in his August 1888 letter to
Colonel Henry Olcott had also written
on this same subject:
"I have also noted, your thoughts about the 'Secret Doctrine.' Be
assured that what she [HPB] has not annotated from scientific and
other works, we have given or suggested to her. Every mistake or
erroneous notion, corrected and explained by her from the works of
other theosophists was corrected by me, or under my instruction. It
is a more valuable work than its predecessor, an epitome of occult
truths that will make it a source of information and instruction for
the earnest student for long years to come. . . ." Letters from the
Masters of the Wisdom, Series I, p. 47
In "The Secret Doctrine," H.P. Blavatsky wrote that "mistakes have
now to be checked by the original teachings and corrected. . . ."
She then corrects one of Mr. Sinnett's mistakes.
See her detailed correction at:
"Mistakes have now to be checked by the original teachings and
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