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Aananda´s confusion

Oct 30, 2004 01:29 PM
by krishtar

Daniel and Anand

Ananda seems to come back again with the same fixed ideas that his preferred neo-theosophical writers have more to contribute to the world of occult wisdom in these past 110 years than HPB and her masters.
It is a subject wery worn-out due to the fact that everybody reads what suits their level of comprehension.Period.
For example, many of us are still living the sweet illusion that our dualist mind still need to know the more we can get to reach enlightenment.It is much easier to complicate life with intrincated theories and terms than to simplify fucusing on what it is worth for our evolution.It is dualism.
If one reads Voice of Silence knows what I mean.
But we cannot teach a dualistic minded-person claiming that the only real thing that exists is the conscience, and that ego, thoughts and this physical body is just illusionary complements to a hologram body needed to bring to the real being the chance of evolving.
But many of us still feel the need of theoretical and complicated books.
There are differences in the level of understanding, Ananda, you know, and who can tell the best writer?The one who did less faults? .
Needless to say if there were´nt a lady named HPB what would people like CWL and AB be?
Would they have access to that higher wisdom as they did?
You claim that her being Russian, being not an english fluent -skilled woman, her having strong health complications caused her to get mistakes?
Do you know how SD was written?Under what circumstances? 
Do you know how Isis and Voice of silence was written?
You are making a big confusion here because the knowledge exposed in these books are not from her.
SD, for example, is not known as a scrapbook about her trips to the many places she visited.
Much of the "newest" theosophical writers you consider to refresh the wisdom HPB could not give us due to the reasons described previosusly are making mistakes after mistakes, many of them based in their psychic skills.
The arise of Krishnamurti is just one of those dreadful untruths, all basedin CWL´s psychic skills!!! He wanted to transform Theosophy in a worldwide religion!!!With the worshipping of a world included the pack.
We must judge for ourselves what is good for us and what´s not, but don´t say that HPB is old-fashioned for the 20th´centuries.
She was not a person who used to say things much expected, that gives us contenment and joy.
If you see, for example, many neotheosophers´s view of life after death´s states, you´ll be very pleased because, just like the Spiritists do,they give a very romantic and similar life to what we have here in this plane.
If you see that KH says about Devachan at "MH to AP Sinnet" ,for example, is not romantic, it is crude but real, that´s why many prefer flowery versions.
Another question Anand
Where are specifically the HPB mistakes?We are all eager to know.

Excuses for the apparent unpoliteness.Not deliberatedly

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Daniel H. Caldwell 
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 12:52 AM
Subject: Theos-World Anand Gholap's Negative Assessment of Blavatsky's Writings

Anand Gholap's Negative Assessment of Blavatsky's Writings


Thank you for your assessment BELOW of Madame
Blavatsky's writings.

When I have more time I will make several observations
but at this point I do notice that you give no
particulars about the "many mistakes". Please
list a few of these mistakes.

And you do not tell us how YOU know they
are actually mistakes.



H.P. Blavatsky made many mistakes. These mistakes
were made not just in writing on ordinary matters
but also in most important philosophic writings.
Result is people are never able to reconcile things.
Mistakes and contradictions in her own writing and
when compared to other reliable writings on occultism has kept people
speculating for more than 110 years in false hope.
Unfortunately many members took her every word as right and they
discarded writings of others.
There are many reasons why she made so many mistakes. Some are given
1) She was extremely sick when most of her writing was done, almost
dying when Secrete Doctrine was written. Because of ill health many
mistakes were made in writing. Main problem started there because
readers of her writing are never able to reconcile wrong statements
in her writings. Readers are still speculating about meaning of those
wrong words and statements.
2)She was a Russian and did not get opportunity to master English
language. Wrong wording, low capacity to accurately express thoughts
in words caused confusion among readers. Person who writes on
difficult subject of Theosophy must have complete mastery over
language which she did not have.
3) Masters did not expect accuracy and details from her in the
beginning of the Theosophical Society. They expected that she would
prepare a background for giving truths by occultists who would come
later. Only a general outline of future Theosophy was expected from
her. Other objective was she would somehow face initial resistance
from people which generally happens while starting new movement. Her
writing did serve the purpose in 19th century but now as accurate
details about Nature are given by occultists who came later, sticking
to HPB's vague and inaccurate writing will be great hindrance in
understanding Theosophy.
Because of the factors mentioned above her writing has many mistakes
to the extent that it is not possible to recommend for reading even a
single book by her.

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