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RE: The Life Principle

Oct 17, 2004 04:24 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Thanks - OK I had bad fall and am recuperating.

Glad to know the Web-site is registered Let me know when I can see it.

Read carefully BHAGAVAD GITA NOTES chapter 14 pp 197-201 to may help
establish the connections.

Mind is the bridge between SPIRIT and MATTER.

So all through the philosophy there are the essential BRIDGES.

The 3 Gunas equilibrate each other but they are all surveyed by the SUPREME

If our Minds are directed to seeing this connection we realize that there
are no barriers or limits to its potentiality - right from the ABSOLUTENESS
down to the physical the line is true, straight and undeviating. 

It is the MIND that sees and knows and is the ultimate PERCEIVER See also
the SECRET DOCTRINE I pp 207 - 210 on the GREAT SACRIFICE. Think of that G
S as living in each of us. IT is us and we are IT.

The 7 planes or stages or principles are essential for the transfer of
experience and consciousness. The Lower has to aspire to transform itself. 

The whole of evolution is to develop in every Monad the MIND as continuous
and inseparable consciousness that is harmless to all and beneficent and
life-giving. In that it makes itself a true representative of the ONE. 

To that extent it becomes a bridge to other Monads all aspiring to the same
condition and possibility of eternal work for the ONE SPIRIT. 


love and best wishes



-----Original Message-----
From: Laura 
Sent: Saturday, October 16, 2004 11:35 AM
To: Dallas
Subject: The Life Principle

Dear Dallas:

I have not seen that you have had any input on the email studies for a few
days. I hope you are feeling okay. It is getting cold here in Canada and
the leaves are in full colour display. Thanksgiving weekend was very sunny
and beautiful. We took a drive through the countryside.

The web site has been registered and at long last should soon be published.
It has been a struggle for all, not so much in the work itself, but in the
constant unrelenting upsets in the personal life! It magnifies with each

We have been studying on Wed. Night Blavatsky's article "The Life Principle"

I have found some interesting help in "Five Years of Theosophy on pages 498
499 and also the glossary on the Astral and Akasa.

We are struggling to make sense of it and to put it together in our minds. 

All except Atma is a vehicle for something else it would seem. That the
vivifying agent (consciousness) needs a protoplasm (formless matter) in
which to "inform". Does this correspond to Prakriti and Mulaprakriti?

Do you have any questions that we could reflect upon?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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