Does HPB Contradict herself?????
Oct 23, 2004 09:04 PM
by Daniel H. Caldwell
In reply to my posting at:
I have received a number of private emails
chiding me for bringing this subject up and
saying I am just being academic and I just
don't understand.
One reply included this gem:
"This is academia type nitpicking FOR A PURPOSE..."
Another email supplies this comment:
"The date discrepancy is catching at straws in the wind.with a
No details are given to support these general
statements. No reasoning, nothing.
One student actually supplied some material and then
"....I do not see any contradiction when in
Letter # 92, pp.352-53, [written 1877] HPB
says that she has not seen the Sahib for more
than 25 years, and elsewhere asserts
that she was with her Master(Mahatma) in Tibet--about
7 years before writing the letter in question."
But none of the replies and none of the material
given bears directly on this "contradiction" as far as I can tell.
More feedback and input welcomed and please publicly post it.
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